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jwr1 jwr1

Admin of, creator of Interstellar.

Posts 28
Comments 59
Google no longer developing Material Web Components
  • What kind of hits? I haven't heard anything.

    In fact, they just released a video a month ago detailing some of the areas they're working on, including dart macros, their new impeller engine, performance updates for the web platform, and more.

  • Google no longer developing Material Web Components
  • I think Flutter (made by Google) is pretty awesome.

  • Google no longer developing Material Web Components
  • I think Flutter (made by Google) is pretty awesome.

  • Steam announces game recording beta.
  • Looks amazing! Can't wait to try it out.

  • [Weekly thread] How are you doing with your communities?
  • One of them, r/startpages, I tried to start a community on, but it really never caught on. Maybe I should have posted more, which might have encouraged others to post. It was actually pretty active on Reddit, with 20k subscribers, but once the API fiasco hit last year, they decided to close down the sub and move to kbin, which obviously didn't catch on, so the whole community died.

  • [Weekly thread] How are you doing with your communities?
  • Honestly, I'd kind of like to create a niche community (or two) but wouldn't really know where to start. I still follow some smaller subs from Reddit, but I feel like there just wouldn't be any user engagement over here (if I tried to start one here), considering how small they are in the first place.

    Anyway, I think it's amazing how fast you were able to grow [email protected] in less than a week!

  • Why we don't have 128-bit CPUs
  • It's a link to an article I found interesting. It basically details why we're still using 64-bit CPUs, just as you mentioned.

  • htmx 2.0.0 has been released! </> htmx ~ htmx 2.0.0 has been released!

    htmx gives you access to AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext htmx is small (~14k min.gz’d), dependency-free, extendable, IE11 compatible & has reduced code...

    Copied from linked post:

    I'm very happy to announce the release of htmx 2.0. This release ends support for Internet Explorer and tightens up some defaults, but does not change most of the core functionality or the core API of the library.

    Note that we are not marking 2.0 as latest in NPM because we do not want to force-upgrade users who are relying on non-versioned CDN URLs for htmx. Instead, 1.x will remain latest and the 2.0 line will remain next until Jan 1, 2025. The website, however, will reference 2.0.

    Major Changes

    • All extensions have been moved out of the core repository to their own repo and website: They are now all versioned individually and can be developed outside of the normal (slow) htmx release cadence.

      • Most 1.x extensions will work with 2.x, however the SSE extension did have a break and must be upgraded.
      • The older extensions remain in the /dist/ext directory so as to not break the URLs of CDNs like unpkg, but please move to the new extension URLs going forward
    • We removed the deprecated hx-sse and hx-ws attributes in favor of the extensions, which were available and recommended in 1.x.

    • HTTP DELETE requests now use parameters, rather than form encoded bodies, for their payload (This is in accordance w/ the spec.)

    • We now provide specific files in /dist for the various JavaScript module styles:

      • ESM Modules: /dist/htmx.esm.js
      • AMD Modules: /dist/htmx.amd.js
      • CJS Modules: /dist/htmx.cjs.js
      • The /dist/htmx.js file continues to be browser-loadable
    • The hx-on attribute, with its special syntax, has been removed in favor of the less-hacky hx-on: syntax.

    Minor Changes

    • We made some default changes:
      • htmx.config.scrollBehavior was changed to 'instant' from 'smooth'
      • As mentioned previously, DELETE requests now use query parameters, rather than a form-encoded body. This can be reverted by setting htmx.methodsThatUseUrlParams to the value ['get'],
      • htmx.config.selfRequestsOnly now defaults to true rather than false


    Not much, really:

    • The selectAndSwap() internal API method was replaced with the public (and much better) swap() method
    • Web Component support has been improved dramatically
    • And the biggest feature of this release: the website now supports dark mode! (Thanks @pokonski!)

    A complete upgrade guide can be found here:

    htmx 1.x -\> 2.x Migration Guide

    If you require IE compatibility, the 1.x will continue to be supported for the foreseeable future.


    New branding in place!

    As discussed earlier in the previous post, I thought it'd be a great idea to give its own icon. I ended up going with the version that is the Mbin icon with an Earth (globe) pattern inside. This makes it straightforward to tell that we're still running Mbin software but also makes it easy to tell apart from other Mbin servers. I also thought it would add a little fun to the mix :)

    If you have any feedback on the branding itself, like the favicon or header logo, feel free to post in the comments.

    "Moderation tools are nonexistent on here. It also eats up storage like crazy [...] The software is downright frustrating to work with" - Can any other instance admins relate to this?
  • Same with Unfortunately, one problem with the fediverse is that everything (users, magazines, posts, comments, etc.) is tied to the instance's domain, so it can't really be changed at all.

  • down again? Are people moving to mbin instances (,
  • Thanks for the interest. So far, I've only had one (or maybe two) other person(s) ask about iOS support, so I haven't really looked much into it so far.

