Unfair as in "give them the part where russians leaves"? Lmao
This christmas it was me and my mum. I arrived at 7pm. At 8pm she couldn't hold a conversation. At 9pm I had to carry her to bed coz she was that drunk.
But yay let's normalize alcohol around kids. It just destroyed my fucking life, who cares?
Shut up, retard. Take your soldiers back, we don't want them.
We don't want them. Ship them back.
What you think the US keeps europe as vassal out of their good heart? The UE is a huge market.
I know people in ukraine. They call it north korea. You know, coz they cannot leave.
Very anarchist of you to support that lmao
It's western jingoism. The dude is probably working for the weapon industry.
Bitch the NATO put yeltsin in place in the first place. I hope you gets drafted and dies for the war machine you're supporting, idiot. These cunts murdered politician and your "anarchist" ass is defending them lmao you're a fucking scum
Sucking lockhead martin's cock is not anarchism omg
I'm an european leftist. You can shove your NATO into your butthole
As european. Good. The NATO sponsored far-right terrorism. They can suck my cock.
"It wasn't or isn't 'genocide,' because ..." They may enter definitional or rhetorical argumentation.
The ICJ have received threat from the United States, who literally threatened to invade the haag. Their words cannot be trusted anymore. Anybody would bow to this kind of pressure.
Meanwhile, the israeli, with their yank, german and british complicity, attacked Irish peacekeeper. If there was any justice, the rest of europe would attack the axis of evil (germany, britain, USA).
Ahah of course the genocide denialist is german. From a fellow european, you guys suck ass. Heartless country of heartless people.
The world starts to see through your bullshit. You cannot manipulate the truth forever you know
"Dense urban environment" jezz I wonder why it's so dense lmao it's a ghetto.
"They didn't kill enough people" is a disgusting way to deny genocide.
The IDF could easily kill ten times as much per day, if they wanted to. If the IDF wanted to genocide Gaza, we would be at a million deaths at least by now.
"It wasn't intentional"
Remember that Palestinian terrorists managed to kill more than 1000 Israelis in one day with mostly small arms
"It was self defense"