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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 6
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Fun fact: If you use your bank to threaten adobe, they will waive the cancellation fee
  • I would imagine that it's exactly because of the word you used. Fraud.

    If someone is going on a chargback spree it's going to look fraudulent from the customers end. So their would likely need to be some kind of evidence or back and forth with the credit card company. Since they are now the middle man taking money from companies and putting it back in a lowly plebs pocket.

  • Assetto Corsa Content Manager Question
  • I didn't at first, but after the response from @mranderson17 I ended up doing just that. Which seems to have resolved that issue.

    Prior to enabling testing/unstable repos for access to Plasma 6.1, CM was working fine on Wayland. However after the update it seems to have broken it but changing to X11 fixes the issue. So it's likely a combination of me messing with my system and something with Plasma 6.1.

  • Assetto Corsa Content Manager Question
  • Thank you for that.

    It didn't help but it definitely got me moving in the right direction. I remembered that I recently (yesterday) enabled the testing and kde-unstable repos in my system so I could install Plasma 6.1 to check it out. Prior to this change I had CM working properly but was having issues getting CSP to work. Well, I figured out a workaround to getting CSP to work (after this change) by just copying over my install directory from windows on top of the install in Linux. However since I had already updated to Plasma 6.1 it came with the new issue of the drop down menus.

    I was using Wayland. Just swapped over to X11 and it's working as intended. So something with Plasma 6.1 on Wayland is causing the issue.

    So mostly a bunch of messing around with my system is probably what is causing the issue and for whatever reason disabling the testing and unstable repos isn't allowing me to revert back to the previous version of Plasma. Not really sure why but that's a totally different issue.

    I really appreciate the time you took to give me such an in depth response.

  • Assetto Corsa Content Manager Question

    Having some trouble getting the drop down list to show any details.

    As you can see in the screenshot it's just blank. Outside of that, everything Assetto Corsa works great.

    I have tried following the method at the following link however it doesn't work at all for me. I can make it through the process up to the point where you should be able to launch CM but it just fails to launch.

    If I install AC fresh, using experimental or GE-Proton9-7 it will launch CM, but none of the drop down menus work, they just appear like in the screenshot.

    I'm assuming that this may be related to some kind of .net issue but before I go digging around trying to manually change stuff, I figured I'd check if any one else has seen this issue.


    KDE Plasma 6.1 Keyboard LED Question

    I see lots of posts about KDE being able to sync the screen with LED backlit keyboards but other than saying that, no information on how to do it or what keyboards are compatible.

    I could be totally missing something, I tried to parse through the changelog but didn't see anything in there about it.

    Would anyone be able to explain how I should check if my keyboard (Akko 5108) is compatible and how I can change the settings if possible?

    Microsoft accidentally lists the benefits of not using a Microsoft account on Windows 11
  • Again, it is not a "Custom OS" you aren't installing it as an OS from an ISO. You are still required to have your own licensed version of windows and install that prior to using AtlasOS. Using it does not cause security and instability issues as long as you understand what you are doing. Yes it is stripping things from windows. It's also open source so if you were so inclined you could see exactly what is being done.

    If you equate using an automated solution to do things that you could do manually albeit with a bit more work involved, then every single OS is custom the second you change anything on it.

    I do use Linux for what it's worth and have been for around 20 years. I've also been working in Tech for the last 15 ish years. I wouldn't be blindly recommending something that would wreck someone's security.

    Please do some research.

    There's a link to their source code. They even state that you have options to what security settings get messed with. So again, as long as you READ and understand what you are doing, you aren't necessarily breaking your systems security.

  • Microsoft accidentally lists the benefits of not using a Microsoft account on Windows 11
  • It's not a custom version of windows.

    Please make sure you do some research before you implicate things.

    AtlasOS modifies a fresh install of windows to help get rid of bloat ware and some of the security concerns that MS puts in their OS.

  • Microsoft accidentally lists the benefits of not using a Microsoft account on Windows 11
  • Dual boot, and use something like AtlasOS to clean up the BS that comes with windows.

    I have a separate drive with windows for solidworks and a few online games I play occasionally. 99% of the time I run Linux though.

    That being said I understand if you game online a lot and those games don't work in Linux then that really isn't an option.

    At the very least though I would check out something like AtlasOS, it works for both W10 and 11.

  • Millionaire Investment Banker Jonathan Kaye caught punching, and breaking an unarmed woman's nose during Brooklyn Pride Festival
  • I do agree with you on the accidental thing 100%. Accidents happen, but that's different than what is being discussed.

    Also, yeah it may seem funny if it happens to some high profile person, but put yourself on the receiving end of a direct intentional thing like that and you aren't going to be overly happy about it. You definitely understand that.

    I grew up in some not so great places, got bullied a lot as a kid. I don't bully people as a result but I am a bit more defensive and would be quick to toss a jab and subsequent more if I felt the need was there.

    All in all, I do feel that I want to be 100% clear that I'm not defending the guy, I don't know the situation, dude obviously had an advantage and in the brief bit that we see it does kinda seem like they were both instigating the situation.

  • Millionaire Investment Banker Jonathan Kaye caught punching, and breaking an unarmed woman's nose during Brooklyn Pride Festival
  • It's possible, but fortunately I'm not.

    It doesn't matter if it hurt or not. The point is, if someone were to assault me I would defend myself because I would immediately be put into a position where I need to consider what this person is about to do.

