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areyoulessthan ash! [she/they]


Posts 34
Comments 32
stirner cat
  • spooky

  • Rock bottom can always get deeper.
  • """Anarcho"""-Capitalist

  • Lmao Germany talks about that
  • The German Democratic Republic (also known as East Germany) was better

  • genshin rule

    Regarding issues plaguing the website over the past few days
  • A status page is a good idea I would say

  • Come on Taiwan, fight a proxy war for America! All the cool kids are doing it!
  • I doubt anything will actually happen between China and the Taiwan authorities, but that's just my take.

  • Lyudmila was based. Be like Lyudmila.
  • Agreed, those two are your best bet.

  • What is up with sudden surge in random downvotes?
  • Facebook thankfully won't see them as long as we make sure to defederate when they come to the Fediverse.

  • Funny name rule

  • comically large rule

  • idek what to title this... Rule


    Stray From The Path - Goodnight Alt-Right



  • Surprising honestly.

  • It's our cup, and it shall runneth over!
  • I unfortunately know what the caption is talking about

  • Weebs and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
  • I can enjoy some slice of life, but yeah, no idea why fash decide to use this genre in particular for their layouts and stuff.

  • Weebs and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
  • I have always found it strange how fascists like to use K-ON and various other moe/slice of life anime for their profile pictures, anyone else agree?

  • Architects - "Modern Misery"


    Nine Inch Nails – LESS THAN

    About time that I posted this one, eh?

    0 President receives letters of credence from foreign ambassadors

    (KPL) President Thongloun Sisoulith received in Vientiane on Feb 23 letters of credence from foreign ambassadors to the Lao PDR. The ambassadors included Jonathan Kings of New Zealand whose office is based in Bangkok, Thailand; Pedro Zwahlen of Swiss whose office is located in Bangkok, Thailand; Pav...

    President receives letters of credence from foreign ambassadors

    (KPL) President Thongloun Sisoulith received in Vientiane on Feb 23 letters of credence from foreign ambassadors to the Lao PDR. The ambassadors included Jonathan Kings of New Zealand whose office is based in Bangkok, Thailand; Pedro Zwahlen of Swiss whose office is located in Bangkok, Thailand; Pavel Pitel of Czech whose office is located in Bangkok, Thailand; Nicolai Prytz of Denmark whose office is located in Hanoi, Vietnam; and Uladzimir Baravikou of Belarus whose office is located in Hanoi, Vietnam.


    (KPL) President Thongloun Sisoulith received in Vientiane on Feb 23 letters of credence from foreign ambassadors to the Lao PDR.

    The ambassadors included Jonathan Kings of New Zealand whose office is based in Bangkok, Thailand; Pedro Zwahlen of Swiss whose office is located in Bangkok, Thailand; Pavel Pitel of Czech whose office is located in Bangkok, Thailand; Nicolai Prytz of Denmark whose office is located in Hanoi, Vietnam; and Uladzimir Baravikou of Belarus whose office is located in Hanoi, Vietnam.


    President Thongloun appreciated the foreign ambassadors for their appointment to serve as ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the Lao PDR and expressed his hope that during their tenures in Laos they will serve as a bridge to enhance the relations and cooperation between Laos and their respective countries.

    The President stated that the government and relevant authorities in Laos are ready to cooperate with and help them achieve their diplomatic tasks.


    He called on the foreign diplomats to continue to increase mutual exchange of visits of high ranking officials and people to people exchange between Laos and their motherlands and reaffirmed Laos’ unwavering foreign policy of Peace, Independence, Friendship and Cooperation noting that the Lao PDR is a peace loving country and willing to be friends with all countries, and ready to work with every countries based on principles of mutual respect and mutual benefit for the prosperity of the people, peace and sustainable development in the world.

    The President also expressed gratitude to the cooperation, support and assistance the ambassadors’ countries have provided to the Lao PDR over the past years which has contributed significantly to its socio-economic development.


    He asked the ambassadors to continue to promote the cooperation on trade and investment between Laos and their respective countries.

    He also expected that they will provide assistance and support and cooperation to Laos to help make its chairmanship of ASEAN a success in 2024.

    In reply, the foreign diplomats expressed thanks to the President for his warm welcome and expressed their willingness to continue to make sure the sound relations and cooperation between their respective countries and the Lao PDR are better promoted and more successful in the future to bring prosperity to the countries and optimal benefits to their peoples.



