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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Move to defederate *.ml, hexbear, lemmygrad, etc.
  • I think that's the attitude people have that keeps them on old media like twitter, reddit, and others. Blocking did me some good, personally.

    I'm not saying everyone should block, just that the argument "but it's big" doesn't float.

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  • Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers
  • Amazing. It was published on github, which means it's available forever (anything deleted on github that was forked is still available from the fork).


    The Platform Key, or PK: This provides the root-of-trust anchor in the form of a cryptographic key embedded into the system firmware. It establishes the trust between the platform hardware and all firmware that runs on it.

    Does that mean we aren't actually fucked? Can the platform key be updated or is read-only?

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  • Why do so many people use NGINX?
  • It might be worth looking more deeply into. From a cursory glance, it might be usable for my usecase, but many service have configuration examples for NGINX (or Apache if they're old). I've never seen caddy examples. What has your experience been with adapting those examples to caddy?

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  • Why do so many people use NGINX?
  • Apache still is a pain in the ass. The only guide I found useful were from 20 years ago or so. All "modern" ones I found didn't explain stuff, but were more like "copy paste this, now you're done". They never fit my usecase.

    I honestly don't know why people new to webhosting even bother with Apache when NGINX is around. It's just so much easier.

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  • [Solved (Curious about cause and details though)] Can't update apt or install new packages or update my system.
  • Accessing these sites on my phone still works (though it didn't until I accessed them through mobile data and switched back to wifi)

    Try running dig then dig @ If the first one fails, it might be your DNS. The second one uses an alternative DNS server.

    Here are two articles on how to set a DNS server on mint:

    Try setting your DNS server to that of quad9: (literally four nines). They are a privacy-respecting DNS server.

  • No, NASA hasn’t found life on Mars yet, but the latest discovery is intriguing
  • After watching the TV show "For All Mankind", I can't help but think just how behind we are on tech and space travel. We could be out there exploring other planets on foot, but we're here with people unable to admit that we're heating up the planet.

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  • Federation issue with
  • 🤔 there must be a way to make users aware that subscribing is necessary. Indeed, after subbing I can now see posts, but as a user, I'm unaware which communities requiring subbing to have content shown and which ones just aren't working. Having to sub to a community in order to find out is an insider trick.

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  • My nixos experience
  • Quite the ride you had there. I rarely reinstall even if my system is borked and just fight through everything until it's fixed. I can understand not having that kind of time though.

    This is when I realised I can’t recommend nixos to normal people. If for any reason you need to install sth. that is not in the packages you are fucked.


    After thinking about installing it on a friend's laptop, I too ran into the issue of not finding some software and realised it would be me playing packager and package maintainer. It's simple to install Debian and call it a day.

    However once I managed to get the update working i wasn’t able to login into x11 anymore and Wayland seems inperformant in gaming.

    This is definitely a reason I don't want to use wayland yet. Maybe in a year or more it might become my main, but until then X11 it'll have to be.

    However, why do you need to boot with NVIDIA? Does GPU passthrough not work if you don't? What type of VM are you using? KVM?

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  • I used to love Android but I want to move, and I don't know if it's the right thing.
  • iOS is probably the most locked down option you can pick. The EU even told Malus to open it up and Malus tried to fuck around. Now they might be in for some monetary justice, but that might take a year or two. Emulation was even only recently allowed, but only of old shit like Windows XP.

    Android is still the most open, mainstream, phone OS out there. Get yourself a phone that can run a ROM like LineageOS, eOS, FairPhone or (if you want to give Google more money for surveillance) a Pixel to put GrapheneOS on it (easy process, you just need a browser and USB-C cable). That'll get you more freedom to keep the phone alive longer and optionally become more private (if you can learn to live without Google).

    To save money, you don't even need to buy a new one. Get a refurbished phone. They are often 100-200€ cheaper than new phones and are sometimes as good as new.

    iOS will lock you in, give you less options, and cost you loads to boot.

