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kellyaster kellyaster

Transfem | she/her | professional keyboard operator | old

All the cool kids hang out at Ten Forward


!Nazi Punks Fuck Off!

Posts 30
Comments 230
Mozilla is trying to push me out because I have cancer – CPO
  • Whoa, that is fucked up. They had no empathy for the guy, and the dude was one step away from CEO. Wtf is going on over there? They've been making sketchy decisions lately.

  • [Kronk voice] The Picard Maneuver, it's your cakeday?!
  • Oy, I missed it. Happy belated cake day, TPM!

  • I learned it from watching you, okay?!
  • Where did you learn this?

    Omg those stupid commercials lol

  • hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey?
  • Don't feel too bad lol. It's structured to feel like a single player game, which they may have done a little too well. You aren't the only one to not realize.

    It's such a beautiful game! I need to play it again.

  • [take 2] Finally got Starship and a theme working
  • This is trippy, I didn't know Starship was a thing. JFC, I feel like I've been living under a rock. I'm reading up on it on their site, and I'm impressed by the range of shell support and customizable options.

    This is gonna be really helpful for me, especially for work... I'm constantly switching between several perpetually-open terminal windows used for different things, and it's real easy to confuse what local dir I'm in and/or what repo/branch I'm connected to. I didn't realize I needed this in my command line. Thank you for posting this!

  • yay, no dunning kruger for me! hold up, oh no
  • Sure! Note that everybody's different, so what works for one person may not work for another. The following is based on what works for me.

    • Have you been prescribed meds? Take 'em. If you were prescribed Adderall, Vyvanse, or their generic equivalents to address the "inattentive" type of ADHD (like me): they are classified as stimulants and you can only get a month' s worth at a time (assuming you're in the U.S.), so set a recurring alarm on your phone so you don't forget to call in a refill or do it online. Put your local pharmacy's phone number and address in your phone, and take note of other pharmacies in the area in case there's a shortage (which is a thing nowadays). You are gonna have to advocate for yourself if they are out of stock, so get used to the idea that you may have to call and ask the pharmacy for the generic equivalent or other locations that do have it in stock. Side note: if you don't have insurance, GoodRx might be worth a look.

    • If you get overwhelmed easily, do whatever is necessary to make yourself comfortable and eliminate distractions so you can focus. Music is good. Disabling phone notifications during work hours might help. Interruptions suck, especially if your task requires intense concentration, so don't let them disrupt your shit.

    • Keeping track of tasks and deadlines will help you stay organized and feel more in control, so get in the habit of checking and updating your calendar (and/or task management app or text editor, whatever) every morning so you don't get caught off guard by stuff that is already planned. I know, everyone says make a list, which is cliche and doesn't always work for everyone, so find what works for you. Think of it as doing your future self a favor. You'll be grateful for past you looking out for you.

    • Take a break once in a while. You might want to set an alarm for that. Step away from the computer and get some fresh air or something. Meditate or do breathing/grounding exercises if that works for you. You aren't a machine, and you really gotta be kind to yourself and remember that you have human limits. Taking a break is crucial, especially if you are hyper-focused on something and can't make progress; it's just gonna frustrate you more if you force yourself to spin your wheels, so be kind to yourself. For real, sometimes allowing your brain to relax can help when you get back to the task. Sometimes things fall into place when you look at them with fresh eyes.

    Anyway. Sorry for the bigass bullet point blocks of text. I hope none of that came across as obvious, cliche, or old person condescending, but that is what works for me. It sucks that you have to deal with this and that you have to put in extra effort just to function in everyday life... believe me, I empathize with you. It can be a fuckin struggle. But the truth is, you can't control everything, so address the things that you can control. Do your future self a favor...identify the things that mess you up and find ways to work around them. And be kind to yourself, you deserve it.

    I sincerely hope that helps. Feel free to reply with questions or vent if you need to, or DM me.

