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hamid hamid

I'm honored you are taking this time to review my posts and add downvotes. I'm sure your life is fulfilling.

Posts 355
Comments 710
  • Your perspective is that politicians in the US aren't corrupt, a country that legalized bribery and is the richest and most criminal place on earth. That is absolutely ridiculous. It isn't gall, it is obvious that you are the one with a child's perspective of the terrorist state that you live in and how corrupt the politics of the empire you call home actually are.

    You're right that you won't convince me that USA isn't a corrupt shit hole of evil motherfuckers who are so self centered and preoccupied with their own narcissism and main character syndrome you can't even see the fact that you are a villains. Your country literally overthrew the democracy where I come from in my parents lifetime then funded a despotic king that was so vicious people actually chose Islamic fundamentalism in an election, now you will get a taste of your own medicine and you deserve it.

  • Holy voting choices!
  • It is going to be so funny when the election is over and all the people who are actually in power in the USA are still in direct power because it is a corrupt oligarchy run by international criminals and not an actual republic where you have meaningful say.

  • Yep
  • You are a naive idiot if you think politicians aren't all equally corrupt and that is why your entire country is going into the shitter

  • Yep
  • As someone from a corrupt country this just tells me right side is better at hiding and bribery lol.

  • Time to move
  • You can show up in any country on a tourist visa then work in restaurants, try and enroll in school or figure out how to kick it til you get residency. It is not impossible, That's how everyone in my family (around 45 people) moved from Iran to the US and Europe over the past 40 years

  • Check out what the Vegan Home Cooks made this week! Subscribe [email protected]

    Check out our new home [email protected] and subscribe!

    We're a discord community Come join us and share what you're making.

    If if doesn't appear in your instance press the search button and search [email protected] and it should show up then and you can subscribe to federate with the community and have the posts come to your instance.

    I fixed the federation so if this didn't work before please give it another try!

    Ashleigh made the amazing pizza in the main post

    Adgetty birthday pie: (Happy birthday!!)


    Arcane Potato made Lentil noodles:


    Bee made home made seitan sandwich on home made baguette


    Bulba's granola breakfast


    Curtis made mushroom choy pasta


    Gomb made bean slop


    also a beautiful tofu scramble


    I made some tvp balls with rice and tomato sauce


    and veggie sandwiches (featuring besan pancakes)


    kwf made a picture perfect pita


    Check out Meesh's nuts


    Mmori made cauli wings


    and incredible looking dumplings


    and incredible looking poke


    Roach stole the show with the steak sandwiches



    and also made amazing looking tempeh hash


    soup made gringo enchiladas (PRE SAUCE THIS IS PRE SAUCE)


    and too tall sandwiches


    squidriot made waffles!


    Wyrmwood made a few amazing noodle dishes with fresh made noodles from fresh milled flour




    Lemmy is a failed Reddit alternative
  • Who cares? Lemmy is literally beta software and it isn't corporate growth driven social media. Also it doesn't have to replace anything. I use a lot of apps. I use both Lemmy and Reddit and always have. I have Instagram too, I also use both Twitter and Mastodon. I have Signal, Snapchat, Linkedin and Nextdoor.I like Lemmy, it is different than Reddit and that is fine. I like it better and have my own server.

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • George HW Bush was the head of the CIA, an organization that overthrows Democratic governments and then became president, then his son stole an election. That was the takeover moment, when the Gen Z kids were being born.

  • Vegans of Lemmy, would you eat lab-grown meat?
  • Keep telling yourself that, recipes run in families too. There is mountains of evidence showing that plant based diets are the healthiest and that saturated fat, where most of the calories in meat come from, is bad for you. The non vegans in my family look like everyone else, I seem to be a genetic marvel along with my wife. Everyone's genetics must have suddenly changed in the past 30 years that somehow turned 50% of people in only rich countries obese and not their shitty diet of increased meat and fat consumption.

  • Vegans of Lemmy, would you eat lab-grown meat?
  • No way, it's made by animal testing and I don't trust anyone to actually use that instead of cheaper, subsidized cruelty that is normally served.

    Also meat is really unhealthy and unnecessary. I've been vegan almost 10 years now and all my coworkers are suffering diseases from eating a shitty diet but people regularly think I'm 10 years younger than I am. My manager who is younger than me at 43 just had to get stents and had a heart attack. Long story short, I'm not looking to eat like you people ever again.

