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sohrabbehdani Sohrab Behdani

18 years old

Developer of Parch Gnu/Linux

Posts 9
Comments 18
Any alternatives to plume and writefreely?
  • we want something simple like plume with more features and good RTL support.

    Ghost in my tests had some problem with RTL

  • Any alternatives to plume and writefreely?
  • we dont need that much feature :)

  • Any alternatives to plume and writefreely?
  • yes but unfortunately it still lacks some features that we need, for example in my tests it had problem with bidi text.

  • Any alternatives to plume and writefreely?

    is there any alternatives to plume and writefreely in fediverse? plume has some problems and writefreely is so minimal.

    AUA: We are the Plasma dev team. Ask Us Anything about Plasma 6, gear 24.02, Frameworks 6 and everything else in the upcoming Megarelease.
  • and I don't know if it is a right place to ask, but the maui toolkit hig is missing :)

  • AUA: We are the Plasma dev team. Ask Us Anything about Plasma 6, gear 24.02, Frameworks 6 and everything else in the upcoming Megarelease.
  • thanks your for sending this link :)

    is there any plans for tok to return? the need for a proper telegram client is a lot , telegram desktop cannot be as good as a native client on mobile screen.

  • AUA: We are the Plasma dev team. Ask Us Anything about Plasma 6, gear 24.02, Frameworks 6 and everything else in the upcoming Megarelease.
  • is there any plans for more mobile friendly applications?

    the only problem that i have currently with plasma mobile is the lack of mobile friendly applications :)

  • Plasma Mobile Notch on Pocophone f1

    i was playing with pmos and plasma mobile yesterday.

    i was wondering if plasma mobile could support the notch, some of the icons are hidden and unreachable :.)

    What had happened to Tok?
  • yes but unfortunately its not mobile optimized :)

  • What had happened to Tok?

    Tok was the Kde telegram client but it seems that the development is stoped.

    what had happened to it?

    انجمن کاربران فارسی زبان لمی Sohrab Behdani

    مشکل RTL در لمی حل شد

    با تشکر از آقای آهنگرهای عزیز ، در آخرین نسخه از لمی مشکل متن دوسویه برطرف شده و این نسخه در نمونه های در دسترس هستند و به زودی در همه نمونه ها اعمال خواهد شد.

    زبان های برنامه نویسی V و nim
  • همینطوری برای اینکه ببینم چطورن

  • یک نمونهٔ لمی برای ساختن حساب معرفی کنید
  • نمونه هستش که خودم روش حساب دارم نمونه خوبیه.

    ولی متاسفانه نه نمونه فارسی نداریم، با بچه های خیارستان حرف میزنم ببینم میتونن بالا بیارن یکی یا نه

  • انجمن کاربران فارسی زبان لمی Sohrab Behdani

    زبان های برنامه نویسی V و nim

    سلام دوستان به نظر شما برای نوشتن یک برنامه ساده بین زبان های

    vlang و nim

    کدومشون بهترن؟

    انجمن کاربران فارسی زبان لمی Sohrab Behdani

    آغاز به کار انجمن فارسی زبان لمی

    با درود خدمت همگی

    از این به بعد میتونید توی این انجمن سوالاتتون رو مطرح کنید


    ۱. از توهین و مسخره کردن یک دیگر پرهیز کنید

    ۲. از طرح سوالات نامربوط جدا خودداری کنید

    کاربران بسیار فعال پس از مدتی دسترسی ادمین دریافت خواهند کرد.

    Unixporn Sohrab Behdani

    Parch Linux + Bspwm

    Parch is an open-source, Arch-based Linux distribution, that tried to be pretty, easy to use, light, fast and stable.

    Appimages, snaps and flatpaks
  • those softwares are released with their own installer ( davinci resolve for example )

  • Appimages, snaps and flatpaks
  • there is a store for them called appimage pool which is written in flutter and its also an appimage itself.

  • Appimages, snaps and flatpaks
  • yes appimages are good but my problem with them is that when there is a new version i should download them again and again....

  • Appimages, snaps and flatpaks
  • yes flatpaks are great but their only downside is the download size of an application

  • Appimages, snaps and flatpaks
  • aur is limited to arch based distros only

  • Appimages, snaps and flatpaks
  • but what about the apps that are not in the official repository?

    for example tuba the mastodon client

  • Appimages, snaps and flatpaks

    Appimages, snaps and flatpaks, which one do you prefer and why?

    why is it like this?
  • no they just decided to make 4.0 into 40

  • why is it like this?
  • somehow i agree with you.

  • why is it like this?