  • yay, no dunning kruger for me! hold up, oh no
  • It's rare, but you ain't alone. Man, I feel your pain. This happened to me, too, in the 80s. I was undiagnosed ADHD, which was never suspected because at the time it was just "ADD" and I wasn't hyperactive. I had a lot of difficulty focusing, which affected my ability to learn and got me labeled -- yep, how'd you guess? -- "lazy" unanimously by all the adults in my life. I still got excellent grades most of the time, which just reinforced the lazy theory.

    But wait, it got worse! I hit a wall academically when we started learning more advanced stuff and I wasn't able to brute-force my way into A's and B's, and so I immersed myself in art (as a way to cope, I'm now realizing in hindsight), graduated in the bottom quarter of a prestigious prep school, and graduated 5 yrs later from college with an art degree. And I didn't know what to do with my life, so I went back! For a second art degree! And I nearly flunked out again and had to reapply and finally graduated again...jfc, this is exhausting having to recount, haha...anyway, fast forward a lot and guess what? Now I'm a programmer. Web developer, specifically.

    Never went for the CS degree. I wanted to, but I honestly thought I was stupid and utterly incapable of handling the curriculum - especially the math - so I wrote off that career path entirely. Like, I never gave myself a chance. I'm finally where I feel like I should be, but it took so long to get here, ya know? I wish I knew when I was younger that I wasn't stupid.

  • GOP candidate demands Brittney Griner get sent back to Russian prison
  • Republican candidate for Missouri Secretary of State Valentina Gomez – who rages at all things “weak and gay”

    So much Boomer energy. Too bad it can't be used for anything other than hate.

  • What makes a good whetstone set? What sets should I avoid?
  • [email protected], there's [email protected] (aka It's not super duper active, but some of the regulars there might have whetstone recommendations for you.

  • Even old, crusty Klingons know to celebrate diversity. Happy Pride! ❤️🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈
  • It was really disappointing to learn what a colossal dick Berman is, but it did explain why he was almost completely absent in that DS9 documentary and why no one bothered to mention him. Yeah, terrible choice for a Trek (or any progressive program) showrunner.

  • Paghlogh bertlham lut
  • I must be hallucinating, I thought I already replied. I hear you about Chakotay, I think I went through similar phases of opinion on the character. Yeah, Beltran did appear to perform in good faith, so I can't fault him either. It's awful that it even happened, though.

    I grew up watching TOS reruns and was exposed to pretty good representation via Sulu. There was a noticeable difference between Sulu and all other Asian roles on TV and in the movies when I was growing up (80s), and it sure sucked seeing all the gross stereotypes and blatant racism played off as jokes. I'd imagine you can probably relate. Representation matters, especially when you're a kid!

  • Paghlogh bertlham lut
  • This is an accurate statement, but (running with the analogy) I like to think ummthatguy carries a benelli compared with the rest of us lol

    Btw, side note, sorry if this sounds random (I intended to comment yesterday but got busy and am now just remembering), but the two spirit story you tell is amazing and is a concept I think modern western society could really learn from. So thank you for dropping this knowledge on us from time to time, it's really cool and much appreciated. There's an alternate universe out there where a legit First Nation consultant was asked to advise on Chakotay's back story and development on Voyager, and I imagine stories like this being woven into that show's fabric. Wouldn't that be something? Ok I'm done rambling haha, you have a good one. 🖖

  • Jonathan Frakes keeps asking you to take things
  • Omfg I'll take the cute loud kitty cat over the sword made out of fuckin wood any day of the week

  • Even old, crusty Klingons know to celebrate diversity. Happy Pride! ❤️🖖🏻🏳️‍🌈
  • When I first saw this, I was in a different point in my life and didn't know who I was (I only knew I was angry and miserable), and I loved that Kor immediately accepted her. It made sense to me. I don't know if it was subconscious or not, I'll probably never know.

    But I know I really love this scene now, and I'm grateful to the show writers and producers for including it, especially after learning about the uphill battle they faced to integrate themes like this. Inclusion matters and makes a difference, even if stupid assholes complain. It's a lovely scene, and I'm forever grateful.

