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freamon freamon

Mostly just used for moderation.

Main account is

Posts 66
Comments 216 looks to be unmaintained and is becoming increasingly less useful

As you may have noticed, the crawler at isn't picking up anything from instances on versions 0.19.4 or 0.19.5.

The Issue itself is easily fixed, and there's already a PR for it from's admin, but there's been no response from the lemmyverse developer.

Does anyway have any other ways of contacting him? If this continues (I realise 2 weeks isn't that long), is anyone interested in forking the code and hosting it on a new domain?


It's literally a trap
  • Already posted 4 days ago btw:

  • I feel so old
  • Tragically, this also means that, even after 31 years, I've still never 'get good' enough.

  • The Crossoverrrr
  • Speaking of wildly inaccurate:

    Not sure Lemmy gets to throw stones (it'd probably miss).

  • v0.19.4 - Beta Bugs & Fixes
  • Not sure where to post this. Sometimes (in ways that are difficult to replicate), I get a JSON response for a reddthat post in my browser instead of an HTML one. It's happened before on mobile (Chrome) and today also desktop (MS Edge), so I was able to make a screenshot:

    I'm assuming it's related to 0.19.4, but maybe others have seen this behaviour before the upgrade. Apologies if you're already aware - I had a quick look for other mentions but didn't find any.

  • What have you done to my little ~~cable~~ movie boy?
  • Sorry. Maybe I used the wrong term. I meant to say it's not part of the CommonMark spec (as supported by Lemmy) - like spoilers, there's identifiers that have gained popularity, but they're still not properly official. I did do a quick web-search before I made that comment, which suggested there are some sites that use a single tilde for strikethrough.

    I didn't intend any criticism of your post - I was just cheekily using it to have a tangential ding at notions of Fediverse interoperability.

  • What have you done to my little ~~cable~~ movie boy?
  • With apologies for being off-topic ...

    Lemmy: we're a Fediverse app, so can communicate with lots of other ones!
    Also Lemmy: here's some non-standardised Markdown, with no indication that it is Markdown, or which variant of strikethrough we support, and a 'mediaType' of 'text/html'

  • Another one bites the cosmic dust
  • Oh. Then I'm genuinely sorry. I thought we were both having fun, engaging in a good old-fashioned flame war. Add that to 'incorrect assumptions' pile then, I guess.

  • Another one bites the cosmic dust
  • It was never a threat to remove your posts. The 'threat', to the extent there ever was one, was to not bother seeking clarification in the event of any ambiguity, and only then if they were reported. As for accusations, I didn't realise it was plural now. I think I said that I interpreted your vote as disapproval of my approach, which still doesn't seem like an unreasonable interpretation.

    I've never moderated anything before, certainly not on Reddit. You were saying that I reminded you of someone who complained to Crayola. Now I apparently remind you of someone on Reddit. There's nothing I can do about tenuous connections your brain is making, and this can never be a proper disagreement if you're repeatedly wondering off into fantasy.

  • Another one bites the cosmic dust
  • I was never offended, which I thought you were clear on before, but apparently not. It would seem like this urge you had to teach others, that you couldn't resist, was so powerful that you willing to overlook any possibility that it wasn't required.

    As for the offer of changing moderation style: yes, I'm willing to change. I'm still feeling my way around it. If enough people communicate, through votes or comments, that my approach is wrong, I'll re-assess. Obviously though, someone as perceptive as you will have realised that my earlier offer was just for your stuff.

  • Another one bites the cosmic dust
  • I try to give anyone who reports something the time of day. Apologies if you don't think I handled that report correctly.

    Perhaps I should have just PM'd the comment author, so that you wouldn't have felt the need to get involved.

  • Another one bites the cosmic dust
  • Cheers. I was familiar with the term from astronomy, but unsure why the author thought that term sounded 'bad'. I was trying to engage in active moderation, seeking clarity rather than just nuking anything because it was reported. I'm assuming from your vote that you'd rather I don't give anyone the benefit of the doubt, so I can do that if you prefer.

  • Another one bites the cosmic dust
  • Please clarify your meaning. Your comment has been perceived as ableist (i.e. disparaging towards people born with the medical condition of dwarfism) and I'd rather not remove it if that perception is based on a misunderstanding. Thanks.

