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abeltramo abeltramo

Having fun building Wolf and GOW

Posts 5
Comments 41
Netris - an experimental open-source GeForce NOW alternative (cloud gaming solution)
  • Not fully open source and trying to get paid subscriptions even before having a product doesn't sound too good to me..

  • hello! i made a versatile file syncing tool in C++ it's called lunas
  • What's the killer feature of Lunas that's missing from Rsync?

  • One Year Anniversary Giveaway! - WINNERS CHOSEN!
  • Congrats! That's so kind of you! In the rare event that I'd be picked I'll save you some $$ I'd like to try Dave the Diver given the overwhelming positive feedback (especially on the Steam Deck).

  • Riot official response about League of Legends on Linux for Vanguard anti cheat
  • The devil is in the details: 800 on a single day.

  • NVIDIA GPU on a docker headless system
  • Wow it's the first time that I see someone suggesting my project out in the wild, thanks! Here's the Wolf quickstart guide

  • Some fresh veggies from the garden
  • Right? Pretty simple to make too and you can toss in it everything you've got left!

  • Some fresh veggies from the garden
  • Yeah that's not what I meant; it's just that it easily gets boring to eat the same kind of stuff every day so I have to find creative ways to spice it up!

    I never waste food and luckily it's not an unmanageable amount!

  • Some fresh veggies from the garden

    My neighbour kindly dropped a massive chest of vegetables from her garden and now I have to find creative ways to cook them before they get bad.

    It was my first time cooking patty pans squash, funnily I had to google search them by image because I could find any match using "miniature pumpkin"!

    [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - August 2023
  • I'm currently playing Batman Arkam Knight after buying at a huge discount last week. It works flawlessly on Deck and it looks gorgeous even on the small screen, the game is also great fun; absolutely recommended!

  • What do you use for self hosting a streaming service like Geforce Now?
  • Unfortunately Windows is not supported at the moment, I'm not even sure it's possible to implement what we currently have in Linux.
    With time, we can probably explore other platforms as well.

  • What do you use for self hosting a streaming service like Geforce Now?
  • That's exactly the use case, virtual HW accelerated desktops isolated from the host.
    There's practically no performance hit apart from a young codebase that probably needs more testing and polishing..

  • What do you use for self hosting a streaming service like Geforce Now?
  • Shameless plug: Wolf is an alternative to Sunshine that allows you to run multiple simultaneous stream via Docker

  • What's your uptime record?
  • Thanks, I wasn't expecting everyone to take this so seriously, it was supposed to be funny..

  • What's your uptime record?
  • Thanks for your high value contribution to this tread!

  • What's your uptime record?
  • Well now it's becoming kind of a challenge: will AWS terminate/migrate the instance at some point, or will I be forced to reboot?

  • What's your uptime record?
  • It's not internet facing and no port is opened, all it does is fire up a notification if/when something doesn't reply.

    Even in the unlikely scenario that someone gain access to it (nobody did in the last ~4 years) that means that my VPN is already compromised and I've got bigger problems to worry about.

  • What's your uptime record?

    Mine is in the picture: 1544 days and counting!

    It's an EC2 nano instance that's used only as a monitor for a few services that are running inside my VPN. It has served me well over all these years!

    ---- EDIT: before everyone starts screaming about "security": It’s not internet facing and no port is opened, all it does is fire up a notification if/when something doesn’t reply.

    Even in the unlikely scenario that someone gain access to it that means that my VPN is already compromised, and I’ve got bigger problems to worry about.

    Thunderbird 115 "Supernova" launched
  • Just installed, it looks much better compared to 102 without removing any functionality. I love it!

  • Introducing XPipe: A brand-new type of shell connection hub and remote file manager
  • Sounds super interesting, thanks for sharing! I'll definitely check it out later!

    Quick question: are both docker and fs based on top of ssh or are there any more requirements? For example, do you expect the docker socket to be available over the network or do you open an ssh connection and then access the docker socket from there?

  • How to prettify an homelab into a rack?
  • Thanks for all the tips, this is exactly the kind of things I was looking for that I wasn't thinking about. I guess I'll go with 3/4U since it looks like it's the easy solution to fit everything in.

    The last question I've got is about the Sata backplate that some of them have in the front, is that compatible with any home PSU/Motherboard or does that require some special HW? I guess for SAS I would need an additional PCI card in order to support it, right?

  • How to prettify an homelab into a rack?
  • Thanks, that's very helpful! I couldn't find much on Amazon but I can find some different retailers with better googling..
    I guess the fans can be easily replaced since they seem normal-sized but now I'm wondering about the PSU, it looks like only some 4U can accommodate an ATX power supply but that would limit my choice immensely.
    Are there any "server shaped" PSUs (how are they called?) that are also silent?

  • How to prettify an homelab into a rack?

    I've turned a couple of old desktop computers into my homelab. They are currently "stacked" on top of each other with a Raspy, router and switch on top and a UPS on the side.

    To my eye this looks "pretty enough" but it doesn't score high on the Wife Approval Rating and I would really like to turn it into a "pretty" little rack. Hence, the question: how to do it? Which parts should I get? I'm mainly having a hard time finding some kind of "rack case" so that I can insert my desktop HW into it; should I buy a server and strip it out?

    Just a few more info:

    • My homelab is extremely silent (since it sits close to my desk) and I would very much like to keep it this way. I absolutely don't want server fans screaming at me all the time.
    • It would be cool to have a "NAS like" enclosure for the NAS drives that currently sit inside a normal desktop case.
    • I'm UK based, I know in the US might be easier to get all this stuff, but any tip or help is highly appreciated anyway.

    Gears 5 updated for Steam Deck

    It has been a while since I've played it, I'm downloading it again now on my Deck, I was wondering if anyone else saw this and could tell me how it runs? Is it playable?


    Releasing Wolf: Stream virtual desktops and games running in Docker

    Hello everyone! 👋

    For the past year I had fun messing around with Docker containers, Moonlight/Sunshine and HW acceleration; so much so that I've ended up building a Gamestream server from scratch!

    The basic underlying idea is to allow the followings:

    • Share a single server (possibly headless but doesn't have to be) with multiple users
    • by creating virtual HW accelerated desktops
    • whilst keeping remote mouse, keyboard and controllers completely separated
    • with low latency

    It's still rough around the edges, and it needs more testing from the community; if you want to check it out, here you can read the docs and here's the Github repo.
