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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 37
Comments 363
Those without A/C, what are your tips to stay cool during the summer?
  • It does it's job but it's suuper ineffective - you have to have a window open to suck in (hot outside) air that the portable AC cools itself with and throws out.
    That open window even with that "sock" cover it comes with, lets back so much of the outside air and if you are like me renting a badly insulated flat, you are comfortable only when the AC is running, it won't really cool down (and keep cool) the living space.
    I do wonder why they don't make a dual hose portable systems so that at least the unit is not pulling the air directly from the window, mixing already cool inside air with the hotter outside one.

  • Just finished the SA books and ... the magic system ?
  • *grunts* I should not have read SA so fast (according to the receipt, it's exactly month and two days).

    Thank you both @[email protected] and @[email protected] for the explanations.
    I feel like one of the ten fools!

    I will have to read it all again. Seems I've missed some key details in both MB and SA as I have hard times connecting some of the stuff you have mentioned to what I am pretty sure I should already know.
    Also should have read SA in my native language.
    And and should have read Mistborn: Secret History ...

    On the bright side, now I don't have to worry what to read (the whole) next year, will probably wait for WaT to release in December and start with everything again. Thanks again though!

  • Just finished the SA books and ... the magic system ?

    So, finished RoW, I did not read the halfs (yet?) Edgedencer & Dawnshard - instead I cheated a bit and looked up the summary for these (Dawnshard mainly) as I was too hungry for more "spice" of the SA story so I wanted to continue with next SA book straight away. I did read all of the current Mistborn series we have before SA though about a year or something ago

    So I do have some notion about the...

    shards, investiture and stuff but... I am still confused how the Cosmere magic works in general - I know that magic (Investiture) is different for each planet/system of the Cosmere and guessing it has something to do with the specific shards of that system... ?


    Well, if anyone wants to chime in with pointers I would be very thankful! Meanwhile I will be scouring the wiki and WoBs to get a better picture.

    Good foss app to run a simple http server from a directory?
  • I've been using FX File Browser for the occasional need to share stuff localy - it opens a local web server where you can browse files on the phone.
    Though it's not foss and I am afraid that functionality is behind the plus version.

  • Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?
  • Great wizard of the bitrates, grant me your wisdom...

    I can't wrap my head around bitrate - if I have a full hd monitor and the media is in full hd then how is it that the rate of bits can make so much difference?
    If each frame in the media contains the exact 1920 × 1080 pixels beamed into their respective positions in the display then how can there be a difference, does it have to do something with compression?

  • [SOLVED] Postgres using a lot of CPU since update
  • Ah, you are using pretty different deployment then, even the used postgres image is different then the usual deployment ( pgautoupgrade/pgautoupgrade:16-alpine instead of postgres:16-alpine) this might or might not cause differences.

    I would try increasing POSTGRES_POOL_SIZE to 10-20, but I am guessing here, the idea being that lemmy is hammering postgres through the default 5 conns which increases CPU but that is a bit of stretch

  • [SOLVED] Postgres using a lot of CPU since update
  • do you also have pict-rs connected to this postgres instance? that is surprisingly low number to me, I would have expected anywhere between 20-50 active connections (I use 50 for lemmy and 20 for pict-rs, configured in their respective conf files)

  • [SOLVED] Postgres using a lot of CPU since update
  • hmm, how many connections are used SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity; ?
    I am not a master postgres admin but my intuition has been that the amount of connections is a big factor in how pg behaves with cpu and mem.

  • Anyone knows what happened to

    The server does not even respond to pings but I can see some comments/posts from the instance made few days ago.

    Have there ever been reports of MAS pirated Windows 10 being unsafe, stealing passwords etc.?
  • MAS is open-source meaning anyone with the skill can verify what the powershell code does. This does not mean it's absolutely safe and trustworthy but does give it a big plus.

    (the way I understand it is that) It also uses a loophole in the free upgrades from older win versions to 10/11 to get you a valid license from Windoze servers directly - it is not a keygen or cracker.

    So, I will vouch for MAS but care has to be taken to download it from the official site/repository.

  • Factorio taaz Friday Facts #413 - Gleba | Factorio

    IntroductionAlbert Making a new world in Factorio is relatively "easy", just create a new set of tilesets for the ground, add some new models of trees, create a bunch of new decoratives, some decals (optional), a new skin for the cliffs (optional), and bam! you get a new planet. Well, to be fair,...

