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Mozilla acquired Anonym, an ad start-up Mozilla Welcomes Anonym: Privacy Preserving Digital Advertising | The Mozilla Blog

Mozilla has acquired Anonym, a trailblazer in privacy-preserving digital advertising. This strategic acquisition enables Mozilla to help raise the bar for

Mozilla Welcomes Anonym: Privacy Preserving Digital Advertising | The Mozilla Blog
what is the worst thing can happen if you leak your 2FA/MFA secret?
  • Then your password (your other, "first" factor) is the only thing preventing an intruder impersonates you.

    You'll still have to go through the hassle the now useless second factor puts you through, so you might as well update your second factor even if you trust your first to be very secure.

  • CachyOS June 2024 Release

    TLDR: extra x86 instructions supported by modern chips

  • Please recommend me laid back anime similar to Bocchi The Rock! 😭
  • Out of curiosity: is Bocchi the Rock the first anime you watched that is not action-focused and has no monsters or extraterrestrial/extradimensional invaders?

    As for my recommendation (but it's really a shot in the dark, given the scarce detail you provided), there's an older anime called "hitoribocchi something something" (I'm too lazy too look up the name) that I remember being pretty funny.

  • AI is a Lie.
  • It may not be a scam per se, but it certainly is a misnomer at this point... it's one of those words (like "enterprise" or "pro") that have been appropriated by marketing and devoided of any meaning. AI as a word will gradually die while people gradually realize it doesn't mean anything. Marketing consumes words (and people too).

  • Can I remove a git repo without resorting to `rm -rf` ?
  • The problem is that rm -rf shouldn't scare you?

    What are the chances something like

    ~/projects/some-project $ cd ..
    ~/projects $ rm -fr some-project

    may delete unexpected stuff? (especially if you get into the habit of tab-completing the directory argument)

  • FUTO Keyboard app
  • It’s also on FDroid

    Actually, it doesn't seem to be there

    and available via Obtainium/Github

    IDK about obtanium, but IIUC the sources are on their gitlab instance

  • to me, it's very sad that firefox tracks search data
  • I agree. The recent organizational changes gave me hope, but in the end it turns out Mozilla is still Mozilla.

  • Are we going to see arch based immutable distros in the near future?
  • Honestly, IMO the end-user benefit is mostly that it sounds cool.

    All the benefits I've heard (including the ones in this discussion) don't actually derive from "immutability" but from releases that stay the same for longer (which is what "more stable" used to mean), or the ability to roll back your system to some "known" working state (which you can do with snapshots and in a plethora of other ways).

    What immutability means is that users are unable to alter their system, or at least not expected to... basically, it means what in corporate lingo would sound "altering your system is not supported" and that the distro actively makes it hard for you to do so.

    This means users will not break their system because they followed badly some instructions they found on some badly written forum post anymore and blame the distro for it, but it also means that users who actually have a reason to alter their system and know what they are doing will have a hard time doing it (or be unable to), which is precisely why I left macos and went back to linux for my work computer some ten years ago (I spent half a day doing something I could have be done with in five minutes and said to myself "never again").

    For the team/company that builds it, an immutable distro will likely be easier to test and maintain than a "regular" one, which should then indirectly benefit the users (well... as long as the team/company interests are aligned with the users' of course: shall windows get easier for microsoft to maintain, how much benefit would trickle down to its end users?).

    Users who switch to an immutable distro should see a decrease in bugs short-term. In the longer run, I'd expect distros (especially the "commercial" ones) to reduce the effort they spend in QA until quality drops again to whatever level is deemed appropriate (if bread costs less I'm still not gonna buy more bread than I need... same goes for quality).

    Basically, it all boils down to "immutable distros cost less to maintain" (which, don't get me wrong, is a net positive).

    I must say I find it slightly concerning to have heard several "veteran" linux users say that immutable distros are so great that they will install one on their parent/child/SO/friend's PC but on their own.

    It's also a bit unnerving to notice that most of the push for immutability seems to come from companies (the likes of debian/arch/gentoo/etc. are not pushing for immutability AFAIK, and they certainly don't have the initiative in this field).

    I'm not sure how much immutable distros will benefit the community at large, and... I'm not even sure they will end up being very successful (windows/macos follow in whatever makes is more profitable for microsoft/apple, linux users have choice).

