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natedog526 Omnifarious
Posts 1
Comments 35
Anybody else think it was messed up that Data kept Spot trapped in his quarters?
  • Didn't Data play with spot at one point with a cat toy? One of those feather toys on the end of a string? I swear I remember this happening.

  • me_irl
  • Hello, fellow Midwesterner.

  • Microsoft to test “new features and more” for aging, stubbornly popular Windows 10
  • This is good news to me since I don't play twitch shooters.

  • Microsoft to test “new features and more” for aging, stubbornly popular Windows 10
  • As of right now? It'll probably be the drop in support next year. While I have my complaints about Microsoft or any major corporation, for that matter, I'm not the most tech savvy. If Microsoft were to come out and say support is extended, I'll stick with W10. If they come out with an OS that allowed me to pick and choose what software I wanted and didn't load it with a shit ton of bloat ware I'd be all over that like shit on velcro. I know these are pipe dreams, and I will most likely move. For now, I will stay the current course until it's time to jump into the Linux pool and learn how to swim.

  • Microsoft to test “new features and more” for aging, stubbornly popular Windows 10
  • Honestly my ability to game has what has kept me out of linux. I trialed PopOs a while ago. I will more than likely switch to it when shit starts getting super annoying.

  • Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025
  • Curious about this too. I was gonna spend some time trying some different distros. Both mint and PopOs are on my list.

  • Trump threatens to prosecute Bidens if he’s re-elected unless he gets immunity
  • Do I wanna know what stage comes after that?

  • 'I felt like a freak because I didn't want children'
  • When I got sterilized, the doctor asked me if I was in a committed relationship. Told him I was. Then he said that I need to treat this as permanent. Told him it wasn't a problem. He pushed a little more but inevitable told him that if things changed and I ended up with a woman who wanted children, adoption was an option. That ended it for me, and I was able to get the procedure done. I don't know if this is typical for men, but that was my experience.

  • Researchers Develop AI to Predict Resignation Risk With New Recruits
  • Pree

    I've taken the liberty of conducting the interview on your behalf. You didn't like the job and quit within three days. You now no longer need to have this conversation and can do something else.

  • ‘I cannot afford to live’: Gen Z is full of financial angst despite inheriting a golden job market
  • Not to mention the amount of "ghost jobs" that people are applying to and not knowing it.

  • Trump is prepared to post $100 million bond but not the full $454 million judgment, lawyers say
  • I dont believe so no. Honestly don't follow it because it just makes my blood boil.

  • Trump Offers Court a $100 Million Bond to Pause a $454 Million Judgment
  • What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?

  • Trump is prepared to post $100 million bond but not the full $454 million judgment, lawyers say
  • He is probably waiting to see if his fan base actually raises all the money on gofundme.

  • [Movie] What would you say is the most cyberpunk *kids* movie?
  • Oh I agree. I just wouldn't know any other examples that would fall into it. I'd have to do some thinking and some digging personally.

  • [Movie] What would you say is the most cyberpunk *kids* movie?
  • I think what needs to be looked at here is what is the defines cyberpunk from other genres. From what I've gathered on a quick search, it seems to be defined by high-tech advancements; such as cybernetics, ai, and other such, and low-life societal conditions usually associated with dystopia or societal decay. Of the three movies you listed, I've seen two. Astro Boy fits this the best, considering the stark contrast of conditions between the cloud city and the surface. Next Gen is good, but I don't know how well it fits since it seems everyone lives a pretty decent life, at least from what I remember of the film anyway. Have not seen the last one on your list. I personally can't think of any movie that would be considered cyberpunk for kids off the top of my head. But I'm sure it exists somewhere. Even if the story is made more palatable by having the hero win a decisive victory over the big bad corporation (or any bad guy really), it can still be cyberpunk. Just maybe a more optimistic part of the genre.

  • best app for lemmy?
  • I'm quite happy with boost. I've used eternity before, and it's a pretty good one, too. Like someone else said, there are many apps, so it's a matter of preference. You're probably going to have to try out a few before you find one you like.

  • Satanists expose the GOP doublespeak on "free speech" and bigoted rhetoric
  • The same way members of the Church of Satan are Satanists. What your probably thinking of is Devil Worship which is different. You can actually go to either of these organizations websites and they should be able to give you a good overview.

  • Tell ohio lawmakers to respect the will of the people.
  • Admittedly, I'm not entirely sure where my rep stands, but I still sent out a letter expressing my concerns and stating that I won't support a politician who goes against the will of the people like that. I still plan on supporting the gerrymandering reform when that comes along.

  • Tell ohio lawmakers to respect the will of the people. Tell Ohio Lawmakers to Respect Voters and Leave Issue 2 Alone

    A majority of Ohio voters approved a ballot measure to legalize and regulate marijuana for adults, but the legislature is trying to restrict their decision.

    Tell Ohio Lawmakers to Respect Voters and Leave Issue 2 Alone

    I've been hearing for a while now how lawmakers are either wanting to change certain parts of the law or outright repeal it. I encourage every voter in ohio to write their state representative and tell them to back down.

    Book Recommendations for tween girl
  • What should I read next is a good resource for this. Personally I would suggest Pratchett. You can jump in anywhere with his books.