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tuckerm tuckerm

Here to talk about fighting games, self hosting web apps, and easy weeknight recipes.

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Posts 7
Comments 142
Good game soundtracks?
  • There are really no low points in the entire soundtrack. Although, I haven't actually played all of the DLCs, so I might have not even heard all of them.

  • Do you think the world would have been a better place if there were no religions?
  • This is a hard question. I think that we would be better off if more people adopted secular worldviews. But throughout history? I don't think we can simply say "what if there were no religions" -- we'd have to be completely different creatures for it to have gone that way. But I do think we'd be better off if we were that kind of creature.

    It's interesting that every group of people, basically ever, has started a religion. I'm no anthropologist, but as far as I know, every civilization to have ever existed has formed one. Forming a religion is as natural as forming a language. Clearly, it's a thing we do. Lacking an explanation for our questions, from "what are rainbows?" to "what happens when we die?" we will apparently just fill something in. Everyone did it.

    For us to have not formed religions, we'd have to be more comfortable with uncertainty. We'd need to have been better at accepting that we don't know some things, and we can doggedly look for answers, but we shouldn't insist that we know something before we really do. And I think our species kind of sucks at that.

    If we were better at accepting uncertainty while still pursuing answers, we'd all be better off. And maybe, as a side effect of that, we wouldn't have formed religions.

    When Og and Bog saw the sun come over the hill one morning, and Og was like, "Hey Bog, how do you think that happens?" Bog should've said, "I don't know. Maybe someday, someone will know." Instead, Bog went off on some real bullshit, and now here we are.

  • What is something people you encounter at your job say that makes you want to scream? (Job, person & quote)
  • Just charge them for bananas. 4011. Everything is bananas if it doesn't scan.

  • What is something people you encounter at your job say that makes you want to scream? (Job, person & quote)
  • Do this as a temporary measure. We will code it properly later

    I'm always blown away whenever someone says that they like some language or framework because it's "great for prototyping."

    Like, what magical fairyland software company do you work at where your prototypes are not immediately put into production as soon as they kind of start to work?

  • What is something people you encounter at your job say that makes you want to scream? (Job, person & quote)
  • I once had a job in an office building that was shared by several different businesses. One of them was an accounting firm that seemed like an incredibly boring place. And I swear, every time two guys from the accounting firm passed each other in the hallway, they had to say to each other, "You having fun yet?" or "Are ya workin' hard or hardly workin'?"

    It must have been a requirement. Literally company policy. I heard it so many times in just a couple years, there's no other explanation. Like, if you didn't say it, the manager would ask to see you in his office, and he'd be like, "Hey Phil, someone tells me that you and Dave passed each other in the hallway, and neither of you said 'you having fun yet.' Now you know we like to have fun around here, and 'you having fun yet' is part of our company culture, so I'm gonna need you to make sure that you say 'you having fun yet.' It's for fun. And we like to have fun. It's mandatory."

  • What is something people you encounter at your job say that makes you want to scream? (Job, person & quote)
  • Job: cashier. Not my current job, but definitely the one that racked up the most irritating quotes.

    Customer: "Now, don't you try to double scan my items. I'm watching you."

    I heard this one constantly when I was a cashier at a grocery store. At first I assumed that they were kidding. After all, it's such a stupid accusation to make. It was only after about 100 elderly people had said it while staring daggers at me that I realized they weren't kidding.

    I assume there must have been a news report in the 1960s about store clerks charging you twice for an item and then taking the extra cash, and a certain kind of person had been paranoid about it ever since. Except this wasn't in the 1960s, it was the 2010s, and such a scam couldn't even work anymore. The cash register isn't just a lockbox like it was in the 60s, it's a computer and it knows exactly how much money should be in it. And if it has less than that in it when your shift ends, you're screwed.

    Plus, you're paying with a credit card, Gertrude, how am I supposed to steal your shit when you're paying with a credit card?

    I think the thing that made it so irritating was the fact that they are willing to whip out this assertive, domineering attitude at you based on information that hasn't been true for about forty freaking years. They have a mistrust of other people because they don't know how the world works anymore, yet they think they've outsmarted you.