    Friday Facts #413 - Gleba | Factorio
    Factorio taaz Friday Facts #410 - Rocket turret & Target priorities | Factorio

    Hello, We know you love to blow things up, and the Space Age expansion will be bringing ever more advanced and powerful ways of bearing arms against your enemies.

    Friday Facts #410 - Rocket turret & Target priorities | Factorio

    How the US Is Destroying Young People’s Future | Scott Galloway | TED

    I think this should be seen by more people, it's also not just a US thing.

    Factorio taaz Friday Facts #409 - Diminishing beacons | Factorio

    Hello, Today we're going to take a look at a feature some of us have dreamt of changing for years now - the beacon transmission. The main purpose of beacons is to allow massively increasing your production in the late game while being more than just a module or a faster machine. To make use of be...

    Friday Facts #409 - Diminishing beacons | Factorio

    [Enigmatica2] Fed up with multiple mods doing same thing/Modpacks with Forestry Bees?

    cross-posted from:

    > I wanted to reminisce a bit and play something that has Forestry (for the bees) and while I am not new to technic modpacks (Tekkit mainly) I don't have that much time to sink into automation now. > > I choose E2 because I heard good things about Enigmatica in general so if I wanted Forestry it seemed like a good "latest and somewhat up-to-date" choice. > > Though, after breezing thru early game, going straight for dia pickaxe and making CC Turtle then excavate a bit to get a some ores, I found out I have no idea how to make some early-ish game generation and to top it of it looks like there is tons of different mods doing same thing, power generation, grinding, furnaces, pipes - so many different pipes and obviously three or four different energy units where I don't know what works with what. > > > I guess I am asking if this is normal (or maybe E2 is too old?), also any tips for a "dusted-off" tekkit like experience? Or maybe something more streamlined. > I would love something with forestry as my mid/end game plan is just bees. > > Thanks for any tips!


    [Enigmatica2] Fed up with multiple mods doing same thing/Modpacks with Forestry Bees?

    cross-posted from:

    > I wanted to reminisce a bit and play something that has Forestry (for the bees) and while I am not new to technic modpacks (Tekkit mainly) I don't have that much time to sink into automation now. > > I choose E2 because I heard good things about Enigmatica in general so if I wanted Forestry it seemed like a good "latest and somewhat up-to-date" choice. > > Though, after breezing thru early game, going straight for dia pickaxe and making CC Turtle then excavate a bit to get a some ores, I found out I have no idea how to make some early-ish game generation and to top it of it looks like there is tons of different mods doing same thing, power generation, grinding, furnaces, pipes - so many different pipes and obviously three or four different energy units where I don't know what works with what. > > > I guess I am asking if this is normal (or maybe E2 is too old?), also any tips for a "dusted-off" tekkit like experience? Or maybe something more streamlined. > I would love something with forestry as my mid/end game plan is just bees. > > Thanks for any tips!


    [Enigmatica2] Fed up with multiple mods doing same thing/Modpacks with Forestry Bees?

    I wanted to reminisce a bit and play something that has Forestry (for the bees) and while I am not new to technic modpacks (Tekkit mainly) I don't have that much time to sink into automation now/reading wikis (that are a bit barren bc of the old mods) or going thru tons of (240p) videos.

    I choose E2 because I heard good things about Enigmatica in general so if I wanted Forestry it seemed like a good "latest and somewhat up-to-date" choice.

    Though, after breezing thru early game, going straight for dia pickaxe and making CC Turtle then excavate a bit to get a some ores, I found out I have no idea how to make some early-ish power generation and to top it of it looks like there is tons of different mods doing same thing, power generation, grinding, furnaces, pipes - so many different pipes and obviously three or four different energy units where I don't know what works with what.

    I guess I am asking if this is normal (or maybe E2 is too old?), also any tips for a "dusted-off" tekkit like experience? Or maybe something more streamlined. I would love something with forestry as my mid/end game plan is just bees.

    Thanks for any tips!

