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[meme] Just one more lane bro
  • You just exit them? It’s the people getting onto a roundabout that have to wait.

  • Het Rijks, het Baggermuseum en alles ertussenin

    Museumkaart: Wat maakt een museum de moeite waard? Jelte Liemburg bezoekt er 500 met zijn Museumkaart. „Uiteindelijk kan je álles leuk vinden.”

    Het Rijks, het Baggermuseum en alles ertussenin
    "Veryfying Estimates" by Work Chronicles
  • I get that at work too and often it’s a trust issue. The other fella could get it done faster, but could he get it done equally well? Support time will eat future development time.

  • Duizenden gele badeendjes racen dobberend over de Dommel

    Alle badeendjes zwemmen in het water. Het blijft een vrolijk gezicht, ieder jaar weer. Deze keer dobberden 5800 gele badeendjes over de Dommel richting Eindhoven. Zondagmiddag werd de gele wiebelende drijvende massa onder grote belangstelling op de Dommel vrijgelaten. Het is een jaarlijkse wedstrijd...

    Duizenden gele badeendjes racen dobberend over de Dommel
    Why does everyone swear so much in The Witcher 3?
  • Yeah, I don’t know either. I found it an interesting read, it also goes into conversation design in games. Felt like it would be appropriate here?

  • Why does everyone swear so much in The Witcher 3?
  • Yeah, I don’t know either. I found it an interesting read, it also goes into conversation design in games. Felt like it would be appropriate here?

  • Why does everyone swear so much in The Witcher 3?

    There's nothing like going for a nice long walk around the world of The Witcher 3 and meeting some of the locals there.…

    Why does everyone swear so much in The Witcher 3?
    8 Why does everyone swear so much in The Witcher 3?

    There's nothing like going for a nice long walk around the world of The Witcher 3 and meeting some of the locals there.…

    Why does everyone swear so much in The Witcher 3?

    How Four Friends Built a ‘Hypercube’ to Play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Together in 2023 How Four Friends Built a ‘Hypercube’ to Play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Together in 2023 - IGN

    For one group of four friends, their love of Crystal Chronicles’ was inseparable from their experience playing together as teenagers. So when the 2020 remaster failed to recapture their youthful experience in full, they started a project that would let them play the original game in all its glory, t...

    How Four Friends Built a ‘Hypercube’ to Play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Together in 2023 - IGN

    How Four Friends Built a ‘Hypercube’ to Play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Together in 2023 How Four Friends Built a ‘Hypercube’ to Play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Together in 2023 - IGN

    For one group of four friends, their love of Crystal Chronicles’ was inseparable from their experience playing together as teenagers. So when the 2020 remaster failed to recapture their youthful experience in full, they started a project that would let them play the original game in all its glory, t...

    How Four Friends Built a ‘Hypercube’ to Play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Together in 2023 - IGN
    13 Gaswinning Groningen stopt definitief vanaf oktober 2024, gasputten worden ontmanteld

    Groningen: De data waarop de gaswinning stopt, staan met een besluit van het kabinet definitief vast. Alleen komende winter is er nog een kans dat de gaskraan weer open moet.

    Gaswinning Groningen stopt definitief vanaf oktober 2024, gasputten worden ontmanteld
    3 The official Lord of the Rings special effects studio is making a cozy hobbit game

    Time to live out your dreams of playing a hobbit in Tolkien's Shire.

    The official Lord of the Rings special effects studio is making a cozy hobbit game
    4 The official Lord of the Rings special effects studio is making a cozy hobbit game

    Time to live out your dreams of playing a hobbit in Tolkien's Shire.

    The official Lord of the Rings special effects studio is making a cozy hobbit game
    26 Don’t throw out those used coffee grounds—use them for 3D printing instead

    Any object you create can be thrown back into a coffee grinder and reused on a new object.

    Don’t throw out those used coffee grounds—use them for 3D printing instead
    What song are you listening to?
  • No, I’d finally be able to drive without needing to have music on at any given time.

  • I lys av valget: Hvem er alle disse menneskene?
  • Er ikke politisk ekspert men har lurt på dette selv før. Men partier som FRP, nei til bompenger, etc er gjerne hva vi kan kalle «misnøyepartier». Partier som appeller til folk som er misfornøyde på et eller annet vis. Dette behøver ikke å være en konkret politisk ting. F.eks at du føler at ting forandrer seg for fort i samfunnet, eller at du føler at for mye fremmede ting tar plass, eller at dine ytringer blir stigmatisert (mens det føltes ok å si ting i bygda 20 år siden).

    FRP har gjerne retorikk og symbolsaker som appellerer til følelsen at ting har tatt en tullete vei. Husker du kanskje at de bokstavelig talt hadde en liste mot «dusteforbud»? Mange av tingene i den listen har en ekte grunn til å bli forbudt, men om man nå mener at «jeg brukte solarium som tenåring og jeg fikk aldri kreft» så tenker man ikke i det store bildet. Men med slike partier handler det ofte om egen misnøye. (Dette er ikke eksklusivt til FRP altså, hvem stemmer høyre for å bedre andre folks skatt?)