  • It's not just pride month...
  • All these pride memes are awesome. And you guys are so awesome

  • To this day, I don't know what it was meant for
  • Maybe I should apologize.

    Don't. You were right to call them out. Like you said, the sticky keys accessibility feature is turned off by default and must be manually activated. Most of the people commenting in this thread didn't know it existed until now.

    Besides, disabled people can't just go out and buy new shit every time they need to overcome society's lack of empathy. 20% of disabled Americans live below the poverty line -- i.e. they cannot afford basic necessities like food, shelter, water, clothing, utilities. They're twice as likely to be poor compared to "normal" Americans.

  • Local Mom’s Wine Club Cleverly Disguised as a Book Club, Fools No One But Themselves
  • Women wistfully holding glasses of wine together. So hot right now

  • The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic [The Institute for Sexual Research, founded by Doctor Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin, Germany (1919-1933)] The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic

    The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin would be a century old if it hadn’t fallen victim to Nazi ideology

    The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic

    "Love is as varied as people are."

    ~Magnus Hirschfeld (date unknown)


    The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic [The Institute for Sexual Research, founded by Doctor Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin, Germany (1919-1933)] The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic

    The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin would be a century old if it hadn’t fallen victim to Nazi ideology

    The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic

    "Love is as varied as people are."

    ~Magnus Hirschfeld (date unknown)


    The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic [The Institute for Sexual Research, founded by Doctor Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin, Germany (1919-1933)] The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic

    The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin would be a century old if it hadn’t fallen victim to Nazi ideology

    The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic

    "Love is as varied as people are."

    ~Magnus Hirschfeld (date unknown)


    The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic [The Institute for Sexual Research, founded by Doctor Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin, Germany (1919-1933)] The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic

    The Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin would be a century old if it hadn’t fallen victim to Nazi ideology

    The Forgotten History of the World's First Trans Clinic

    "Love is as varied as people are."

    ~Magnus Hirschfeld (date unknown)


    [Screenshot] Color contrast for OP and mod names

    Edit: nvm, I changed something in settings, it was user error. Pls disregard

    Hi Thunder devs, I have an accessibility issue to report regarding the special styling for original poster and mod names (changed with the last major release). I haven't checked against WCAG, but I'm pretty sure they don't meet color contrast standards; it's pretty hard to read the grey text, especially over the 'mod' orange.

    Otherwise, no complaints. I really dig Thunder, I chose it as my daily driver after months of testing alongside Voyager, Eternity, and Jerboa. It just feels more responsive and intuitive, and the customization options are quite good. Nice work!


    Omg you guys, this bag, this bag is the gayest most fabulous thing I own and I love it

    It's a designer knockoff I bought online. Crossbody, 28x18cm (10x7 in), and I guess chains are a thing now because most bags have them in some form of a handle nowadays rather than old school leather or fabric straps?

    Also, hi blahaj! I'm Kelly. Long time lurker, first time poster. 49, transwoman. Egg shattered into a million pieces last November and have been on a wild ride of self disco with the wife. What an experience it is, learning how to be yourself.

    But seriously, this bag. This beautiful, fabulous, shiny bag! How much does this bag rock my face? Omfg I love this fucking bag


    Runtime: 1h 27m

    imdb synopsis: When his new album fails to sell records, pop and rap superstar conner4real (Andy Samberg) goes into a major tailspin and watches his celebrity high life begin to collapse. He'll try anything to bounce back, anything except reuniting with his old rap group The Style Boyz.

    Streaming availability:


    [DISCUSSION] online resource for Trek meme creators

    This probably sounds ridiculous, but I gotta say it out loud anyway because it's been driving me bananas for the past few days. I want to create an information resource specifically for Star Trek meme creators. I haven't been able to get it out of my head, so I think I gotta just build it already.

