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Amazon Teams Up With Plan B for Epic Sci-Fi Series Adaptation of 'Consider Phlebas' Amazon Teams Up With Plan B for Epic Sci-Fi Series Adaptation of 'Consider Phlebas'

Amazon MGM Studios is working on a TV adaptation of Iain M. Banks' science fiction novel Consider Phlebas. The book is part of Banks' Culture series, which

Amazon Teams Up With Plan B for Epic Sci-Fi Series Adaptation of 'Consider Phlebas'

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  • Does this mean there might be a possibility of an Excession adaptation if all goes well? 🥹

    I'm not sure how you'd go about adapting that, but I love that book so much.

    • Every single Culture book would have to be it's own limited series. I think Phlebas was probably chosen for the amount of action and the limited exposure to the Culture. The other books are going to be harder to adapt despite getting more love from fans.