    I could set up a donation page (like GitHub sponsors), but my guess is that it would receive nowhere near the amount of an Apple Developer account ($100 a year).

    I also don't have an iPhone or Mac. I should be able to get around the Mac by using a VM (I've done it before), but it is a pain.

  • now has more than 100 users 🎉. Help pick out our new icon.
  • Yeah, they were really "rough" drafts, so whichever gets picked, I'd make sure to fix it up first, lol.

  • now has more than 100 users 🎉. Help pick out our new icon. now has 102 users (and 61 monthly active users at the moment)! I know this isn't a lot compared to the other big fediverse servers, but I still think it's a milestone to celebrate. Additionally, according to FediDB, is actually the 3rd most active Mbin server, behind and!

    As a way to celebrate, I thought we should give its own icon. Attached to this post are the (very) rough drafts of a few icon designs I came up with. Please comment which ones you prefer and what kind of improvements/changes you think could be made. If you'd like, feel free to come up with your own designs too. (Also, as a disclaimer, I did take some inspiration from's icon.)

    For me personally, I think 2 & 5 have too much color, so I'd say they're my least favorite. Honestly, I think I'd prefer either 1, 4, or 7.

    Interstellar update: cake day, new user, and bot indicators, several UI changes & fixes
  • I could see per-account settings being useful, but it would take a rework of how the settings are being stored. Maybe if this gained a little more interest, I could implement it.

  • Interstellar update: cake day, new user, and bot indicators, several UI changes & fixes
  • Sorry, not yet. If you had asked 2 hours ago, I could have gotten it in this release, but I'll be sure to add it in the next one.

  • Interstellar update: cake day, new user, and bot indicators, several UI changes & fixes


    • The user page now shows the date a user joined.
    • A user's username now has icon indicators for "Cake Day", "New User" (created within 14 days), and "Bot Account". These indicators show in threads/microblogs, comments, the explore users page, and profile pages.
    • Move the thread "Domain" button to the overflow menu, in order to give more room for other UI elements (and since it's not frequently used). It looks like "More from".


    • Decode Lemmy thread and comment responses as utf8; by @olorin99.
    • Add a safe area to nav drawer so it doesn't bleed into the status bar on Android.
    • Fix the markdown editor's toolbar button sizing.
    • Fix post date format so instead of "2024-06-10T18:52:24.000Z", for instance, it shows "June 10, 2024, 6:52:24 PM".
    • Fix user profile followers & following inconsistent UI.
    • Fix default threads sort setting not saving.
    Happy cakeday,!
  • How do you update without any downtime? Is it because you have multiple servers running?

  • Interstellar major update: new markdown editor, additional markdown syntax (e.g. spoilers), new subscription/star drawer, feed filters, and more
  • You can actually change what tabs are on the Feed screen and remove them entirely if you'd like. You can do this under Settings -> Actions and Defaults -> Feed Actions.

  • PieFed development update, June 2024 - Peertube, Polls
  • Hey, if there's already a stable api available, I'd be willing to add piefed support to the Interstellar app.

  • Interstellar major update: new markdown editor, additional markdown syntax (e.g. spoilers), new subscription/star drawer, feed filters, and more
  • Thanks for the kind words :)

    When you mention padding, do you mean between posts, inside the post cards, between comments, between other ui elements, all of the above? And I'm assuming the new "Compact Preview" setting was at least a step in the right direction for you?

  • now using Cloudflare R2
  • There's a calculator here if you'd like to try a certain setup (amount of storage & operations).

  • now using Cloudflare R2

    As explained in the last post, I was trying to get s3 (R2) set up with, and now it's complete. Now storage costs should be significantly lower (with more capacity) and maybe images will load even faster now.

    Also, think of this as an experiment; if it doesn't work out, I'll switch it back to file storage.


    Sorry for the downtime

    Sorry for the past 90 minutes of downtime; I've been trying to set up s3 storage for, but was unfortunately unsuccessful. I'll likely try again tomorrow (in case you notice it down again).


    Interstellar major update: new markdown editor, additional markdown syntax (e.g. spoilers), new subscription/star drawer, feed filters, and more


    • Mark NSFW and OC posts with badges.
    • Add a navigation drawer that displays starred users & magazines along with the selected account's subscriptions/follows.
    • New markdown editor with a preview/edit toggle, many formatting buttons, keyboard shortcuts, and auto incrementing lists (on enter).
    • Add subscript, superscript, and Lemmy spoiler markdown support.
    • Add Lemmy specific sorting options.
    • Display the blurhash of post images and user/magazine avatars.
    • Make images in markdown clickable (for full screen).
    • Adds support for editing and deleting Lemmy posts.
    • New feed filter settings to hide posts that match any given pattern.
    • Add a compact preview mode that limits thread titles to one line and hides the body preview.


