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thesanewriter TheSaneWriter
Posts 11
Comments 284
Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • Welcome to the community. I hope you enjoy your time here, I know I have!

  • Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • It's also about search engine indexing. It's happening slowly, but I've noticed Lemmy posts are finally beginning to show up in Google/Bing search results. As this trend improves, more people will stumble here by accident and then join out of curiosity.

  • Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • You are correct. The first group of people to join is usually the most active because they believe in the project.

  • Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • The captcha and text prompt to join definitely helps. Having those types of simple security measures prevents people from automatically making hundreds of bot accounts, and I think is just as if not more worthwhile than verified emails for making sure that the people here are actual people.

  • Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • I think the hot algorithm here is weighted better. It pulls up brand new comments on a similar weight to older comments with hundreds of points, which makes people more likely to see and interact with new comments. The Activity and New Comments post sorts also prioritize ongoing discussions, which I think is pretty cool.

  • Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • I wouldn't mind it, but I think a Discord-like reaction system might be better than the Reddit award system. I'm open though to either or neither.

  • Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • Can I complain about people complaining about complaining?

  • Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • went under for a bit while they fixed server issues and upgraded the efficiency of the Lemmy backend, my guess is that would cause the dip in average posts.

  • Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • I follow a similar philosophy, except I do downvote the mean but not rule breaking content. While it's not bad enough to justify removal, I do still want to discourage people being mean on this platform. For most disagreeable opinions, I'll either move on or reply with my point of view.

  • Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • I think they theoretically can be used well, and I've tried to be more reserved in how I use them here on Lemmy, but I agree often times they can become culturally toxic. I'm glad Lemmy has a better culture so far, we're really building something great here I think.

  • Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
  • I'm super excited for all the development here. I'm looking forward for Boost for Lemmy, but I'm also really enjoying wefwef (soon to be Voyager) and the active development is really exciting to me.

  • Did VLemmy just crash?
  • It seems to be dropping in and out a bit. To be expected after a server version upgrade unfortunately, just give it a bit and it should go back to being more stable.

  • First screenshot of Sync for Lemmy
  • Now that's exciting, I'm looking forward to seeing the finished app

  • has now blocked / Meta
  • Oh yeah, the app is a monster that will eat all of your data. I thought we were talking about federated data they would get from the other instances, which is more or less public. My data as shown in that image is not public and I have no plans to hand it over to Meta.

  • Sometimes it gets so real you gotta strap jn
  • What if you get into an accident?

  • After leaving reddit and joining Lemmy
  • Humans are resistors. We just need to create a chain of people, and the more we add the more resistance the circuit will have too.

  • has now blocked / Meta
  • Our data is already public though? The ActivityPub standard specifies that the majority of data we publish on any given instance is public through that instance's API, and a web scraper could be easily built that would comb through and gather all of it for advertising or machine learning purposes. The only real way to avoid that would be to take the sites themselves private, which would kind of defeat the point of social media, or to just not use social media.

  • YSK these e-mail tips
  • Um, I think someone may have hit you upside the head because it's obvious and clear that my way is the best.

  • YSK these e-mail tips
  • "Remember Roger? I took him offline so hard he left the industry."

  • YSK these e-mail tips
  • Yeah, I can tell why this is from, it's all about assertiveness. People with ADHD in general (including myself, to an extent) have trouble with being assertive, so most of the phrases in this chart try to change a meek or mild-mannered response to a more assertive one. I think part of the struggle of life is finding balance because while some of these are generally improvements, others are generally worse, and the difference will depend on the tone you're going for and the person that you're sending the email.

  • We are the 16th largest instance on Lemmyverse Lemmy Explorer

    Instance and Community Explorer for Lemmy

    We are now the 16th largest instance on Lemmyverse, with 497 weekly active users and 712 monthly active users. Great job everybody, we are doing great. The community that we've cultivated here is really friendly and the server has been running very well. Also, remember that if you're enjoying the Lemmy experience here to donate to our admin @[email protected] using the links on the sidebar, donations are what keep Lemmy sustainable and allow our admins not to have to resort to things like ads to keep the instances running.


    yay -Syu Permission Denied

    Howdy, everybody. I'm posting this here in an attempt to begin to move some information that is currently only stored on Reddit over to Lemmy instead, that way we'll start coming up in Google searches and we can get our information locally. I'll post my source in the comments if anyone's interested.

    Problem: When running yay, either to install or update a package, you get an error along the lines of rm: cannot remove '~/.cache/yay/arbitrary-file': Permission denied.

    Solution: Oftentimes, it's because your permissions are wrong. You can either use chmod (helpful article) or you can use your file explorer (for Dolphin you right-click, go to properties, and then permissions) and give the build directory to give the build directory, usually ~/.cache/yay, read and modify permissions for both your user and your group, and make sure to give it to all of the subdirectories and files too. If ~/.cache/yay is not your build directory, it will be specified by the yay config, which is usually ~/.config/yay/config.json. Hope this helps any prospective Linux users, having the information about and available I think is good for the community.

    Note: This is probably the cause and solution of a lot of other permission-denied problems for yay, but I can only confirm for myself.

    Edit: Improved formatting.


    Defederation with Instances that Allow Loli and Shota

    I've been talking with @[email protected], and we agreed it would be best to discuss this as a community. What are all of your thoughts on defederating instances with loli and shota? My thoughts will be posted in the comments.


    We're Recommended

    Right now, we're the number one recommended instance to join on the site, and we are also one of 3 recommended instances in the awesome-lemmy-instances page. We may be small, but so far we're doing great!


    Should I block communities I have no interest in?

    I feel weird doing this, but some communities have been appearing in my feed that I have no real interest in, and I'm wondering if the appropriate response is to block them. That would take them out of my feed, but it feels mean to me for some reason. What are all of your thoughts?


    Remember to Report

    Hey everyone, just a friendly reminder from a member of one of your mod teams. Don't forget to report bad actors, malicious bots, or rulebreakers whenever you see them. is a rapidly growing instance and as more people join, post, and comment, it will get harder for the admins/moderators to keep up. Reporting helps the admins/moderators immediately address bad behavior, making the community better for everyone and easing everyone's workload, so remember to report.


    Remember to Report

    Hey everyone, just a friendly reminder from your mod team. Don't forget to report bad actors, malicious bots, or rulebreakers whenever you see them. [email protected] is one of the larger communities in the threadverse and it's hard to keep up, even with a larger mod team, so please report bad behavior.