  • (This isn't related to any specific disinformation campaign -- sorry if it's off-topic for this community.)

    In short: people mostly get false information from people they do not know very well. And, oddly enough, they are more likely to believe it than if they were given that false information from someone they know well.

    I'm not sure if there is much here that is actionable by fediverse users, but it's probably good to know about. Especially if you're in a community that is mostly made up of people who only distantly "know" each other, rather than having more frequent, personal interactions with each other.

    Stardew Valley creator swears 'on the honor of my family name' that he'll never charge money for DLC
  • I swear on the soul of my father, Stardew Montoya, you will get all DLC for one price.

  • Beginner strength trainer here who just increased the weight of her dumbbells.
  • Congratulations! I want to point out that going from 5 to 6 kilograms is, in fact, a huge jump. That is 20% more than what you were doing before, which is literally huge. That is a big accomplishment -- and also, you won't have to jump by that much in the future.

    This is an unfortunate paradox for people at the beginning of their workout careers: the smaller weights are harder to move up in, because each step up is actually a pretty large percentage increase.

    going from 5 to 6 is 20% more going from 6 to 7 is 16.7% more going from 7 to 8 is 14% more and so on

    So eventually the next weight will only be like 10% more than the previous weight, and that's a much more reasonable amount to increase by. If each new dumbbell set feels way harder than before, just know that the next step up will be easier than the last one you just did.

  • Day 4 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • Nice screenshot. One thing this game did get right from day 1 was the art style.

  • It’s not them, it’s us: the real reason teens are ‘addicted’ to video games
  • This article brings up a great point.

    In addition, I've always thought that video games work the way we were told the world worked. (At least, the way we were told it worked in the 90s in America.) Work hard to get some resources so that you can use those resources to build more stuff to get more resources, etc.

    Kids today can work as hard as they want, only to still have no chance of paying for college and still have no chance of buying a house. Video games at least provide that "strategy -> effort -> reward -> next level" cycle that our brains find very rewarding, which, for far too many people, does not exist in real life.

    That's probably what makes modern games so disappointing, too. Games were one area that actually was a meritocracy... until pay-to-win messed that up.

  • what're some of your gaming hot takes? In regards to opinions about certain characters or plot points, etc.
  • Sonic and Dr. Robotnik are codependent. They don't actually want to defeat each other. That's why Robotnik is always building these elaborate bases that, for some reason, have a bunch of perfectly Sonic-sized tubes for getting around in. And it's why there's always that moment at the end where Sonic is chasing Robotnik but doesn't catch him.

  • A sim rally & racing game community
  • Cool! I'm not a hardcore sim racing fan, but I got a little into them when I realized that you can play them without a wheel if you use the gyroscope in a PS5 controller for steering. It's not perfect, but it's accurate enough to play these games that are otherwise unplayable with an analog stick.

    BTW if anyone is reading this and thinks you might want to try it, Assetto Corsa is two dollars on the Steam sale right now. It came out a while ago, but there are graphics mods that make it look nice.

  • PolyKybd Split 72 - My own split keyboard creation
  • This looks incredible! Maybe I'll finally stop forgetting my own custom layouts with this.

  • I want to want new keyboards but I can't move on from this one
  • I had no idea any solenoid keyboards were being made. Looks like a solid endgame right there.

  • How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going?
  • Been mostly playing Capcom vs SNK 2 on my Anbernic Arc handheld lately. IMO, it's the only handheld with a d-pad that you can enjoy fighting games on, so I've been using it for that. Current goal is to get through arcade mode as Terry and Evil Ryu with no deaths.

  • METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE is now available on GOG
  • In case anyone doesn't know, this game is basically Devil May Cry but in the Metal Gear Solid universe.

    I'm telling you that because I didn't know that when I bought it. I had played MGS 1 and 2 before buying this game, and it took a couple of hours for me to realize, I don't think I'll be sneaking up on anybody in this one. It's a good Devil May Cry game, though!

  • New Feature to Highlight journalism on Mastodon
  • This is very cool. I'm hoping and do it -- those are two independent sites that I've subscribed to after hearing about them on the fediverse. Seems like most of 404media's writers are on Mastodon, at least.