    • Sync notification indicators and recheck every minute while the app is open.
    • Add search debounce to explore pages to fix lagging results.


    • Remove iOS, macOS, and web platform files and build actions.
    • Remove kbin support and all references in code. Additionally, the Interstellar icon was remade without the kbin icon section.
    8 Announcing Rust 1.78.0 | Rust Blog

    Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

    Announcing Rust 1.78.0 | Rust Blog

    Mbin migration complete is now running Mbin! Please let me know here if you run into any problems.

    /kbin meta jwr1

    The future of

    This post doesn't directly affect users, but it is relevant. It discusses some of the potential pros/cons of Kbin and the pros/cons of Mbin, and also the direction the server is heading.


    The future of

    Hello users,

    I think, at this point, it's clear that Kbin is not being actively developed; the last commit by the lead developer was four months ago, and the latest commit, period, was two months ago. There are many bugs/issues present that make not only using the platform difficult but also hosting and administrating it (even worse, there was a recent issue that affected many non-Kbin servers in the fediverse).

    Given the situation, I see three options for moving forward:

    1 - Wait It Out ----------

    We could continue using Kbin as is, knowing there will be ongoing issues, and hope that maybe one day there will be an update.


    • We get to keep the same system we're used to.
    • If any more updates come out for Kbin, we can update and start using them immediately.


    • Kbin is no longer supported, and many bugs are present. This also means any features we'd want will likely not be added.
    • Administrating a Kbin server is not the easiest. Even after the initial setup (which was a nightmare), there are still problems that pop up occasionally that can get annoying, and I can only imagine this would get worse as more users join.

    2 - Migrate to Mbin ----------

    Alternatively, we could migrate to Mbin, a fork of Kbin that is actually supported by its developers and are actively fixing issues and adding features. I was initially skeptical of Mbin when it first came out, but at this point, it's had many improvements that likely make it more suitable than the current Kbin system.


    • Mbin is supported by its developers and has had numerous improvements added since the fork. I'll put a few below, but here are links to the complete list: GUI improvementsenhancements, and bug fixes.
    • A subscription panel that lists your subscribed magazines.
    • Better filter options.
    • Many more settings and options for you to customize.
    • Federated magazines correctly display their moderators.
    • Federated magazines correctly display subscription count, not just those who subscribed locally.
    • User/magazine deletion overhaul.
    • Incoming downvotes from the fediverse are counted.


    • Kbin has magazine collections that allow you to combine related magazines into one view. Mbin has not ported this feature and doesn't have anything similar yet.
    • Kbin has an aggregated content view, allowing you to view threads and microblogs simultaneously. Again, Mbin has not ported this feature and doesn't have anything similar yet.
    • Mbin has removed the ability to view downvote (reduce) activities. Since anybody could scrap this information anyway, I think it's best to show downvoters just so they realize it's public information.

    3 - Shutdown Server ----------

    As a last resort, we could just shut down the server. was initially created to help develop the Interstellar app for kbin (since didn't, and still doesn't, support the API). Still, at this point, the initial purpose has been served, and further updates to the app could be tested on an already existing Mbin server.


    • Energy and resources spent on could be used elsewhere, such as the Interstellar app.
    • Current users could choose where to migrate to, whether that's to an Mbin server, to a Lemmy server, or even back to
    • Several Mbin servers already exist, so maybe it wouldn't make sense to add yet another.


    • Obviously, users and magazines hosted here would have to migrate somewhere else. This includes the Interstellar magazine.


    To conclude, we could either not change anything (and stay on Kbin), switch to Mbin, or shut down For me personally, I think option 1 is ruled out; we've already been waiting on Kbin long enough, and I don't think much is going to change. We could potentially try option 2 (Mbin) for at least a little while and see how it goes; if people like it, we could keep for the time being (running Mbin); if people don't like it, we could just go to option 3 (shutdown). What do you all think? If someone has anything to add to the pros/cons, feel free to share.


    Interstellar update: new wide layout mode for computers/tablets, and redone profile editing settings


    • Profile editing is now on a separate screen and comes with options for deleting your avatar/banner and editing many of your account settings such as when you get notifications, whether to show NSFW content, if your subscriptions and followed users are public or not, etc.; by @olorin99.
    • A new compact post layout is available for use and makes browsing the feed view a lot more readable on desktops, tablets, and wider screens in general. By default, it automatically detects whether the new "wide" layout should be used or not based on the available screen width, but you can also manually set the layout in the settings, under the general settings page.


    • Browsing with a guest account now correctly hides filter options in the feed mode.
    • The create post button no longer shows for guest accounts.
    • now counts as a youtube video link.