  • KBIN are 404ing this image for LW.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • ' bandwidth limit exceeded' :( Might be exacerbated by federation

  • Meteor lights up the sky in Portugal

    (bonus opportunity to brush up on your Portuguese swear words)

    Why aren't my posts showing up on my profile page? Is this a bug?
  • Yeah, I know what you mean. That note is misleading, and kinda redundant too - you can physically de-select Undetermined in the UI, but the change won't actually take if you press 'Save'.

  • Why aren't my posts showing up on my profile page? Is this a bug?
  • Most likely reason is that you unticked 'English' as a language you understand when you were playing around.

  • (NSFW Language) Why are Finns so happy?
  • Sorry - that was the auto-mod. It removes heavily down-voted stuff, which normally is something that needs removing, but not always. I'll restore your comment.

  • The Serama is a tiny breed of chicken that weighs less than 500 grams

    Trending Communities for Tuesday 30th April 2024 (NSFW edition)
  • No, sorry. There's [email protected] you could ask in, 'cos your comment here might not be seen much.

  • Trending Communities for Saturday 27th April 2024 (NSFW edition)
  • Looks like it, yeah (though peaks and troughs are to be expected). The next few days won't show entirely accurate results, because the bot uses data provided by, and that's site's crawler has been failing

  • Tricky


    Quick video demonstrating that sends every activity out twice

    I realise this is a known issue and that isn't the only instance that does this. Also, I'm aware that there are other things affecting federation. But I'm seeing some things not federate, and can't help thinking that things would be going smoother if all the output from the biggest lemmy instance wasn't 50% spam.

    Hopefully this doesn't seem like I'm shit-stirring, or trying to make the Issue I'm interested in more important than other Issues. It's something I mention occasionally, but it might be a bit abstract if you're not the admin of another instance.

    The red terminal is a tail -f of the nginx log on my server. The green terminal is outputting some details from the ActivityPub JSON containing the Announce. You should be able to see the correlation between the lines in the nginx log, and lines from the activity, and that everything is duplicated.

    This was generated by me commenting on an old post, using content that spawns an answer from a couple of bots, and then me upvoting the response. (so CREATE, CREATE, LIKE, is being announced as CREATE, CREATE, CREATE, CREATE, LIKE, LIKE). If you scale that up to every activity by every user, you'll appreciate that LW is creating a lot of work for anyone else in the Fediverse, just to filter out the duplicates.

    Test Local 2 freamon

    Remote Post 1 (20:53)

    Test Local freamon

    Remote Post from LW (19:03)


    The 'memes' community is missing an outbox

    For anyone unaware, a community's outbox typically contains the last 50 or so Post Announcements - it is retrieved when you are the first person to find a community on a remote instance. It also seems to be fetched whenever an community on a remote instance realizes it's out of sync with the community on its host instance.

    Compare: Bash curl --header 'accept: application/json' | jq -r .outbox => curl --header 'accept: application/json' | jq . { "error": "unknown", "message": "Record not found" }


    Bash curl --header 'accept: application/json' | jq -r .outbox => curl --header 'accept: application/json' | jq .orderedItems[0] { "id": "" ... (the rest of the most recent post from linux memes) }

    (I came across this randomly, so I don't know if 'memes' is the only community missing an outbox. Others I've tried have been OK though)


    Heavy Meowtal (sound on, obvs)


    But what if you could watch Star Wars like as a hologram in Star Wars


    Introducing It's Like Poetry March! (A Monthly Theme)

    Hello again,

    February's finally over, so 4 Frame memes are old news. Now, for March, memes with rhymes in them are what's required to get Featured in the Community.

    This one will be stickied until a new meme with (ideally terrible) rhymes in and [ILPM] somewhere in the title is submitted, and then the new post will be stickied instead (it's a manual affair atm, so it won't be instant)



    The power of the Gummy in the palm of my hand


    Oddly Terrifying


    Guess I'll create a new meme for the 4 Frame February theme


    Whoa whoa ... I don't like where this is going.


    Pray we don't update it further ...


    Nacreous Clouds over the Polar Regions of Norway


    Little Ricky finds out what the 'S' stands for.


    Just one more thing that was missed


    Anakin's a Master Debater, at least (2/2)