  • Not Likeable
  • Didn't Al Gore and Hilary win tho? Isn't the problem that the elections are rigged with Gerrymandering and 5 states (ID MT WY ND SD) with a population of less than Brooklyn combined have more power than California?

  • My typical pre drive snack
  • I smoke weed all day every day and I keep edibles to between 5 and 10 mg otherwise they're too strong. For a while I was trying to switch to RSO so I could smoke less but sometimes I'd take a dot too much and be out an entire weekend

  • Roll another blunt

    True stories of getting old
  • I had this meme chambered. I'm smoking weed about it

  • Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in
  • So yeah, I do have memory problems and I'm being over loaded at my job that requires precision and accuracy, this would really help me, I don't trust Microsoft to do it right but seriously fuck your attitude, yeah some people need help.

  • YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • Ironic because instead of just downvoting posts you don't like you wrote this long winded unnecessarily life wasting post. Imagine being you and spending an hour collecting links for a point literally no one cares about. Touch grass.

  • YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • I'm so fucking tired of people complaining about tankies, grow the fuck up this is like 20k people at most on beta software. Chill the fuck out. All the effort out into this post was a waste of your life.

  • Trump Convicted on All Counts to Become America’s First Felon President
  • Oh yeah really clean just directly supporting Pol Pot in Cambodia, Arming the Indonesian fascists who genocided the people of East Timor to the tune of 200,000 people, supporting the military juntas in Central America and began the Contras, Angola, Arming Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan and blocking all aid and reparations for Vietnam. At home is started the modern austerity regime and began the repeal of the new deal, stopped McGovern who might have been the only American politician worth a shit, and crushed unions. Liberal Hero.

  • Trump Convicted on All Counts to Become America’s First Felon President
  • First convicted* felon President. All the US presidents and leadership are criminal and felons, just better at not being convicted.

  • ICQ, One of the Oldest Instant Messengers, Is Shutting Down
  • I beat you by a little 1816153

  • Its friday!
  • Hydroponics Systems and Principles Of Plant Nutrition: Essential Nutrients, Function, Deficiency, and Excess

    Before beginning the discussion of the principles of plant nutrient systems in hydroponic systems, we need to define what we mean by 'hydroponic'.

    Hydroponics Systems and Principles Of Plant Nutrition: Essential Nutrients, Function, Deficiency, and Excess

    Come see what the home cooks made at c/[email protected] and on discord!

    cross-posted from:

    > Check out our new home [email protected] and subscribe! > > We're a discord community Come join us and share what you're making. > > If if doesn't appear in your instance press the search button and search [email protected] and it should show up then and you can subscribe to federate with the community and have the posts come to your instance. > > Squidriot made the pancakes 💘 > > Roach made an awesome Lentil loaf: > > ! > > Battletoads made tofu sticks with stuffing and mash: > > ! > > Bee made some miso soup: > > ! > > Gomb made mushroom alfredo with whole wheat pasta: > > ! > > I made taco mac: > > ! > > Bee made ratatouille (ve)gratin: > > ! > > Getty made some awesome looking fried tofu, potatoes and chickpeas: > > ! > > Curtis made work-day stew: > > ! > > Bulba had a salad: > > ! > > DT made some actually amazing looking pizza with fresh milled hard white wheat sourdough crust, alongside aged maple cashew cheese, cranberries, caramelized red onions, dates, garlic, and diced figs drizzled with sweet chili date reduction: > > ! > > Mmori made Ochazuke: > > ! > > > Kwf made grilled tofu with sourdough: > > ! >


    Come see what the home cooks made at c/[email protected] and on discord!

    Check out our new home [email protected] and subscribe!

    We're a discord community Come join us and share what you're making.

    If if doesn't appear in your instance press the search button and search [email protected] and it should show up then and you can subscribe to federate with the community and have the posts come to your instance.