    I hope that immutable distros will prove both successful and good for the user community at large.

    edit: Forgot to explain the positives I hope for: since immutable distros should require less effort, I hope this will lead to more/better "niche" distros from small teams, and to distros with bigger teams doing more cool stuff with the extra manpower

  • [home manager] [solved] Is there a way to automatically import all .nix files in a directory?
  • There's the readDir builtin, but I expect nix might complain if you use that

  • Launcher with integrated clock and tray?
  • No: there is no krunner widget I can add to the panel and AFAIK no way to hide/show the panel via a keyboard shortcut

  • Launcher with integrated clock and tray?
  • AFAIK there is no krunner widget I can add to a panel... but regardless: can I have the panel show/hide via some keyboard shortcut?
    (If they can't be together, I could live with alt+space => toggle krunner and, for example, alt+shift+space => toggle panel)

  • Launcher with integrated clock and tray?

    After years of my desktop environment (kde) being configured the same way, I tried enabling auto-hiding in my panel and I quite like the extra screen estate.

    Now, the only reasons why I have a panel in the first place are the clock and the system tray (I don't use the start applications menu and I don't care for the task manager) so I've started wondering if I could completely dispose of the panel.

    Do you know of any launcher (I use krunner but switching to something else is fine) that satisfies (or can be configured to satisfy) the following?

    1. shows the current date/time
    2. integrates a system tray
    3. launches applications
    4. does math, unit conversion and currency conversion
    Twitter is fully now.
  • To put an even finer point on it, Musk’s tweet today announcing that “all core systems are now on” featured the logo of the company he founded 25 years ago.

    That's the news... is it newsworthy?

  • OpenAI strikes Reddit deal to train its AI on your posts
  • I can't wait for chatGPT to learn it should answer every disjunctive question with "por que no los dos?"

  • [Meta] Taking volunteers to help mod /c/anime
  • I can help too if you still have openings

  • Upstreaming Linux kernel support for the Snapdragon X Elite
  • Didn't know about the flower!

    Qualcomm didn't actually choose the name because of it (they choose it because it "sounded fast and fierce"), but now that I know about the flower I'll think of it instead of snappy dragons whenever I hear the SOC name.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • That sounds a lot like "doesn't matter what words actually mean. I am right nonetheless".

    ...but I'm sure you'll have some personal definition of "semantics" that will allow you to say you are still right, just like you could say "beggars can't be choosers" in a context where no one is a beggar and there are in fact lots of viable choices.

  • Upstreaming Linux kernel support for the Snapdragon X Elite
  • Tangentially OT:

    "Snapdragon X Elite"? Wasn't the name "Snapdragon" already enough cringe? :)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • If you actually read OP post, they are not asking for the moon and... definitely non "demanding" anything.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • IDK about each specific requirement (especially the "inactivity" one, but ... dude, just log in every 6 months), but I'd say a lot of "privacy" email providers should meet your needs.

    Try looking into Proton mail (warning: you'll have to setup a local relay if you need IMAP/SMTP) or maybe search the web for something like "privacy email provider free" and look into the results.

  • What depends on a specific package?

    While updating home-manager I got a notice that freeimage-unstable-2021-11-01 is marked as unsafe.

    Since chances are it's used by something I never use, I'd like to know what I'm using that depends on it... any idea how to do it?

    Also.. any idea why I have 4 copies of the freeimage stuff in my /nix/store? (I just run nix-collect-garbage -d and the 4 seem to be actually different):

    ❱ md5sum /nix/store/*freeimage*/lib/libfreeimage.a 67a0ce1cb5dd562473e27d7c88e8a9bd /nix/store/6gi6hm57zngqnxb6p5dnxhjjcbr96lrk-freeimage-unstable-2021-11-01/lib/libfreeimage.a 5995e0affbfa28b63da7e997cb4dbe63 /nix/store/09nwykzzksc0zknflsyxyah5b67c2rsn-freeimage-unstable-2021-11-01/lib/libfreeimage.a 67a0ce1cb5dd562473e27d7c88e8a9bd /nix/store/ikfiv4gpmcpyir7lsj45by653qcnvgyx-freeimage-unstable-2021-11-01/lib/libfreeimage.a 213a408e3c1fbb5dfa4491deebe05984 /nix/store/q2sc85f2hclgwl8m3qdw8rpbs44gzmah-freeimage-unstable-2021-11-01/lib/libfreeimage.a


    Looking for FOSS android TV (or something like Kodi, but dumber)

    I've been looking for something to replace the google chromecast that is attached to our TV.

