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reallyzen ReallyZen

I have too many toothbrushes

Posts 32
Comments 374
[UPDATE] Has anyone tried Fedora Asahi Remix ?
  • Ultra-specific: soundtracks for theatre plays. I'm happy with the available vst's, but I am not a musician, I don't play instruments - I record people or I rip stuff & work from there. That said it means multi-band comps, tube-like preamps, parametric eqs, de-essers, echo/delays etc... It's OK really.

    Maybe all this is a bit like photoshop vs gimp: I mostly only ever used Ardour since forever and I cannot compare / suffer / get my workflow irremediably blocked because it doesn't work for me like I expect it to.

    Ardour is really a powerhouse now, and with the Pipewire audio stack, switching inputs or monitoring in every which way is just a breeze.

    There's tons of Linux musicians advice out there, including on, ahem, reddit. Yeah I know.

    Now that we have Steam on Asahi my macos partition gonna get shrinked to minimal functional lol.

  • [UPDATE] Has anyone tried Fedora Asahi Remix ?
  • So you own a perfect mastering device at home, now you get the ultrathin laptop to wander about. One isn't so portable, and the other may not be able to hardware-encode AV1 files. It only matters if it can play them decently.

    Also, the M chips are good, but not that good. My M2 pro is about like a 12th gen i7, not like thrice quicker in any everyday way.

  • [UPDATE] Has anyone tried Fedora Asahi Remix ?
  • Eww. I ran into similar trying to build a meson app on Asahi. Fuck that. Since the point of the Fedora-Asahi partnership is to have a max of stuff upstream, I guess it leaves you with whatever fedora is shipping - which may not be good enough for you.

    Again, depends in your use case; since the horrible business of having a full ffmpeg on one machine is done, you can use any sync software between them & not care further. I use syncthing to keep my mastering device (mbp 14, Asahi) in sync with a playback machine and a backup machine.

    But it is my use case: I use different, dedicated devices for dedicated tasks as to spread out wear, risks and improve redundancy in case of failure.

  • [UPDATE] Has anyone tried Fedora Asahi Remix ?
  • I ran into issues while exporting (rendering) with kdenlive, where you will notice available formats being different between the Mac version of kdenlive and the Linux one.

    But to me it was a matter of compatibility, I don't really care as long as I get useable files of sufficient quality, so I didn't pay much attention, works-for-me style I'm afraid.

    Same applies to hardware vs software encoding/decoding - the M chipset is quite powerful enough you shouldn't have to worry about it in a pro context where encoding is something you gotta do and it's doing it reasonably fast.

    Just try it out, it doesn't kill your mac install, and you can compare.

  • [UPDATE] Has anyone tried Fedora Asahi Remix ?
  • I use it everyday. Got it with Gnome, which is very mac-y but think ultra-zen, minimalist, early macos style. Also with the spinning cube and the wobbly windows, I just can live without these very important productivity addons.

    YMMV but for my use case it just works, period - and my use case isn't light-browsing-casual-text-editing but multitrack mixing with Ardour over Pipewire and some video editing on kdenlive. Oh and we've got steam games now lol, I just started Portal (unavailable on Mac haha) for 0.99!

    Good thing about Asahi is that it is dualboot by nature, you won't loose your macos partition for that pesky proprietary app (fuck u Qlab)

    Try it out, you'll love it if nothing specific arm64-related gets in your way. Software availability is great, there's Ftapak of course for more stuff... It works and is painless to try out.

    The Air macs are the best: light, thin, with awesome batteries. The only words of warning are about the reboot mid-process during install: Mac laptops tend to boot on any keystroke, lid movement anything so be sure to not touch anything & just long-press the power button 'til the appropriate screen shows up. That's all there is to it, the only risky moment. Just (long-)press that button.

  • Deezer ARLs not working
  • No comment on that particular service, but I just checked Murglar 2 on my phone and it half-works, not everything is available to play / download but I'm not locked out either

    Edit: I updated the app and ut seems better

  • Quels trucs de petits vieux/petites vieilles pratiquez-vous?
  • Je m'assied sur les bancs dans les parcs publics. Parfois avec un bouquin.

    Mais il faut avouer que je suis presque vieux alors c'est dans doute normal (56).

