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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 2
Comments 327
California to make financial literacy classes a requirement to graduate high school
  • A big ding to your credit score itself is actually a low amount of lines of credit, I think 10+ is considered "good" which is ridiculous

    Apparently I was wrong, and learned something new today. Your score comes from:
    35% - payment history (everything paid on time, etc)
    30% - amount owed
    15% - age of credit history
    10% - how many new lines of credit
    10% - credit mix (just credit cards vs credit cards, auto loans, etc)

  • Joe sniffing hair tho
  • Looking at your posts and comments makes me want to soak my brain in bleach from all that antisemitism, racism, and general hypocrisy. Just seeing the first handful of things made me feel like I walked by an open window of a gop convention

  • Long term ergo-mech keyboards reviews
  • I've been rocking a technik with purpz and mbk legends for about 2 years now, will probably stick with it until it gives out and replacement parts are no longer available. Low pro, hotswap, metal case, LEDs (never use them though), etc, it's great imo. My raise and lower layers are heavily riced for both my wm (bspwm) and having all my common programming symbols easily accessible.

    I've been wanting to switch to a staggered low pro split board for ergo reasons but haven't had much time to look unfortunately

  • Tough Trolly Choices
  • Then I moved the microscope until it finds at least one, pick the first one from the new lever group, and my power takes care of throwing that first found/seen lever in the same instant as me throwing it in a normal set of levers

  • Tough Trolly Choices
  • They get smaller to show that they're further away in the background not that they get infinitely small. If they were actually getting smaller, then sure, I grab an electron microscope, look at a field of levers, zoom until I see one, and pick that one, then somehow throw an electron sized lever, move to the next, smaller, physics defying lever group and just wait for quantum mechanics to do it's thing I guess

  • Tough Trolly Choices
  • This would apply if I had to pick based on the set of levers in each group. By picking the first one I see I get out of the muck of pure math, I don't care about the set as a whole, I pick the first lever I see, lever x. Doesn't matter if it's levers -10 to 10 real numbers only, my lever x could be lever -7, the set could be some crazy specific set of numbers, doesn't matter I still pick the first one I see regardless of all the others in the set.

    Pure math is super fun, but reality is a very big loophole

  • We can't even talk in this community dedicated to vegans without someone coming along and meatsplaining.
  • My wife and I are mostly vegetarian (vegetarian, plus meat once per week plus leftovers or every other week) just because we like it more, environmental reasons, healthier, etc. We have zero problem with 95% of vegans, I'll cook vegan meals if any vegan friends or friends of friends are coming over, eat at mostly or fully vegan restaurants if going out with vegan friends, etc. It's not a big deal and has no reason to be one.

    However - I say 95% for a reason. The 5% are people like my MIL. She lectures us about how eating any animal products is wrong every time we see her, spouts bogus facts with no actual sources to anyone she can get to listen (going vegan will cure cancer, diabetes, and autism within 8 weeks), and is generally insufferable to be around now because she will bring it up out of nowhere.

    I don't hate vegans at all, I hate people that are pretentious assholes about being vegan

  • What are your favorite openings to a book?
  • Not the very first lines, but Terry Pratchetts "The Colour of Magic" intro is a lore about the world and universe, and ends with this absolute gem:

    There was, for example, the theory that A'Tuin had come from nowhere and would continue at a uniform crawl, or steady gait, into nowhere, for all time. This theory was popular among academics. An alternative, favoured by those of a religious persuasion, was that A'Tuin was crawling from the Birthplace to the Time of Mating, as were all the stars in the sky which were, obviously, also carried by giant turtles. When they arrived they would briefly and passionately mate, for the first and only time, and from that fiery union new turtles would be born to carry a new pattern of worlds. This was known as the Big Bang hypothesis

  • Customer service
  • You probably can give it a static ip through your router and block any access to the internet for it. Could even set up pihole to block the ads from coming in to any device. That said, it's possible the TV has built in ads or error messages to show in place of the ads when offline/blocked, or may just not even work if offline for longer than x minutes/hours/days

  • Justice Alito questions possibility of political compromise in secret recording
  • Religious extremists: everyone should follow my religion, beliefs, morals, and rules or be punished

    Atheistic extremists: religion is dumb and should not have their beliefs taught as facts (creationism not evolution, etc), but people can believe what they want. Also, don't give religious people preferential treatment (tax-free churches, absolved of crimes for being a "good Christian", etc)

    I think "you must believe only my stuff" is intolerant, but "believe what you want, just don't push it on others" is only intolerant because religion wants to be pushed on everyone else

  • Help identifying an old game?

    I've been trying to find a game that I played probably 10 or so years ago. I thought the name was digiminer or digimon or something like that but I know it's not those games.

    The game (from what I remember) was about mining as a robot or in a ship of some sort. It was 2d. Whenever you mined areas it dropped pixels to be picked up that you had to fly/jump/move over to. I think it had a vacuum that you equipped to grab everything? You could upgrade and such to mine faster/larger and have a better pickup area. The mining area was mainly on the right side of the screen I think, the left side was all empty. The game was fully free, and I'm pretty sure that to run it you had it all downloaded in a file then ran the .exe.

    I could be getting some of the ideas wrong, it's been a long time since I played or saw the game If anyone can help identify this game I'd appreciate it! I've been trying to find it for a few years, I remember it being a fun time sink

    Edit: the game was dig-n-rig by digipen


    Ran into an issue with the latest arch Linux update, how to prevent in the futur

    I've been using Linux for the better part of 4 years so I'm not new to it, but I've always learned stuff on an as-needed basis. Today I ran into an issue that I want to prevent in the future since I had a mini heart attack thinking about how my last backup on this system was... Never since I'm an idiot who forgot to set it up like I have on my laptop. Here are my steps:

    • Ran sudo pacman -Syu; sudo pacman -Syy like I do every few days
    • packages updated
    • restarted computer
    • can only boot into emergency mode

    The journal was really long so I moved past it and went to the pacman logs, linux had updated from to Nothing else was important enough to cause the system to only boot into emergency (gcc, vbox, some libs) so I did a quick pacman -U to the cached version for both Linux and Linux headers and rebooted - hurrah it was fixed! But I have no idea why it happened, or how to prevent it.

    Has anyone else ran into this issue when updating? Any advice for preventing future crashes or issues like this so I don't fear updating?

    Edit: Thanks to everyone for your advice! I ended up following multiple bits of advice. I reinstalled arch to get btrfs as the filesystem (didn't have anything important other than some docked-compose files and books yet) and grabbed the linux-lts kernal as a backup as well. I haven't configured snapper yet, but it's on my list of things to do.