    I've tried Kodi out, but the main use case for the TV set is a 70+ yo person watching netflix and there is just no way they will be better off with Kodi than with the stock netflix app.

    Besides supporting netflix, being easy to use, and providing significantly better privacy than the chromecast does, the device would ideally:

    • support other mainstream streaming (amazon, disney, ...) for when my people get tired of netflix
    • support a DVB-T2 usb stick (directly, or through IPTV: I can put the stick in a different machine)
    • support youtube without ads (through an adblocker and possibly sponsorblock, or maybe using invidious)
    • possibly, support local public TV streaming (eg. BBC)

    I have a PC set aside that should be more than capable enough (intel N100), but I'm open to getting new hardware if needed. Also, it doesn't matter if the system is not very user friendly to setup (eg. if it needs to be nixos), but once it's setup it should be easy to use and relatively straightforward to update/maintain.

    I guess a FOSS android TV would be ideal, but.. is there any? (I see Lineage supports the Google ADT-3, but that is basically unobtanium, at least where I live).


    Recommendations for workout/training tracker app?

    The app at my gym sucks: there is no checklist of what exercises you have done and no tracking of how much weight you used. Plus, for whatever reason, it wants access to my location.

    I've found a number of alternatives on F-Droid, but each of the six or so I tried was completely unusable (some seemed unfinished alphas, others are probably too old for my android version).

    Is there one app that you use and would recommend?

    What I'm looking for is:

    • At home: I setup my programs (different ones for different days)
    • At the gym: I can select a program, check off the exercises while I do them (the order I do them on depends on where there is fewer people at the gym), and log things like if I managed all the sets/reps, how much weight I used, and how long I exercised for (for things like the tapis roulant).
    • Bonus points if I can also track my weight in the same app, and if the app can export/sync the data or produce some kind of graphs/statistics based on it.



    ANC headphones/earbuds that require no proprietary apps?

    This may be OT since strictly speaking it's about hardware... I trust it is ok to post it given the spirit of the community, but have my apologies and feel free to remove it if it's not.

    I'm looking to replace my old Bose QC25, since they have recently died (after a long a fulfilling life), but it seems everything nowadays is bluetooth (which I don't mind) and require some proprietary app to turn ANC on/off (which I do mind... are physical buttons/switches become too expensive to include in your overpriced earbuds?).

    Anyway... do you know of any headphones/earbuds that meet the following?

    1. can be powered via wire or have batteries that last 12+hrs (long-haul flights)
    2. have decent noise cancelling
    3. don't require me to install a apps or can be used with some open source app (possibly with full functionality and straightforward to setup)
    4. are not overly expensive (I have to buy 2 pairs and I'll only use them a few times a year when I fly)
    nixos gomp

    How can I reference the escapeSystemdPath function (from nixpkgs' nixos/lib/utils.nix) in my config?

    I want to call the escapeSystemdPath (defined in nixpgs at nixos/lib/utils.nix) to derive the name of a systemd mount unit from the target path (eg. srv-my-dir.mount from /srv/my/dir), but I can't figure out how I can reference it... any ideas?

    nixos gomp

    Who's setting up swap for me?

    I'm playing around with nixos in a few VMs and at some point I realized I must have lost the swap configuration in one of my refactorings.

    To my surprise, however, the VMs do use the swap partitions I had set up.

    There is no mention on "swap" in my nix configuration (or in fstab) and no .swap units in /etc/systemd/system; I do however have a swap partition labelled "swap".

    Turns out there is a systemd unit (albeit not a corresponding file) that sets up swap:

    ``` [root@vm1:~]# free -hw total used free shared buffers cache available Mem: 2.8Gi 664Mi 955Mi 4.0Mi 3.0Mi 1.3Gi 2.0Gi Swap: 3.7Gi 0B 3.7Gi

    [root@vm1:~]# systemctl list-dependencies ● └─dev-disk-by\x2ddiskseq-1\x2dpart3.swap ```

    I'm wondering where the unit comes from? Can I rely on this and never configure swap ever again?


    Any extension to deal with AI-generated articles?

    Is there an extension that warns you when you are wasting time reading ai-generated crap?

    Case in point, I was reading an article that claimed to compare kubernetes distros and wasted some good minutes before realizing it was full of crap.

    nixos gomp

    Defining an option that can only be set in certain circumstances

    I have an option that must be left with the default value when a certain flag (another option) is false.

