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lemat_87 lemat_87
Posts 50
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Behold The Mighty ISU-152, The nazi Remover
  • Good, thank you for pointing this out Comrade 🤝🏼

  • Behold The Mighty ISU-152, The nazi Remover

    (Yes, I know this is not strictly a tank). But it was also used in offensive tasks, as a tank.


    Paying rent in capitalism is not so bad with this simple trick

    Why I became a Communist (and why you should too)
  • It was in my recommended videos :)

  • Capitalism breeds "innovation"

    I could live with that
  • I suppose that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

  • How many more years do you give to the USA before it collapses?
  • Thank you for encouraging thoughts Comrade.

  • Appreciate his courage

    Marxism-Leninism is not a real thing, we are just red fascists :(
  • These stupid creatures do not know what fascism is, if they insult ML like this. There is no ideology better at fascism removal. How many nazi was killed by anarchokiddies, socdems and such "marxists"? How many KV-2 and ISU-152 these ideologies organized against fascism?

  • Does free will exist?
  • As far as I remember, I meant that scientist are able to predict response by observation of brain process, almost surely, not by simulation of a process of a brain. Some brain activity were supposed to tell that the patient will select precisely this switch

  • Does free will exist?
  • The fact that we cannot predict something does not imply that we have a free will, probably by any definition.

  • Does free will exist?
  • My conjucture is that something is deterministic or not, nothing in between. And as was mentioned above, determinism may be not unique or not at all factor in the discussion about the free will.

  • Is Esperanto worth learning in the modern day?
  • What a coincidence! Yesterday I read about L. Zamenhof, the creator of Esperanto, in Wrocław at an exhibition billboard at the city market.

  • NATO Fractures: In U-Turn, Poland Announces It Will No Longer Arm Ukraine
  • Found innacuracy: "The far-right Confederation party". The Confederation party is in fact neo-nazi party, something like AfD in Germany.

  • Dresden
  • You sound correct Comrade, however, in my experience, it is very hard to change a mind of people who are strongly biased. Maybe our words matter, but if they are only a drop of truth in a brown nazi sea, they change almost nothing. When I tell a man that franco was mass murderer, but he responds that "this does not matter, cause they were communist", I see no point to talk more (real situation, sadly). If there is no fertile field, you will fail to grow a seed.

  • Dresden
  • I saw too late, that I broke the "The entire showerthought must be in the title" rule :( Cannot change community now, I suppose.

  • NATO Fractures: In U-Turn, Poland Announces It Will No Longer Arm Ukraine
  • Overall, besides a generally good news, the good news is that PiS, who will likely rule for the 4 next years, is not so dumb and orthodox supporter of their western masters.

  • Does free will exist?
  • What do you mean by chaos?

  • Why does the right have a monopoly on paganism?
  • There will be no progress until the last temple will be converted to a library or lecture hall.

  • Science lemat_87

    Does free will exist?

    First of all, I need to say that, even if it is ignorant, I even do not bother to read philosophical speculations.

    I am interested in empirical premises. I've heard that there is some research, where scientists, monitoring activity of a person's brain, are able to predict which switch (s)he's going to switch, before (s)he does, or maybe before (s)he's conscious about the choice. This implies that our decisions are results of some chemical processes determined aside of our "free choice" and so called free will is only an illusion, a way in which alternatives presents to us, while the choice is made already deep in our minds unconsciously and maybe even deterministically. Does anybody know this research and could cite it?

    Since I am constantly busy, I really sucks in the theory, so could anybody say what's the Marxist stance on free will if any?

    Red Alert and other classic strategy games rebuilt and open source
  • Oh I will try when I get some spare time to enjoy the game, thank you.

  • Red Alert and other classic strategy games rebuilt and open source
  • On my MX Linux, package not found; maybe the command works on Ubuntu or it needs some repositories to enable first.