    Lemmy Support taaz

    Spikes of "WARN lemmy_server::root_span_builder: Unknown" in logs

    lemmy-1 | 2024-03-04T00:55:02.006942Z WARN lemmy_server::root_span_builder: Unknown: lemmy-1 | 0: lemmy_apub::insert_received_activity lemmy-1 | with ap_id=Url { scheme: "https", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: Some(Domain("")), port: None, path: "/activities/announce/like/19396dee-b18d-42d4-ba74-31986d4726e0", query: None, fragment: None } lemmy-1 | at crates/apub/src/ lemmy-1 | 1: lemmy_apub::activities::community::announce::receive lemmy-1 | at crates/apub/src/activities/community/ lemmy-1 | 2: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request lemmy-1 | with http.method=POST http.scheme="https" otel.kind="server" request_id=13f38a7a-8814-4350-bf3a-b5a7e1dd3906 lemmy-1 | at src/ proxy-1 | XX.XX.XX.XX- - [04/Mar/2024:02:55:02 +0200] "POST /inbox HTTP/1.1" 400 47 "-" "Lemmy/0.19.3; +"

    Considering the timing this is probably a side effect of .world upgrading to 0.19.3 and their federation kicking into "higher" gear. I see 20-50 warnings like these in logs every minute all from I am guessing .world thinks at least one of my users are subscribed to a community but they are not (?) so my instance drops the federation (?)


    Model Design Theory Tips/Tricks/Docs (for a card game agent)

    I am currently trying to get a bit more into ML, for me that means playing with it in some context I know already or applying it to something interesting - either way I am aware this whole endeavor is a bit of stretch and having a good grasp on machine learning requires a good mathematical knowledge.

    In my off time I have been recreating a digital copy of a table card game called Scout: For The Show and I had the great idea to try and make an autonomous agent based on Machine Learning for it (definitely the best starting idea /s but there is still a lot to learn in failures).

    First, I did the naive thing, imagined the inputs and outputs from a players perspective - current hand, amount of turns taken, count of cards in other player hands, ... but my intuition tells me this is in some way very wrong (?), the "shapes" of these inputs/outputs are weird - I don't think the model would respond with a valid move anytime soon during training like this, if ever.

    Second, I've then searched far and wide for card games and machine learning and found some resources where they usually reduce the problem space as much as possible and apply the model only on a subset of the information (often represented in completely different formats/dimensions - Markov Decision Process).

    Obviously I am not asking for the mathematical analysis of the game in question, in broad sense I am looking for any kind of pointers that might apply here, I am aware this is a very brute-force approach for something that should be carefully mathematically analyzed and from that a model could be derived.

    Thanks for any pointers, wisdoms or ideas!


    Notes: I am coming from a software development background - Python mainly, so it's not that far for me programming wise, and I have already played with YOLO models though only as user.

    The Scout card game has 45 cards with a number (1-10) on the top and bottom, the main objective is to capture points by playing stronger card combinations, either pairs/triples/x of a single number (1-1-1, 9-9, ...) or sequences/straights (2-3, 5-6-7-8, ...). The twist is that cards in hand can't be moved or flipped around, only the top side number is important for most of the game (and each variation of the top/bottom numbers is contained only once, 1/10 and 10/1 is the same card, only flipped). Players take turns in either playing a new hand on the table (Show - capturing the remaining hand, scoring) or taking a one card from the table (Scout) and putting it anywhere in their hand, even flipping top/bottom)

    Resources I have found: (Great explanation of the problems with solved/unsolved games, minimax, MCTS etc) (Reinforced Learning)


    Best of Anime 2023 | Gigguk


    What should I use my RPi4 for?

    I have a unused RPi4 (the 8Gig one) running DietPi. I did use it as a playground but ever since I am renting a Hetzner machine for (playground) stuff that I want web accessible, I don't have particular use for the Pi.

    I am currently running (outdated) Home Assistant on it but there isn't much I can connect it with (yet, getting the flashable/compatible ikea smart lightning zigbee? bridge thingy is on my bucket list). Obviously I do have a pihole there.

    Shoot me any other ideas I could run there. Some kind of monitoring of my rented infra would be cool (I already have uptime kuma on the dedi hetzner box). One idea I had was if there are some OSS security scanning "daemons" I could use on to monitor my other infra.

    Thanks a lot!


    6 Years of Game Development Led To This... | VOIN - Devlog #0

    Looks pretty great to me.