    Dette kommer til neste punkt, FRP er eksperter på grasrotbevegelser. Ingen sak er for liten. Mens Høyre ikke kunne se lavere enn fylkesnivå og AP bare fokuserte på å vedlikeholde industrien, så tok lokallaget FRP opp alle småtingene som vanlige folk sytret om.

    For å sette det i perspektiv. I det store bildet er mye viktig, men i hverdagen erger folk seg mer om å måtte betale for en plastpose.

  • Er heeft zich in twee maanden tijd een neosociale omwenteling afgespeeld: er gloort perspectief Opinie | Er heeft zich in twee maanden tijd een neosociale omwenteling afgespeeld: er gloort perspectief

    Politiek: Alles is in beweging in de politiek. Is dit een serieus kantelpunt? Hans Boutellier denkt van wel. „Het lijkt op eind jaren zestig.”

    Opinie | Er heeft zich in twee maanden tijd een neosociale omwenteling afgespeeld: er gloort perspectief
    cold pizza tastes better
  • Fair enough

  • cold pizza tastes better
  • Wouldn’t it at that point be less work to just get some flatbread with cheese and tomato, instead of having to cook and then cool a pizza?

  • Every Type of Plastic Used By LEGO Every Type of Plastic Used By LEGO - BrickNerd - All things LEGO and the LEGO fan community

    While ABS may be the most well-known plastic used by LEGO, they actually use a wide variety of plastics. Here’s an example of all the kinds of plastic used by LEGO provided by BrickNerd guest contributor Ryan Howerter.

    Every Type of Plastic Used By LEGO - BrickNerd - All things LEGO and the LEGO fan community
    8 Coffee in a Can

    Life’s inconveniences, when they happen to you and me, are just that. Inconveniences. When they happen to some people though they end up becoming multi-billion dollar businesses. This is the story of Japan’s canned coffee. One finds at least one vending machine in almost every street in Japan...

    Coffee in a Can
    1 Coffee in a Can

    Life’s inconveniences, when they happen to you and me, are just that. Inconveniences. When they happen to some people though they end up becoming multi-billion dollar businesses. This is the story of Japan’s canned coffee. One finds at least one vending machine in almost every street in Japan...

    Coffee in a Can
    Ban on walking more than six dogs to go ahead
  • They likely must have some statistics. But if I had to do an uneducated guess, I would guess it’s also due to poorly socialized dogs from lockdown time. Not that it’s mutually exclusive.

  • Prime
  • Honestly, I’m just reposting what my friends post to me. Blame them.

  • Prime

    Aantal jonge werkenden met burn-outklachten neemt toe, vooral vrouwen
  • Goede vraag. Zij noemen verhoogde beschikbaarheid als een factor en dat kan ik geloven dat verandert is sinds jaren 90. Maar de andere punten kunnen ook mogelijk zijn.

  • Aantal jonge werkenden met burn-outklachten neemt toe, vooral vrouwen

    Volgens onderzoeksbureau TNO en het CBS is de stijging met name in de sectoren zorg en onderwijs te zien.

    Aantal jonge werkenden met burn-outklachten neemt toe, vooral vrouwen
    Final Fantasy XVI producer announces PC version is in development, along with 2 paid DLCs
  • Yes but that mode made everything look like mush. And worked rather poorly outside combat.

  • Final Fantasy XVI producer announces PC version is in development, along with 2 paid DLCs
  • Hope the pc version runs well. Watching my partner play in 30fps looked painful.

  • What

    Stepping back from the Tusky project
  • I’d like to hear the other side too, but it’s hard to imagine there’s no foul play at all.

  • Weird PETG Behavior
  • Could also be the heat sensor is faulty, damaged wiring, etc. When I compare them, the reported number can be off by quite a bit from the real temperature .

  • Exactly why i wont play Homecooked with my gf
  • That’s so recognisable. She can help with eating.

  • Shirley you cant be serious!
  • They do but lots of places make it a major hassle to set preferences. Like having “accept all” but rejecting has to be done one by one.

  • Shirley you cant be serious!
  • Doubly egregious when you have one of those annoying GDPR windows that make opting out a hassle just to view the menu. I’ve left restaurants over this.

  • Bizarre Movie Posters From Africa That Are So Bad, They’re Good

    Do you roll with failures or do you load and try for your "expected" outcome?
  • Disco Elysium is a game about constant failures. It’s a central theme in the game. Save scumming in that game, it feels like it would lessen the impact of the story.

  • Do you roll with failures or do you load and try for your "expected" outcome?
  • BG3 have something called karma dice to balance it out if you’re unlucky with your rolls. It’s on by default.

    I always roll with the rolls, failure is part of the game.

  • A good food guide to middle earth


    The wise