    Squidriot made the pancakes 💘

    Roach made an awesome Lentil loaf:


    Battletoads made tofu sticks with stuffing and mash:


    Bee made some miso soup:


    Gomb made mushroom alfredo with whole wheat pasta:


    I made taco mac:


    Bee made ratatouille (ve)gratin:


    Getty made some awesome looking fried tofu, potatoes and chickpeas:


    Curtis made work-day stew:


    Bulba had a salad:


    DT made some actually amazing looking pizza with fresh milled hard white wheat sourdough crust, alongside aged maple cashew cheese, cranberries, caramelized red onions, dates, garlic, and diced figs drizzled with sweet chili date reduction:


    Mmori made Ochazuke:


    Kwf made grilled tofu with sourdough:



    See what the Vegan Home Cooks made this week on discord 🔍Search [email protected] on your instance and join 📢New: Search and join [email protected] for recipe links and blogs

    cross-posted from:

    > Join the Discord and come chat with us about what we are cooking! > > We moved from to our own instance search and join [email protected] > > Also check out [email protected] for more traditional link aggregator type recipe links and blogs. Since this is very new if you can't see it on your instance please search for it and subscribe to cache it! > > Cover pic is battletoads Big couscous, tofu, vegetables > > ! > > a literal train made Pissaladière > > ! > > train also made cannaloni > > ! > > Rileyann made chickpeas and tomato sauce > > ! > > meeseh made random soup > > > ! > > luther made curry which was served over rice > > ! > > kwf made tacos > > ! > > juggalo made beans and potatoes > > ! > > kwf made vegetables and sauce > > > ! > > gomb made scramble and maafe > > > ! > > curtis made some afternoon oats > > > ! > > db made some lentils and tortills


    See what the Vegan Home Cooks made this week on discord 🔍Search [email protected] on your instance and join 📢New: Search and join [email protected] for recipe links and blogs

    Join the Discord and come chat with us about what we are cooking!

    We moved from to our own instance search and join /c/[email protected]

    Also check out /c/[email protected] for more traditional link aggregator type recipe links and blogs. Since this is very new if you can't see it on your instance please search for it and subscribe to cache it!

    Cover pic is battletoads Big couscous, tofu, vegetables


    a literal train made Pissaladière


    train also made cannaloni


    Rileyann made chickpeas and tomato sauce


    meeseh made random soup


    luther made curry which was served over rice


    kwf made tacos


    juggalo made beans and potatoes


    kwf made vegetables and sauce


    gomb made scramble and maafe


    curtis made some afternoon oats


    db made some lentils and tortills


    Reminder to subscribe to [email protected] and [email protected] for more posts; Please search and join from your instance to federate the content!


    Gomb's lentil quesadillas

    Please subscribe by going to search of your own instance and searching [email protected] and our sister community [email protected] and subscribe on your instance.

    The way federation works is that no one will see the posts from a remote community until at least one person on the local instance subscribes so if you would like the content in your subscribed tab or think someone on your instance would like the posts please press the join button!


    We moved! Come see what VHC cooked this week [email protected] - If you're vegan join the discord!

    cross-posted from:

    > If you haven't seen us around in a while please subscribe to !homecooks[email protected] we have our own (possibly the first?) vegan focused Lemmy instance. > > Join the discord to see what the Vegan Come Cooks are up to! > > > ! > > Meesh made Seitan bourguignon > > > ! > > db made some tofu broccoli > > > ! > > getty coming in with lentil soup and kale > > > ! > > getty again with the peanut noodles, I made this one too > > > ! > > rileyann made delicious slop > > > ! > > Bulbasaur made rainbow noods > > > ! > > fala declared it is asparagus time, with tates and hummus > > > ! > > Bulba made kimbop, 👑 > > > ! > > arcane potato made some really good brown rice and lentils at work > > > ! > > I made pancakes with chocolate bean sauce > > > ! > > alphor made koshari, the ultimate food


    We moved! Come see what VHC cooked this week [email protected] - If you're vegan join the discord!

    If you haven't seen us around in a while please subscribe to !homecooks[email protected] we have our own (possibly the first?) vegan focused Lemmy instance.

    Join the discord to see what the Vegan Come Cooks are up to!


    Meesh made Seitan bourguignon


    db made some tofu broccoli


    getty coming in with lentil soup and kale


    getty again with the peanut noodles, I made this one too


    rileyann made delicious slop


    Bulbasaur made rainbow noods


    fala declared it is asparagus time, with tates and hummus


    Bulba made kimbop, 👑


    arcane potato made some really good brown rice and lentils at work


    I made pancakes with chocolate bean sauce


    alphor made koshari, the ultimate food
