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littlebluespark littleblue✨
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Anon dates blind girl
  • whilst


  • Armed to deter cops
  • Don't forget about the children.

  • 'A king above the law': US Supreme Court's Trump ruling prompts judges to warn of 'nightmare scenarios'
  • Ah, yes, the ironclad and inviolate distinction between the person and the presidency. How very reassuring that no one in history has ever let their personal interests unduly bias their obligations of office. Whew.

  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports average hourly wage growth has surpassed inflation for 12 straight months
  • Not this citizen here, though. This "tal" is a real patriot, sharing half-assed hopium around like smearing shit on his teeth and grinning at us all. 🤦🏼

  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports average hourly wage growth has surpassed inflation for 12 straight months
  • So, basically, they're not saying anything worthy of a headline, much less a whole article. Thanks for letting us know... smdh.

  • Conspiracy Theorists Think Biden Was Hit With Directed-Energy Weapons During Debate
  • So, Gizmodo's trying to toady up to The Onion, now?

  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports average wages have surpassed inflation for 12 straight months
  • According to whom, and where's the unbiased data? GTFO with this astroturfing bullshit.

  • Do your parents help you financially?
  • Because, as I've already stated above: Heaven's existence is inherently predicated on the knowledge of "sin", and therefore a soul-themed credit score. Rhymes with "karma", maybe. Who knows? Any way you spice it, credit makes heaven — that is, if innumerable denominations, et al, are any proof of. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • TIL about Wabi-sabi, the Japanese aesthetic worldview of accepting the simple, imperfect, and transient things in the world. Similar to kintsugi (repairing broken pottery with golden paste), it's abou
  • Not to mention that those tryhards going full weeboo on gatekeeping are ignoring various other "heretical" facts of sushi's founding people, like: it's fine to add just about anything you feel like to it. Oh, is krab™ in poor taste? What about ice cream? Snack chips? I mean, FFS, the Japanese have built a global reputation for taking a concept and improving on its efficiency or efficacy or both, all the while these scrote-bearded trogs are pinching their puds to dreams of katanas and isekai redemption. 🤪

  • Do your parents help you financially?
  • You know it does. Where do you think "virginity" was invented? Hell is where the parties're at and there's no inherent need for a currency system in that dynamic. Heaven, on the other hand, is founded on an imaginary and largely arbitrary credit system. Ergo, money exists there.

  • Gender-affirming surgeries are mostly performed on cisgender people: 'Bitter irony'
  • Please, don't call it that. It was, yes, technically "the president" at the time, but we don't have to call it that anymore, or ever again — even when referring to that (not brief enough) period in history.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • Poor plants.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • "Both", "plenty", "guarantee", etc.

    I'm getting the impression you have barely a passing understanding of what these words actually mean.

  • The Swipes – Atomic Stomp – YouTube

    New album drops on March 15th, 2024!