    Inb4 "but it didn't hurt, it's just liquid", that isn't the point. Should it be ok for people to just throw liquid on you? Ahh so just go tell the cops so they can do nothing or if you're even less fortunate that you're already dry at that point and that person is long gone.

    So what is the right solution here? I seriously doubt you would just walk away if someone walked up to you and threw a cup of whatever in your face.

  • Millionaire Investment Banker Jonathan Kaye caught punching, and breaking an unarmed woman's nose during Brooklyn Pride Festival
  • There's a difference between trying to fight where the problem stems from and handling it in an appropriate manner and getting pissed and throwing a drink at someone.

    Throwing a drink at someone and expecting to not get hit is a poor way to look at how the real world works.

  • Millionaire Investment Banker Jonathan Kaye caught punching, and breaking an unarmed woman's nose during Brooklyn Pride Festival
  • No, my points are valid, not conjecture.

    Your are making the point that she didn't deserve to get hit because she assaulted him.

    No, it very obviously didn't hurt him but if someone threw a drink at me, I would respond with like treatment or worse. This is the real world, let's treat it like it is and not beat around the bush about it.

    As I mentioned before though, it's possible (and likely) that he started the whole thing though. Without more context though we don't know. Either way, if she assaulted him, and he started it, they are both acting stupid, plain and simple.

  • Millionaire Investment Banker Jonathan Kaye caught punching, and breaking an unarmed woman's nose during Brooklyn Pride Festival
  • I'm not defending the guy but he has liquid on his back and you can barely hear him say something which sounds like she threw shit at me.

    If she threw shit at him and hit him with it... I kinda don't blame him.

    If he said something nasty, racist homophobic or otherwise insulting to her and then she threw something at him, that makes it a bit more questionable on whether or not she deserved to get hit.

    This needs much more context.

    That being said, the dude very likely was being a prick and deserved to have shit thrown at him. Still though, if you assault someone first, don't expect to not get it back. Male vs female, male vs male, female vs female and all other things in-between, you start shit, there might be repercussions. Make sure you are prepared to handle that.

    Ignoring some bigot (if he started it with words) could have potentially saved her getting her face fucked up.

    I'm sure I'll get downvoted for that but my point is still 100% valid.

    Edit: For the people that don't seem to understand how the world works. Try this experiment and get back to me. Go out into the city with a cup full of some random liquid (water, soda, whatever) find someone bigger than you and throw it all over them. Please report back and tell me how that worked out for you.

  • My grocery store wants to know my BMI
  • Because people need something to be enraged about 24/7. That doesn't mean that there isn't plenty out there to be frustrated or upset about, but it's just one more thing to add to the pile.

    Also, fact checking. Nah let's just scream into the void about stuff we know nothing about nor can we be bothered to actually check what is happening.

  • Label maker for home use
  • I see a couple notes in here for Dymo stuff. Please do your due diligence on Dymo. Their more recent label hardware is doing something similar to what you mentioned by forcing the use of their labels and not working if you try to use any other brand.

  • CEOs got hefty pay raises in 2023, widening the gap with the workers they oversee
  • There should be a rule (law) where the top 10% of the highest paid employees can only increase as much as the lowest pay increase in the company (not including non pay raise due to disciplinary actions) and I don't mean on a percentage scale.

    To add onto that, their should not be layoffs allowed for an extended period after that. Nor should transfers or title changes at that level be allowed to cause a pay increase beyond that limit within x amount of years of being employed or something similar.

    I know it's not a perfect solution, but it would be a start.

    Edit: As others have pointed out, compensation is probably a better term. When I said pay, compensation is basically what I meant. Buuut, if you aren't 100% explicit, then every loophole will be used to bypass that and just give them what they want anyways. Which the users below me pointed out and are absolutely correct.

  • Windows 10 will start pushing users to use Microsoft accounts. How to turn it off.
  • I primarily run Linux but absolutely understand the need for things that only work with windows so I dual boot. That being said I use AtlasOS which cleans up W10 pretty good. I don't have any of the crappiness that is currently hitting users.

    Also here's another site that has some information on AtlasOS as well as some other tools.

    I know it says for gaming but I use solidworks as well as some other software and my idle resource usage has went way down and it runs so much better.

  • Bambu Studio (P1S) Camera Issue

    Has anyone been experiencing issues getting their camera feed up in Bambu Studio or the Handy app?

    For the first month and a half of having this printer the camera would usually load fine with the occasional issue. However now, I can't get the camera to load at all. It just errors out and says "Loading failed [-4]!" or "Loading failed [-13]!"


    Ender 3 Max Neo Upgrades

    I'm looking to upgrade my Ender 3 Max Neo.

    It has Marlin firmware which I am unable to flash over to other versions of Marlin for some reason, it just crashes.

    My board is a 4.2.2. Obviously as indicated by the note above.

    I don't mind changing the board out but I'm having a hard time finding any information on the 3 Max Neo and would rather not buy parts just to end up finding out that it's not going to work.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    retroarch not importing games on linux

    Using Ubuntu 22.04, installed retroarch and trying to import games.

    Files are in zip format (also tried unzipped) and for whatever reason, retroarch refuses to import them.

    I can manually select and play games but no systems show up.

    Anybody ever experience something like this on Linux?

    I've tried flatpak, appimg, regular install. Same results every time.

    I use no-into sets.

    Edit: just as a side note, I can import the same games on a Windows machine just fine.