    Welcome to /c/Laos Lao People's Democratic Republic

    Laos, officially, the Lao People's Democratic Republic (LPDR), is a modern-day socialist country, established in Southeast Asia after having achieved independence...

    Lao People's Democratic Republic

    The first post here will be the ProleWiki article for Laos.


    "Innovation" Rule


    World faces ‘challenges, potential crises’ in 2023;China to contribute more certainties

    Cuba ash! [she/they]

    DPRK Officials Pay Congratulatory Visit to Cuban Embassy

    Pyongyang, December 31 (KCNA) -- Officials of the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of External Economic Relations of the DPRK and the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries visited the Cuban embassy here on Dec. 30 on the occasion of the 64th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban revolution.

    Floral baskets in the names of the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of External Economic Relations and the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries were laid before the portraits of President Kim Il Sung, Chairman Kim Jong Il, Comrade Fidel Castro Ruz and Comrade Raul Castro Ruz at the embassy. -0-


    ! ! !




    programming socks

    Cuba ash! [she/they]


    Games ash! [she/they] Call of Duty is a Government Psyop: These Documents Prove It

    An inspection of Activision Blizzard’s connections to state power and documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that Call of Duty is a carefully constructed piece of military propaganda

    5 Putin to personally address mobilization issues with Russians

    President Vladimir Putin has said he plans to discuss support for those drafted in the partial mobilization, at meeting with fellow citizens

    Putin to personally address mobilization issues with Russians

    cross-posted from:

    > ! > > Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he plans to personally address people’s concerns linked to the partial mobilization, by holding a public meeting. The gathering is expected to take place during his upcoming visit to the central Tverskaya Oblast. > > “I will also certainly meet with people, talk to them,” Putin told the regional governor, Igor Rudenya, on Monday, during a discussion about various issues linked to the recent mobilization. The people need “to be heard,” the president maintained, adding that he wants to “have feedback” on the mobilization efforts. > > The president also called on the governor to promptly collect all data on issues that may have arisen during the mobilization and to inform him “in advance.” He is expected to arrive in Tverskaya Oblast for a working trip later this week. > > Putin announced the end of the partial mobilization last week. Russia had fully met the target of calling up 300,000 troops that had been set out in the presidential decree, the defense ministry said at that time. On Monday, he said that 80,000 troops had already been sent to the combat zone, and 50,000 of them have taken part in military operations. > > The president ordered the partial mobilization of reservists in Russia on September 21. The Defense Ministry said at the time that it planned to boost the strength of the standing army by calling up reservists amid the military campaign in Ukraine, which Moscow launched in late February. > > People who were called to arms in various regions reported some issues linked to the mobilization campaign on a number of occasions, including a lack of equipment or supplies as well as payment delays. The Kremlin admitted the issues and created a special coordination committee to ensure better supplies for the newly drafted troops. “Measures are being taken, and all these issues are to be resolved,” the presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in late October. > > Russia sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements, designed to give the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state. In February 2022, the Kremlin recognized the Donbass republics as independent states and demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join any Western military bloc. Kiev insists that the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked. > > In early October, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, officially became part of Russia following referendums that saw the majority of local residents vote in favor of the accession.

    Cuba ash! [she/they]

    Did you know that Fox News once blurred out pro-Cuba slogans in the footage of a rally in 2021? Fox News mocked for blurring pro-government slogans in footage of Havana rally shown alongside fiery Ted Cruz tirade

    As Ted Cruz praised the bravery of anti-government protesters in Cuba on Fox News on Tuesday, little did he know that the channel was showing footage from a pro-government rally in Havana alongside his remarks.

    Fox News mocked for blurring pro-government slogans in footage of Havana rally shown alongside fiery Ted Cruz tirade

    cross-posted from:

    > ! > > > Some eagle-eyed viewers caught the inconsistency. The same footage – but with the slogans clearly visible – can be seen, for example, in a Deutsche Welle report on the situation in Cuba. Demonstrators declaring that “the streets belong to the revolutionaries” are probably not the kind of Cuban protesters that Senator Cruz had in mind.


    2022 Russian UN resolution on combating glorification of Nazism

    Cuba ash! [she/they]

    The world would be better off without the blockade!