    I also like that this feature creates the ability to have a known link for an author across multiple websites. With that, you could show posts that link to any other article by the same author, regardless of which site the article was published on. So then you can see all the threads of discussion about all of the articles that particular author has written.

  • New Crazy Taxi title will be an open-world, massively multiplayer AAA game, according to Sega
  • It could've been the first YAAA YAAA YAAA YAAA YAAA game. Instead, it's just an AAA game, and I'm probably going to skip it. :(

  • Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
  • Yes! It's the only kind of game where an LLM would be a good addition.

  • As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline

    Parents are increasingly rethinking what it means to create an online footprint their child can’t actively consent to.

    As the Internet Gets Scarier, More Parents Keep Their Kids’ Photos Offline

    Here's a non-paywalled link to an article published in the Washington Post a few days ago. It's great to see this kind of thing getting some mainstream attention. Young children have not made an informed decision about whether they want their photos posted online.


    Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor? Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor? - Lemmy

    Lately I’ve been really liking the idea of having something hosted on a RISC-V machine. RISC-V is a non-proprietary instruction set that is a competitor to ARM. The idea of having a something running on an open source operating system, running on an open standard CPU, served from my house, gives me ...

    (also posted on @selfhost)

    RISC-V is a non-proprietary instruction set that is an alternative to ARM. I had thought that we were still waiting for a stable Linux distribution on RISC-V devices, but it turns out many RISC-V machines can run Debian already.

    Does anyone have a RISC-V device that they use regularly? How has it been working?


    Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor?

    Lately I've been really liking the idea of having something hosted on a RISC-V machine. RISC-V is a non-proprietary instruction set that is a competitor to ARM. The idea of having a something running on an open source operating system, running on an open standard CPU, served from my house, gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

    I was under the impression that most Linux distributions were unstable on RISC-V. Turns out, I'm wrong about that. From a quick search, the following have official Debian images:

    and the Pine64 Star64 has a community-maintained Armbian image.

    Does anyone here have a RISC-V single-board computer doing anything practical for you?


    Live action "Meet the Sniper" video, with the real TF2 voice actors


    8bitdo made a Commodore 64 variant of their keyboard 8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard (C64 edition, ships on Sep. 28th, 202

    NOTES: We are NOT liable for ANY extra import taxes so please learn about local customs policy before purchasing. After ordering, please pay attention to the tracking update and deal with clearance timely. We will deduct 70% of the paid amount if the packages are returned due to overdue customs clea...

    8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard (C64 edition, ships on Sep. 28th, 202

    The 8bitdo keyboard has been pretty well-received as a \~$100 wireless keyboard with ABS keycaps. I love the way this C64 color scheme looks.

    I have an 8bitdo arcade stick, which looks like it uses the same knob as this keyboard for selecting the wireless mode. I love the way it feels every time I turn it on.

    Unfortunately, the keyboard doesn't use QMK -- it uses their own mapping software, which is Windows only. This makes it a non-starter for me, since I rarely use a Windows computer these days. But I just might have to copy that color scheme for my next build.

    nixos tuckerm

    Is there an easy way of starting up services with just the nix package manager and not using NixOS?

    Hi, sorry if that title isn't very clear. I just started learning about nix a couple days ago; I'll explain what I mean.

    I'm trying to set up a web application that I'm currently hosting with Docker containers, but do it with nix instead, like what's shown in this blog post:

    However, I don't have NixOS on my server. I'm using Debian, with the nix package manager installed.

    Is it possible to use a nix config file, like the one below, when only using the nix package manager? Currently it errors when I try to call nix-build with it, giving an error about calling a lambda function that never called self. If I remove the self argument, it complains about config, and so on.

    ``` { self, config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

    { services = { nextcloud = { enable = true; hostName = "";

    package = pkgs.nextcloud27;

    # Let NixOS install and configure the database automatically. database.createLocally = true;

    # Let NixOS install and configure Redis caching automatically. configureRedis = true;

    < other settings here... > }; }; }


    From what I've read, the services part of that creates systemd services, which makes me think that it only works if you're on a full NixOS system and not only using the nix package manager. But it's been difficult to find a clear answer on that, probably because I'm still learning what terms to search for.