    What would this site even have on it, you ask? Off the top of my head, I'm thinking the contents would consist of: the list of official Trek fonts for all shows (already in progress), links to screencap sites, links to the few Trek meme generators that are out there, software recommendations by platform, maybe a few guides here and there. Basically, all the stuff that would make it possible or easier to make your own Trek memes. Most of us here already have our own workflow set up just the way we want it, but not everybody does, and I'm also thinking a resource like this could help lower the barrier to entry a little.

    I write code and documentation for a living, so it's kinda in my wheelhouse. It would be a fun thing to do on the side, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a platform and host already in mind.

    But I'm wondering if this would actually be used? And would anyone here be interested in contributing?


    For the meme makers: official typefaces (fonts) used in TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, and VOY

    The Original Series & The Animated Series

    • opening titles: Star Trek BT italic (sometimes labeled as "Final Frontier Old Style" or "Horizon") |
    • credits: Star Trek BT regular (sometimes labeled as "Final Frontier Old Style" or "Horizon") |

    TOS movies

    • opening titles: Star Trek Film BT* (sometimes labeled as "Final Frontier" or "Galaxy") |
    • credits vary, so either: Star Trek Film BT (sometimes labeled as "Final Frontier" or "Galaxy") | or Montalban |

    The Next Generation

    • opening title:

      • "STAR TREK" | Star Trek Next BT ExtraBold |
      • "THE NEXT GENERATION" | Star Trek Gen | source needed
    • credits: Crillee (sometimes labeled as "Krupper") |

    Deep Space Nine

    • opening title: Star Trek Film BT* (sometimes labeled as "Final Frontier" or "Galaxy") |
    • credits: Handel Gothic |


    • opening title: Star Trek Film BT* (sometimes labeled as "Final Frontier" or "Galaxy") |
    • credits: Handel Gothic |


    • opening title: Jefferies Extended |
    • credits: source needed


    *okay, so "Star Trek Film BT" is listed as the opening title font for the TOS movies, DS9, and VOY, but the one actually used has a slightly heavier weight and is likely the medium or bold variation of the typeface. I couldn't find any documentation about this discrepancy or the heavier version online. People who purchased the typeface from Bitstream or another official foundry might have it. That said, "Star Trek Film BT" is really close, but if you want a closer title font match for the TOS movies, DS9, or VOY, then I recommend adding an outline to mimic the heavier "bold" font weight.

    source: Also, my eyes, since I had nothing to do while Lemmy was down during the instance upgrade and took it upon myself to go through the titles and credits for the aforementioned shows and TOS movies to compare and verify their on-screen accuracy instead of going outside. All these fonts are an exact match with what's on screen, with the exception of: (1) the font titles for the TOS movies, DS9, and VOY, which as mentioned above use the medium or bold version of "Star Trek Film BT," and (2) the fonts for TOS movie credits, which vary and to be honest I couldn't be arsed to obsess over details at that point. I would just use "Montalban" for simulating TOS movie credits. Ok fine, for that one nerd who is inevitably gonna nitpick: <adjusts glasses> for an accurate simulation of Star Trek: The Motion Picture's credits you wanna use "Star Trek Film BT" because "Montalban" was obviously created with The Wrath of Khan in mind and didn't exist at the time, naturally making "Star Trek Film BT" the logical choice. Overall these fonts do require tracking adjustment (especially TNG credits), but they are a match. Happy memeing!




    Edit (2024-03-03): just some formatting fixes


    Edit (2024-03-05): added info for the bottom part of the TNG opening title ("The Next Generation"), and added Enterprise opening title font. I should move this to a location that is a little more sustainable for long-term maintenance.


    Edit (2024-03-08): scope has expanded. Now planning to build online resource hub for Trek meme makers, which will include updated versions of this font listing. Discussion on that is in this post. More news to come.

    Also, @[email protected] has this great workaround for those who can't load fonts:

    > It occurred to me that some mobile users may not be able to use those files on some apps. On several occasions, I've used and it has just about everything, including other sci-fi adjacents.