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  • 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey (Page Technology)
  • A few thoughts:

    • Most "popular" programming language should probably be "most used". Whether people like it is a different metric
    • Microsoft SQL Server is #4 in used SQL servers? I can only imagine it's because their are so many windows computers
    • jQuery is still used? I thought it was dead 😮
    • CMake is on the "embedded technologies" list along with gcc, clang, and cargo. how are those "embedded technologies"? they can be used for anything...
    • .NET is the most used framework? Wat? Was this mostly shared by Microsoft engineers and game devs?
    • Linux is split into distros - why not group them as "linux"? By the numbers that'd make nearly 40% of devs using Linux...
    • GDscript is now at 65% admired - dunno if it was even on the list last year?
    • Admired vs Desired feels like wrong terminology? I kind of get what they want to say, but not really. I was expecting Used vs Desired

    In total, this survey doesn't seem representative, but maybe it's because I work with backend engineers and have friends who avoid frontend and mostly use Linux. Something just seem very questionable (like all the microsoft technologies being so high up). Seems to me like respondents are a specific type of person who would answer such a survey. I also wasn't aware of the survey at all and wonder how people even know about it.

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  • Federation issue with

    I tried accessing [email protected] from and there's nothing there, but sure has a bunch.

    Is there another federation issue in lemmy again?

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    Which DNS would you recommend?

    ISPs are forced to block DNS request to certain hosts, they also monitor your DNS requests, and sometimes aren't updated that or are slow.

    Which DNS servers do you use or would recommend to others?

    10 Microsoft IT outage latest: Airports, businesses and banks including Sky News experiencing issues worldwide

    Planes have been grounded as several airports are hit by a global IT outage, with Windows PCs shutting down and broadcasters and businesses also taken offline.

    Microsoft IT outage latest: Airports, businesses and banks including Sky News experiencing issues worldwide

    Caused by security firm CrowdStrike that issued an update.


    What are your experiences with mono repos?

    I just finished watching Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository and honestly, while it looks intriguing, it also looks horrible.

    Have you run into issues? Did you love it? How was it/


    Does anybody understand how to use and what it is? DIVA.EXCHANGE: Freie Banking-Technologie. Für alle.

    Schütze deine Privatsphäre: deine Identität ist dank DIVA.EXCHANGE von deinen Transaktionsdaten getrennt. Sicher und ganz ohne zentrale Infrastruktur.

    DIVA.EXCHANGE: Freie Banking-Technologie. Für alle.

    I'm having trouble understanding what it is and how to use it. The project website seems to be filled with buzzwords but no actual usecase.

    The name hints at a being a DEX, but that doesn't seem to be it. They talk about banking for everyone, but they don't have a coin. What exactly is it and how can one use it? Is it usable by laymen?

    Maybe @[email protected] can answer or anybody else who understands it...

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    The Linux Foundation spent 2% on linux kernel support in 2023

    18 OW2 - The European Union must keep funding free software (open letter)

    The European Union must keep funding free software (open letter)

    The largest governmental fund for opensource is in danger of being cut by the EU in 2025!


    Gitlab is not willing to make a team around federation ActivityPub in GitLab

    Note: I think this is a duplicate but I can't find the other issue where this was previously discussed. It is related to other discussions on federation. I think useful to have a discussion where notes on how ActivityPub is progressing in GitLab can be recorded. --- @oelmekki started work to in...

    ActivityPub in GitLab

    The external developer who started the work and was highly praised by Gitlab offered to work for them if they made a team around federation --> nothing.

    A group of French universities are now considering making a group in order to work on it themselves and contribute back to Gitlab.

    Gitlab will most likely use it as a big selling point once all the work has been done by externals with little to no cost to Gitlab.


    Why haven't we figured out monetisation for peertube?

    The only real attempt at monetisation that I've seen is, but they use their own crypto - making it like Odysee. Why is that?