  • Red Alert and other classic strategy games rebuilt and open source
  • That's right, they are nice to play, but do not have the best TANKS, as China :)

  • Found it
  • Nice room, but someone forgot to take out the garbage

  • Antifascist activism lemat_87

    Barbie, i.e. Klaus Barbie - nazi "Butcher of Lyon"

    I found an information, that Klaus Barbie, the sadistic head of gestapo in Lyon, was an U$ spy, but Wikipedia tells nothing about it, it only gives a criptic link at the bottom to der Spigel article:

    The Spigel article says that Americans helped flee Barbie to Bolivia in 1951. In some Polish source I found that in 1951 he fleed to Argentina, with the help of catholic bishop Alois Hudal (the one who helped dr Mengele), and then Barbie fleed to Bolivia.

    This is so dirty I want to vomit.


    Przypomnienie (jeśli jeszcze nie słyszeliście nawalania dzwonów)


    An interesting article on philosophy of mathematics from a Marxist perspective

    As the author writes:

    "The philosophy of mathematics is not the most vital issue facing Marxists today, but its clarifcation can help us argue that the materialist framework is the correct one for making sense of every aspect of the world."


    Some sophisticated ways to uncover a communist

    Socialist Music lemat_87

    I am starting to enjoy K-Pop UwU

    Socialist Music lemat_87

    Why almost every socialist song is such a f***ing banger?



    In Greek, "private" means "ιδιωτικός", spelled something like "idioticos". Sounds funny for me.


    Kodeks Boziewicza PRL 1989 Urban kontra Łapicki. Kodeks Boziewicza

    Fragmenty Dziennika TV z 1.06.1989 roku. Kampania wyborcza. Jerzy Urban kontra Andrzej Łapicki.

    PRL 1989 Urban kontra Łapicki. Kodeks Boziewicza

    Według mnie Urban to libek, który żył w luksusowej willi z basenem, w którymś wywiadzie twierdził, że przestał wierzyć w komunizm jak miał 17 lat, bo w tym wieku wyrasta się z głupot, tylko wierzył w rację stanu (a miałem go za mądrzejszego), ale kij w to, w każdym razie jakoś trafia do mnie jego poczucie humoru i tutaj pięknie załatwił swojego oponenta. Szkoda, że w dzisiejszej polskiej polityce nie ma takiego stylu.


    Rozmowy pokojowe (bo mają miejsce w pokoju)


    Space programs

    Space programs were speciality of USSR, and the SU made many breakthroughs and records. These days, some people (I suppose that similar to degrowthers) say that this is an unnecessary cost and they question why we should explore the space, while there are so much unsolved problems on Earth. I think this is wrong: the great Voyager missions brought many scientific breakthrougs and the total cost per citizen was something like cents. What are your views on space exploration, like scientific one? (I assume that even degrowthers and anarchists would agree that metorogical, navigation, communication etc. satellites are indispensable.)

    Edit: There are some pessimistic views about space exploration from philosophical point of view, but quite obvious for an anti-capitalists:


    Will drones make tanks obsolete?

    Some say that tanks are obsolete in modern battlefield. One example is a recent total destruction of Leopard tanks in Ukraine by Russian Lancet drones. On the other hand, it may be just because Leopards were not prepared for such a kind of weapon, and tank designs will adapt for the use of drones. I hope tanks will survive of course :) What do you think?


    I od razu mi jakoś lepiej

    Ktoś powiedziałby, że jestem złym człowiekiem (może jestem), ale może Wy Towarzysze zrozumiecie radość z pozbycia się jebanego uprzywilejowanego banana, "który do wszystkiego doszedł własną pracą", zaśmiecającego miasto hałasem i traktującym je jak własny folwark, narażając innych na utratę życia.


    U$ "always" the best


    Jean-Pierre Kahane, an excellent matematician and a communist


    Anarchiści ze

    "obie domeny są faszystowskie" - nawet nie wiem jak to skomentować. To że faszole wjeżdżają po łbach libków do władzy, jest oczywiste. Ale nawet na instancji gdzie jest dział Antifa moderator wypisuje takie rzeczy. Można by zapytać: kto w historii usunął więcej faszystów, anarchiści czy tanki? Ale nawet mi się nie chce z nim gadać
