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chaddy chaddy
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Comments 24
Meanwhile, at RedHat Headquarters
  • There are dozens of us!

  • Why OpenSuse is said to be KDE Plasma first?
  • You have to install them manually, but it's pretty easy thanks to yast and zypper.

    I found it way easier compared to arch or even manjaro.

  • A street in my neighborhood
  • Why are there no sidewalks?

  • Arch, Debian oder Fedora - was läuft auf eurem Desktop?
  • Bin mittlerweile auch bei tumbleweed gelandet. Hatte privat eine Zeit lang Manjaro auf dem Desktop laufen, war immer wieder mit Kleinigkeiten unzufrieden (hauptsächlich wegen AUR, bzw. Manjaro+AUR), weswegen erstmal EndeavourOS für mein Notebook (Arch mit Installer und sane defaults) herhalten musste. AUR lief dann zwar reibungslos, aber es gab öfter mal nach längerer Nichtbenutzung Update Probleme, fehlende oder abgelaufene keys usw.

    Seit letztem Sommer nun tumbleweed auf dem Desktop und mit der Rückkehr ins Büro nun auch auf dem Arbeitsrechner, dort auch mit NVidia Karte ohne Probleme. Selbst nach dem Urlaub ist mit einem kurzen zypper ref jedes Update problemlos.

    Momentan überlege ich auf dem Notebook NixOS aufzusetzen, bin aber noch unschlüssig, ob ich mich extra in eine neue Sprache einarbeiten möchte. MicroOS bzw. OpenSuse Aeon/Kalpa klingt auch sehr interessant, allerdings würde ich, zumindest auf dem Notebook, gerne von Rolling Release auf Stable Distros umsteigen.

  • Is having an Android really a deal-breaker for some people?
  • Signal uses the same E2E encryption as WhatsApp and is also not Open-Source. One could argue that not being owned by Meta makes it inherently more private, to which I would somewhat agree.

    The most private Messaging-App would be some kind of federated Chat, like Jabber or Matrix, that you or a collection of family/friends can self-host.

    Unfortunately, nobody uses those ¯\(ツ)

  • Movie Marathon Help
  • Both Armour of God movies, and both Drunken Masters would be my personal pick.

  • Posting-rate-limit erhöhen?
  • Sogar in den Kommentaren kommentierst du zweimal das gleiche. Fünf Links am Stück in nur einer community halte ich sogar für relativ viel.

    Meiner Meinung nach würde die feddit community eher belebt werden wenn statt mehrere zu Links posten, du dir die "besten" raussuchst und dazu in den Kommentaren deine Gedanken dazu schreibst.

  • Austrian GP [FP1] 2023 discussion thread
  • Which camera transition? Could not watch the stream as I'm currently still at work :o

  • What are your "weirdest" pizza toppings or other weird food combos?
  • That's peak Pizza for me! Especially with both pepperoni and sucuk (turkish garlic salami that's basically available in every Pizza delivery place in Germany).

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Finde ich schwierig, über “out-of-scope” kann man streiten.

    Firefox wird ja nicht nur in Standard Heimnetzen verwendet. Von einem „sicheren“ Browser würde ich auf jeden Fall nicht erwarten, sich auf einen redirect im target host zu verlassen.

    Schwierig wird es für DAUs, die sich für teuer Geld ein Gerät für das Intranet kaufen und das gar kein HTTPS anbietet. Darüber kann man noch viel mehr streiten, aber diese Szenarien gibt es eben auch

    Ich denke, es geht genau darum, DAUs zu schützen. Wenn das Gerät nicht mindestens self-signed Zertifkate ausstellen kann, ist das Gerät halt heutzutage unbrauchbar. Sobald da mehrere Geräte im Netzwerk hängen (gerade iwelche Smart Appliances oder sowas) wird eine Nutzung ohne https fahrlässig. Da finde ich den "opt-out" von https redirect, für Leute die wissen was sie tun, doch um einiges sinnvoller.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Sollte es nicht möglich sein, einen Hostname auf Ursprung (LAN/WAN) zu prüfen?

    Das ist für Firefox denke ich out-of-scope und ist halt eigentlich etwas, das nur den router interessieren sollte.

    Kann dein Problem auch nicht wirklich reproduzieren, meistens reicht es explizit http://* anzugeben oder eben den http Port hinter die Adresse zu hängen. Bei self-signed Zertifikaten muss ich das nur einmal akzeptieren und jeder weitere Besuch danach läuft normal ab. Habe glaube ich auch nie iwas darüber in about:config ändern müssen.

  • Why does Lemmy feel so fresh compared to Reddit?
  • I would consider myself a normie, specifically regarding reddit, as I only spent my time lurking there and already have more comments on lemmy than on 7 years on reddit.

    The current vibe and atmosphere just feels kind of special. Almost everyone is figuring stuff out, no one is down voted for asking some basic questions and I don't have the feeling that some grammar nazi is immediately around the corner to correct my many mistakes, just to get that sweet, sweet karma.

  • Why does Lemmy feel so fresh compared to Reddit?
  • Lol, I think the first one would definitely have flown over my head without explanation. Also, I don't know if it's instance specific, but I can't seem to find my reputation on my profile, neither on or Jerboa. Where do you get that information?

    Maybe it could be useful for moderators or admins to access that information? But that also poses the risk of accounts "reputation-farming" like on reddit to sell the account to some bot-farm that uses it for astro-turfing or sth similar.

  • F1 Streaming?
  • Iirc was decently reliable to have every f1 stream. Personally I have switched to F1TV. It's somewhat finicky to get running if you're in a country like germany, where it's not officially available, but the quality of the commentary and functionality overall is so much better then for example skyf1.

  • Need some nginx magic
  • You should elaborate on the weird issues you're having. It would also help to know which specific services you want to host and maybe some cleaned up (= generalized, with no personal information or hostname) logs to pin down the various issues.

    For most services there seems to be at least a basic apache or nginx config available. From there you can see what you probably have to adapt to your own config.

  • Why does Lemmy feel so fresh compared to Reddit?
  • I think the lack of a karma equivalent, and thus karma farming, results in much more thought out and unique posts/comments.

  • what imgur alternatives do you use to share images?
  • Hosting the images directly on the lemmy/kbin instance creates imo unnecessary traffic to the servers. I don't know if admins can disable selfhosting images, but considering the low-powered machines almost every instance is currently hosted on, I would assume it would be in everyones self-interest to outsource image hosting (at least for now).

  • There is some desync issue with and
  • The thread on you linked mentions this Github Issue. Could this be related?

  • [DISCUSSION} Secret Invasion S01E01 - Resurrection
  • Not sure who else is a Skrull and wondering if we're seeing Ross again in this show, but I'm certain Fury already is three steps ahead. Can't wait for next week's episode.

    Spoiler: No Russian

    Also, I think Gravin is definitely pulling a "No Russian" from COD:MW2. Killing Hill on the square was definitely a main part of the plan.

    Would love to get two Episodes at least at the start of each series. Some shows do this and I think it's a lot easier to build up hype that way.

  • Well shit, they're even going after tiny not-so-active subs like mine
  • It's kinda obvious, isn't it. Just recreate the community/magazine on lemmy/kbin :D

    Maybe advertise your community in the subreddit while telling everyone that you have been replaced as a moderator.