    Edit: Please, before you answer consider this monetisation doesn't mean ads!

    Gaming onlinepersona Analyst: Windows on Arm is not ready for the complexities of the PC gaming landscape

    While a move to Arm promises users with lighter and more efficient PC hardware, the state of PC gaming on Arm has a lot of catching up to do as the developer ecosystem remains in infancy.

    Analyst: Windows on Arm is not ready for the complexities of the PC gaming landscape

    cross-posted from:


    Europe's ludicrous hydrogen bet - DW Planet A - 24 may 2024

    > > > Europe's betting big on hydrogen – despite a lot of drawbacks. Is the continent's hydrogen strategy overblown? And if so…why? > >

    A biased video from Deutsche Welle that draws a conclusion in the title, but still interesting to hear the other side even though we might not agree with them.


    1 Billion Dollars for Open Source Maintainers | Tobie Langel @ OpenUK 15 feb 2024

    After reading this post about Rust having a "supply chain problem" and @[email protected]'s response linking to the blog post "I'm not a supplier", I couldn't help but think of this talk (opensource conference hosting exclusively on youtube, make that make sense).


    "No way to prevent this" say users of only language where this regularly happens - 07/01/2024

    A shitpost about languages that generate CVEs


    TheLinuxExperiment: Menus, windows, launchers & system trays SUCK. What can we replace them with? Menus, windows, launchers & system trays SUCK. What can we replace them with?

    Get the free Cybersecurity Mistakes ebook here:

    Menus, windows, launchers & system trays SUCK. What can we replace them with?

    > If you think about productivity, you can't help but think that having the default state of your computer being an image with a few icons on it is less than stellar. For opening files, it will never be tidy enough to give you access to all you need, you need a launcher or a folder structure, meaning the desktop is bad at this. For opening apps, having visual shortcuts on the desktop is a duplicate of whatever panel or launcher you have.


    Is this the electron-alternative we've been waiting for? GitHub - DioxusLabs/dioxus: Fullstack GUI library for web, desktop, mobile, and more.

    Fullstack GUI library for web, desktop, mobile, and more. - DioxusLabs/dioxus

    GitHub - DioxusLabs/dioxus: Fullstack GUI library for web, desktop, mobile, and more.

    Fullstack GUI library for web, desktop, mobile, and more. In Rust using a HTML + CSS renderer built on top of Servo.


    Derisking a project 1 year out

    Anakin Padme meme:

    Anakin: I will use agile to plan my project\ Padme: 2-3 sprints ahead right?\ Anakin:\ Padme: 2-3 sprints ahead right?


    Should jonringer just fork nixos? RingOS?

    And others like him that have been ostracized. His mere presence seems to bring out quite negative emotions in people.

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    Solved: How can containers be forced to use a VPN?

    I'd basically like to run some containers within a VPN and some outside of it. The containers running within the VPN should not be able to send or receive any traffic from outside the VPN (except localhost maybe).

    The container could be docker, podman, or even a qemu VM or some other solution if need be.

    Is that possible? Dunno if this is the right place to ask.


    Use folks.

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    Resolved: Is there something that can update /etc/hosts from feeds?

    Pi-Hole and similar DNS adblockers just seem like a hassle. I can't tell my parents to buy a raspi, flash it, install and configure pi-hole, configure their routers or devices to point to the raspi, and do all of that from another city. Also personally, there's no time for that in my house.

    Is there a program or systemd service I can run that pulls blocklists from somewhere (git, http, ...) and updates /etc/hosts? Before I go off and write a python script, systemd unit file, and shell script to install it on the linux systems of friends of family, does this exist?

    Resolution comment: Tblock

    10 New robotic gripper for automated apple picking developed

    A robotic gripper developed by Washington State University researchers is able to gently grab the majority of apples out of a tree without damaging the fruit.

    New robotic gripper for automated apple picking developed