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milkytoast milkytoast

car enthusiast


fuck reddit

Posts 37
Comments 258
Prosthetic limb device enables users to ‘sense’ temperature difference
  • can people with prosthetics feel stuff? are we at that point technologically? if so, how precisely? with my fleshy fingers I can tell the difference between glass and less smooth surfaces, or even a hair ir some dust, but I doubt prosthetics would be at such s point

  • How's everyone doing? Rule
  • not good but fuck it we ball

  • Fluffy 🤤
  • if not fren why fren shaped

  • How do you think you will die?
  • damn ur that important

  • How do you think you will die?
  • own hand or vehicle accident

  • How can I train my left hand to not be completely useless?
  • man even just using my phone is tough. might start here

  • How can I train my left hand to not be completely useless?

    I'd like to be able to do more with it, mostly just because it would be neat to do, but even the most basic tasks become huge efforts since its my non dominant hand. What can I do? Thanks :)

    ways to watch a torrent while it's downloading?
  • huh I didn't know VOC could just handle it like that. but thinking about it now that makes sense. its not like its loading the whole file into memory, its just reading from the disk

  • banan
  • czemu już obrany

  • I took this community a little too literally this morning
  • I thought the bees were there to help break everything up

  • A platform with no issues
  • lol I'm making that my discord icon

  • How do you get ur subconscious to earn its keep and solve problems and do shit for you?
  • idk I find that mine does that on its own.if I've got a problem I'm stuck on, Ill randomly have an answer in my head a few hours later

  • How mobile carriers make money off your data behind your back
  • yea they said 45 days for them to get it to me. like how long does it take to scrape some files from your database?

  • Mothers know that this is a wholesome combination.
  • they're still trying to sell off the first batch

  • Cyberpunk 2077 | Patch 2.11
  • I'm on a 1660 ti mobile and I can play at an alright 50 fps 1080p, so must be your system somewhere else

  • $5 is a steal
  • what a steal

  • make google pixel as private as possible

    ill intall graphene os, i just need my carrier to unlock it first. for now though, what can i do to make it as private as i can?


    what's better for the environment: cartridges or double edged razors?

    on one hand, carts have a shitload of plastic. on the other had de razors (at least mine) are coated in Teflon, which is also pretty nasty. what y'all think?


    how to access nextcloud outside LAN?

    ive anabled a port forward on port 80 (TCP/UDP) to my server, but i still cant acess it. i know its unsafe to just open a port like that, this is temporary, just wanna see if it works. ill put a reverse proxt and https on it later


    vpn on nextcloud?

    I plan to selfhost nextcloud, for now just for bookmark sync. is there a point to installing a vpn on the computer running the instance? it shouldnt matter as long as i have https right? what about if i dont have a domain? i cant have https without a domain (ill buy one later just want everything to work first). or maybe use one of those free domain providers for now to get https? what do you guys think?


    vpn on nextcloud?

    I plan to selfhost nextcloud, for now just for bookmark sync. is there a point to installing a vpn on the computer running the instance? it shouldnt matter as long as i have https right? what about if i dont have a domain? i cant have https without a domain (ill buy one later just want everything to work first). or maybe use one of those free domain providers for now to get https? what do you guys think?


    difference between bank and credit Union?

    what I've found is just that bank is for profit, union isn't, and union can give better interest

    thanks :)


    What's yalls opinions on smart weapons?

    I feel as though even though I've pushed very far into the net runner perk tree, my power SMG can still outpace my d5 sidewinder of the same class at any range. the targeting is mediocre at best, with like a 50% chance of the bullet actually hitting, where as the SMG has such a tight spread that its useful even at 20m ranges. I just feel like smart just sent great. what doyall think?


    What's the point of paying with a check?

    isn't it like a debit card with extra steps? at a store I mean


    Where should I spend my last hundred dollars?

    I made the following parts list: Costs 900 USD. I've got 100 dollars extra, what should I upgrade? Or just leave it as is and spend the last hundred on a nicer monitor? This will be a gaming pc. Must be an AMD GPU tho, and the mobo needs to have wifi. Thanks all :)

    EDIT: i think imma spend it on case fans. 4 be quiet! SILENT WINGS 4 (3x140mm, 1x120mm) to keep the noise down

    EDIT 2: heres the updated list:

    added some case fans, nicer ram, a nicer mobo (the first one didnt have usb gen 2 header, need it for the usb c port on the case). I do plan on getting the 7600 XT rather than the 6700 whenever that releases


    XDA profile keycap reccomendations?

    Im looking to try out some xda keycaps, as i love how they look and also want to mess around with different keyboard layouts. what sets would yall reccomend? They must be 1. cheap (under $50, but lower is always better) and 2. Translucent symbols, as i want my backlight to shine through.

    Also i think id prefer pbt to abs

    thank you all :)


    How can I use something like Tracker Control with a VPN?

    I use Mullvad, but id like to use TC for some tracker control. However, the way it does that is thru a VPN. how can I make this work? or is mullvads DNS content filtering enough?

    Edit: Ended up using App Manager (fdroid) like @badelf suggested


    Do I need to be a resident of the EU to get their data protection or can I just be a citizen?

    To be eligible for things like a GDPR Data deletion request etc, is it enough that I am a citizen or must I be a resident? ty :)


    Best way to get private phone number?

    Im looking to buy monero privately, and so i want to remove myself as much as possible. the easiest way to buy some on is thru paypal. i was looking to use google voice maybe? just make a new gmail for it? idk tho, what yall think?


    Most private crypto wallet?

    The whole point of me making certain payments with crypto is for it not to be attached to my name. obviously the crypto service company has my cc details. whats the most privacy friendly one? ty :)


    what sorts of bras or other products to give the appearance of having breasts?

    sports bras and bralettes seem to be the general consensus but holy shit there so many different kinds


    affordable gaff?

    hello people of lemmy. im looking to experiment with tucking, and this is the method that seems best. what are some cheap (sub $25 id hope??) brands/ specific products yall reccomend for all day tuck. must be on amazon, ebay, or etsy (though id prefer amazon. least suspicious charge on card lol). thank you all :)


    cheap janky tablet reccs?

    looking for a cheap tablet to chuck linux on and use as a "stram deck"

    what models should i be on the lookout for?


    not headphones but true wireless earbuds- what do y'all reccomended?

    my Sennheiser momentum tw just dies, in the market for some new true wireless buds. requirements: decent anc at least 6hr battery life under $250

    I'm prioritizing audio quality here. most likely going to go with Sony wf-1000xm4 unless someone recommends something better.


    google maps alt?

    there's osm, but that doesn't have the convenience of being able to just chuck in a place and have it tell me how to drive there, which I need if I'm at a red light and need to know how to get somewhere. ty :)