  • Parents de Jlailu, que vont faire vos enfants pendant ces vacances?
  • Venir nous visiter ! Ben oui ça grandit ces cornichons, puis ça va s'installer ici où là et c'est parfois loin (Londres)

    Mais ces vacances on se retrouve toustes plus-ou-moins au même endroit plus-ou-moins en même temps ! (Rabat)

  • Weekly thread - which shows have you watched, which ones do you recommend?
  • Finished Warehouse 13. Not unwatchable, definitely light-headed, shallow entertainment. There's a beginning and an end, nothing will break your appetite... Also not a hidden treasure or some sort if niche fabulous thing that only the true believers know about. Decent show from a period where scyfy was a thing.

  • Is there a subsect of the minimalist community that's focused on portable/utilitarian living?
  • Prius Dwellers are probably the most hardcore at that

  • do airlines prefer to fill in non emergency seats before they start placing passengers on the emergency ones?
  • These seats are more expensive due to the extra legroom. They tend to be the last ones available to people who didn't bother to buy a specific seat on cheap airlines, so if you check-in at the last moment you may get some unsold "high value" seat assigned on your boarding pass.

    Fuck airlines that make you pay to get a standard seat, quiet at the back of the plane.

  • [Discussion] Do you leave reviews on websites like IMBD or RottenTomatoes ? Which one is your favorite?
  • I used to but not anymore. Sometimes IMDb has niche movies which are devoid of reviews, but then writing one means I work for free for a private company with no ethics making tons of money so the eff with that.

    Same with gmaps and others.

  • What's a good gift for a 2-year old?
  • Wrapped in the shiniest paper!

  • How modern is it to have "sympathetic" portrayals of Hell?
  • What the, uh, crunchy hell is a "Crunchy Granola Area"? Or did you just fired the queen of all autocorrect ever & I'm being too obtuse to detect it?

  • [Jeudi Tech] Posez toutes vos questions !
  • Y'a-t-il des utilisateurs de téléphone Pixel ici ? Les prix, même en occase, même en vieux modèle, m'irritent la rétine, mais j'aimerais bien passer à GrapheneOS

    Question précise : la durée de vie de la batterie est aussi mauvaise que ça ? Y'a une différence entre modèle plus premium mais écran plus énergivore etc ? Descendre sous les 5000 mAh me stresse j'ai fréquemment de longues journées où mon téléphone me sert beaucoup, genre télécommander des machins, surveiller des bidules, envoyer des trucs. Glander sur Lemmy quand le spectacle est chiant, aussi.

  • [Jeudi Tech] Posez toutes vos questions !
  • Quelqu'un connaît une app, de préférence F-Droid ou Obtainium, de suivi d'heures de travail prestées ? Pas de chichis, de tralala, juste un truc qui dit combien d'heures j'ai passées par projet / par entité avec laquelle je bosse ?

  • [Weekly thread] Which shows have you watched this week?
  • 1~4 of Babylon5

    Can't really get into the idea of a fifth season after 4' ending - or they should've done 10 more & get us the entire 1000 years of the entire galaxy then.

    Started Battlestar Galactica. For the fourth time I think

    Was disappointed by Resident Alien. Great premises, cringe execution

  • [Mercredi CinéSéries] Qu'avez-vous vu cette semaine?
  • Fini 1~4 de Babylon 5 et je vois pas pourquoi ils ont tourné une cinquième saison - ou alors ils en tournaient 10 de plus pour vraiment nous raconter toute l'histoire de toute la galaxie quoi

    (Re-)commencé Battlestar Galactica, c'est la troisième fois je pense. Ou 4

  • What percentage of phone calls (to your personal phone) do you answer?
  • I have an app that blocks scam/spam so irl I answer 100% but technically I only pickup 50%

  • C'est fini !

    Merci à vous toustes qui avez suivi cette minuscule série et joué le jeu de chercher ou pas, trouver parfois mais pas révélé ce lieu que j'adore et où, donc, je travaille tous les étés comme régisseur de tout ce fourbi Napoléonico-troglodico-moyennageux: concerts, son-et-lumière, expos,... Bebêtes nocturnes et plein de trucs et de machins (et peut-être un ou deux fantômes agacés par nos forfanteries aussi)

    Et gros clin d'oeil à @[email protected] qui est même venu nous visiter en vrai, qui s'est tapé les 850 marches de la Galerie Souterraine et la visite guidée !