    Go 1.22.2 released

    > > > go1.22.2 (released 2024-04-03) includes a security fix to the net/http package, as well as bug fixes to the compiler, the go command, the linker, and the encoding/gob, go/types, net/http, and runtime/trace packages. See the Go 1.22.2 milestone on our issue tracker for details. > >

    1 federation problems fixed

    Recently, I've noticed federated threads/comments/votes were lagging behind, and it turns out was being spammed (hundreds in a minute, leading to a couple thousand queued messages after only half an hour) by a Lemmy server with the same exact activity pub message. After blocking the server (, federation should now work correctly. If the admins of the server ever fix the issue, I'll be glad to unblock it.

    Edit: turns out, this was probably actually a kbin issue, but at least it's fixed the issues temporarily.

    10 Announcing Rust 1.77.0 | Rust Blog

    Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

    Announcing Rust 1.77.0 | Rust Blog

    Interstellar update: Feed action customizations, Flathub support, settings page updates, and multiple fixes


    • Add Lemmy support for creating threads; by @olorin99
    • Feed action customizations (in settings); by @jwr1
    • An "Always Show Instance" option for user/magazine names


    • Fixed microblog pages not having a title
    • Fixed post images taking up too much space
    • Clicking a recommended instance now opens it right away
    • You now can't logout of the currently selected account


    Feed actions

    Just to give a little explanation, the new feed action settings let you customize which buttons display in the app bar, which buttons display in the fab menu, what happens when you click or hold down the floating action button, and which tabs are displayed on the feed.


    Additionally, Interstellar is now on flathub, making it easy to download on any Linux distro.

    /kbin meta jwr1

    Biggest Interstellar update yet: now on Google Play, Lemmy support, user/magazine mentions, and much more

    I don't have a lot to say this time, but here's the biggest Interstellar update we've had so far. This update includes almost full support for Lemmy (notification viewing, direct messages, and post creation don't work yet though), there's a new user/magazine mentions feature, user profile pages now let you view a user's comments and follows, and even more listed below. Additionally, Interstellar is now out on Google Play to the public. Here's the full list of new features and fixes that were included in this update:


    • General Lemmy support, including account login, feed view, voting, commenting, viewing communities, viewing user profiles, searching, and more. The main features not included in this release are viewing notifications, viewing/interacting with direct messages, and creating new posts. Thanks @jwr1 and @olorin99.
    • Support for editing your user profile, including the about and uploading a new profile avatar and banner; thanks @olorin99.
    • Huge improvements to the user screen, including being able to view a user's threads, microblogs, comments, replies, follows, and followers; thanks @olorin99.
    • A new user/magazine mention feature; if a user/magazine mention is detected in markdown, it tries to fetch the corresponding avatar and name and allows you to click to view the user/magazine page if available.
    • Support for blocking users, magazines, and domains.
    • Support for reporting posts and comments.
    • Show a copy button on the open link dialog.
    • Show an option for posts and comments to open them in a browser.
    • Add local filter to magazines explore.


    • Add post/comment deletion confirmation.
    • Fix account list sorting to go by host, then the local name.
    • Fix the coloring for the subscribe button so it's easier to tell when you're subscribed or not.
    • Hide the error snack bar for several common errors, including render layout issues and image loading issues.
    • Fix empty search error from the search screen.


    GitHub: Magazine: Matrix: Google Play:


    Just as a side note, those who have the app previously installed will need to re-signin into their accounts and might need to clear their app data if the app doesn't start up, as a few changes have been made with the way accounts are stored.


    Interstellar major update: Google Play, Lemmy support, user/magazine mentions, and much more


    • General Lemmy support, including account login, feed view, voting, commenting, viewing communities, viewing user profiles, searching, and more. The main features not included in this release are viewing notifications, viewing/interacting with direct messages, and creating new posts. Thanks @jwr1 and @olorin99.
    • Support for editing your user profile, including the about and uploading a new profile avatar and banner; thanks @olorin99.
    • Huge improvements to the user screen, including being able to view a user's threads, microblogs, comments, replies, follows, and followers; thanks @olorin99.
    • A new user/magazine mention feature; if a user/magazine mention is detected in markdown, it tries to fetch the corresponding avatar and name and allows you to click to view the user/magazine page if available.
    • Support for blocking users, magazines, and domains.
    • Support for reporting posts and comments.
    • Show a copy button on the open link dialog.
    • Show an option for posts and comments to open them in a browser.
    • Add local filter to magazines explore.


    • Add post/comment deletion confirmation.
    • Fix account list sorting to go by host, then the local name.
    • Fix the coloring for the subscribe button so it's easier to tell when you're subscribed or not.
    • Hide the error snack bar for several common errors, including render layout issues and image loading issues.
    • Fix empty search error from the search screen.


    Google Play:


    Just as a side note, those who have the app previously installed will need to re-signin into their accounts and might need to clear their app data if the app doesn't start up, as a few changes have been made with the way accounts are stored.