    I didn't find any example (let alone documentation) on how to implement this, so I've come up with two ideas:

    nix option-that-errors-out-if-set-when-flag-is-false = let default = if config.some-flag then "some default value for when flag is true" else "value that should not be changed when flag is false"; in lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; inherit default; apply = v: assert assertMsg (config.some-flag || v == default) "Do not set this option unless 'flag' is true"; v; };

    nix option-that-ignores-value-when-flag-is-false = let default = if config.some-flag then "some default value for when flag is true" else "value that should not be changed when flag is false"; in lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.str; inherit default; apply = v: if config.some-flag then v else default; };

    Which one do you think is "best" (cleaner, more idiomatic, etc..)?

    Is apply the "right" place to validate options? Should I make a custom type instead? Should I approach this in some different way?

    nixos gomp

    Setting "global" options from a submodule?

    I'd like to set a "global" option from within a submodule, but the config I return is grafted into the "global" under the submodule "path" rather than at the root... any idea if it's somehow possible?

    Er... I guess I didn't make a great job at explaining what I want to do... Some code will hopefully help.

    In mymodule.nix I have: ```` { lib, config, ... }: {

    options.myoption = lib.mkOption { type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule ( import ./mysubmodule.nix )); };

    } and `mysubmodule.nix` is: { name, lib, config, ... }: {

    options.mysubmoduleoption = { type = lib.types.str; };

    config = {

    here I want to set a "global" option, say "systemd.mounts"

    based on the value of ""

    but it seems I can only set values under ""


    } ````

    nixos gomp

    Help with builtins.trace

    I'm trying to debug a module I'm writing with builtins.trace, but it's being more complicated than I anticipated.

    Let's say I have a module:

    ````nix { config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }:


    config = let some-list = lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (n: v: { some-attr = "${n} ${v}"; }) { n1 = "v1"; n2 = "v2"; }; in { users.mutableUsers = builtins.trace (some-list) false; };

    } ````

    This will print

    trace: [ <code> <code> ]

    because builtins.trace (for whatever reason?) evaluates its first argument only shallowly.

    Changing the trace expression to:

    builtins.trace (builtins.toJSON some-list) false; helps a lot, but as soon as one tries to print a long list or a structure with some complexity the output is completely unreadable, and it's not like it can easily be piped into jq (I mean... &amp;| grep ^trace: | sed 's/trace: //' | jq works\*, but there must be a "better" way?)

    (*) in fish shell, IDK about bash</code></code>

    edit: It's not like I specifically want JSON output: any format will do (ideally, nix would be nice)

    nixos gomp

    How to merge multiple writeShellApplication into a single package?

    I need to generate a number of scripts in my configuration and make them into a single package (for ease of reference, because there are a lot of them).

    So far, I'm creating the scripts via writeShellApplication, making them into packages via an overlay, merging them with buildEnv and then adding the resulting package to `systemPackages.

    Something like:

    ````nix nixpkgs.overlays = [ (final: prev: { my-hello-1 = final.writeShellApplication { name = "my-hello-1-script"; text = "echo my hello wolrd 1"; }; my-hello-2 = final.writeShellApplication { name = "my-hello-2-script"; text = "echo my hello wolrd 1"; }; my-hello-scripts = final.buildEnv { name = "my-hello-scripts"; paths = [ ]; }; }) ];

    environment.systemPackages = [ ]; ````

    This works, but I don't really need the my-hello-1 and my-hello-2 packages... can you think of a way to make do without needing them?

    nixos gomp

    Recommended way to generate scripts from configuration.nix?

    I'm migrating my NAS to nixos, and I got to the point of setting up my restic backups.

    services.restic.backups is great, but -- on top of the systemd timers/services -- I also want some helper scripts (eg. one to easily mount the backups, stuff that with ansible I currently generate into /usr/local/sbin).

    These scripts would be entirely generated from the services.restic.backups config and would reference sops secrets also from configuration.nix, so... I don't think it would make sense to make a package out of them?

    What should I use to make these scripts? Should I use nixpkgs.writeShellApplication and then alter the PATH?


    Less-worst android brands?

    Since I need to run a few apps that won't work on LineageOS (because dumb developer security stance), I need to buy a "regular" android device that includes all the google "services".

    Ideally, it should be a cheap second-hand phone that will still receive security updates for a long time.

    Are there bands that are better (well, "less worse") than others from a privacy perspective?