    Au bureau on dit pas Gauche / Droite mais Fleuve / Falaise


    Y'a du monde au bureau aujourd'hui


    Aujourd'hui je suis allé dire bonjour au bureau du dessus


    Parfois mon bureau me fatigue un peu


    Mon bureau a besoin d'un coup de peinture


    Mon bureau est un peu mou du drapeau ce matin


    Y'a des gens, iels grimpent sur mon bureau


    Le train passe à côté de mon bureau


    Feature request: block posts by url

    It has been asked among other thing 3 months ago, so I'm now bumping it as its own request: I am not on lemmy to see stuff from youtube, twitter, Murdoch-owned trash media, you see the point.

    Please add "block by url" to Filters, or have Keywords Filter parse the address the link points to too.

    Thanks in advance!


    Y'a du soleil à mon bureau


    Il y a des bebêtes rigolotes dans mon bureau


    Y'a des trucs dans mon bureau.


    Vue de mon bureau. J'aime bien mon bureau.


    La bande son de ce soir (d'après ma fille de 27 ans) Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    Diam's "Marine" - 2006

    (alt: ;


    Cycle (pun intended) reallyzen (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image Cycle (pun intended). I was 25 when I bought my first #motorcycle, a secondhand Enfield Bullet 350 Standard in gunmetal grey. Fast forward 30 years (and many other cool bikes) later, I just brought home today a black 2022 #RoyalEnfield Classic 350 Halcyon. Yes I went back to simp...

    reallyzen (

    I was 25 when I bought my first motorcycle, a 1992 secondhand Enfield Bullet 350 Standard in gunmetal grey. Fast forward 30 years (and many other cool bikes) later, I just brought home today a black 2022 Royal Enfield Classic 350 Halcyon.

    Yes I went back to simple, I went back to cute. And I went back to slow, there's no denying it.

    There are 2 other motorcycles that I would, could go back to: the 1st gen Ducati Monster, and an Ural Sidecar.


    Peut-on boire trop de café décaféiné ?

    Si je me laisse aller, je serais à 5 ou 6 par jour.


    AsahiLina: ✨ We got a bunch of Steam games to run on Asahi Linux!!! ✨ Asahi Lina (朝日リナ) // nullptr::live (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image ✨ We got a bunch of Steam games to run on Asahi Linux!!! ✨ Most of them run at a solid 60FPS and all of them are playable on my M2 Pro~ 🚀 All running on a krun microVM with FEX and full TSO support 💪 I was not expecting Party Animals to run! That's a DX11 game, running with t...

    Asahi Lina (朝日リナ) // nullptr::live (

    X-post from


    AsahiLina: ✨ We got a bunch of Steam games to run on Asahi Linux!!! ✨ Asahi Lina (朝日リナ) // nullptr::live (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image ✨ We got a bunch of Steam games to run on Asahi Linux!!! ✨ Most of them run at a solid 60FPS and all of them are playable on my M2 Pro~ 🚀 All running on a krun microVM with FEX and full TSO support 💪 I was not expecting Party Animals to run! That's a DX11 game, running with t...

    Asahi Lina (朝日リナ) // nullptr::live (

    Update : more games!


    Proton Annual Survey: Gentle reminder to kindly ask for a Linux Client for Drive, now. The CEO of PROTON answers YOUR questions! Drive, Linux support, Photos, features, and a lot more!

    Andy Yen, the CEO of Proton (Mail, Drive, VPN, Pass...) answered a lot of the questions you, the community, asked, in an interview that covers basically ever...

    The CEO of PROTON answers YOUR questions! Drive, Linux support, Photos, features, and a lot more!

    The link right here goes to 40:02 of Proton' boss on the TLE channel about Linux support, where a Drive Client is deemed so difficult to achieve that they don't even have a roadmap for it. Nor is the word "Linux" featured anywhere on proton's pages about Drive.


    If I believe what I see on Lemmy, 99% of users here are on Linux, and the 1% remaining probably are just waiting on a Drive Linux Client to make the switch, right? Right?

    Please take the survey and maybe mention politely our deep sorrow and profound distress.

    The accompanying message says "Limited submissions. Respond now to ensure your voice is heard."

    Let's go! Thanks!
