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Warped Warped

Here to try and be social. Very strange as I'm not in real life. A bloke getting on in age, who has been round the block. Mentally, I may be ill, but I'm not as sick as those in charge of us. Let's laugh, or at least make fun of the idiots. Mostly here for fun, whatever that means?

Posts 6
Comments 40
People in /r/redditalternatives are talking about a "Reddit 2.0" What website would fill that role?
  • The problem is, many want a second Reddit. I and most here want something better than Reddit. Also, those that stayed with Reddit will not move until a precise copy is available, and someone holds their hand to help them move to this new platform. So many are plain lazy, hence so many stupid questions, because these idiots can't use Google. They want others to do it all for them.

    So they can talk all they like about Reddit 2.0, but they are too lazy to find it, move to it, and shape it into what they want.

  • What does following a user do?
  • It depends on the laws in your country and to what extent you follow them. If you're ten or twenty metres behind, and it's only for a few minutes, you're possibly safe. But if you're hiding under their bed, then you have issues and need to seek attention now, possibly medical.*

    • = Sarcasm
  • Rather than a particular dish, what's your favourite food ingredient?
  • Really hard, but possibly paprika or maybe garlic?

    Butternut squash and spinach are also popular.

    Any cheese. Stilton, feta or Stinky Bishop.

  • What are you reading this week? [7/02/23]
  • I'm enjoying a little non-fiction at present. The Secret Life of Fungi: Discoveries from a Hidden World by Aliya Whiteley. Last year I started hiking, and as a resulted started falling in love with mosses, lichen, and fungi. Once I get interested in something, I desire all the knowledge. Possibly an ADHD thing. The book is a wonder, such a relaxed style of writing. Not academic and with no flow, like some non-fiction books can be. The knowledge just flows from every sentence, and it has made me walk further and get out much more. It really has given be a boost. The book is simply so engaging. I have caught my partner reading it, and devouring it. She is not even interested in fungi at all.

  • Ernest Appreciation Post
  • Thanks for all the work you do, and I hope you find it rewarding. Most of all, look after yourself mentally and physically. The same goes for the whole team.

    The fact you are being transparent and honest about your work and plans for the future, is a huge bonus. Even admitting to setback and problems, is refreshing. I certainly don't expect a super human running the show, and everything to be perfect. If anything, that would make me question the place and avoid it. So many places talk rubbish, spewing out a word salad, but actually say nothing. Even worse, they say one thing and do the precise opposite. You come across as .... well, the total opposite of Spez and those running Deaditt.

  • 'Rate limit exceeded;' Twitter down for thousands of users worldwide
  • Elton Muskrat forgot to pay the bills again.

  • Organising Magazines, similar to subreddits?
  • I wish I had some developer knowledge, more of an artist, and that's of no use here. At least people are aware of the issue. With no API for Kbin as yet, the apps will be further away I guess? I can wait, still very early days here.

  • Organising Magazines, similar to subreddits?

    Do we have such a thing? Is it a feature yet to be added? Does any app allow this? Does a script allow for such behaviour? So many questions, sorry.

    I feel this would be very useful. Throughout the Fediverse, we have loads of magazines/communities (Whatever you wish to call them) that can be the same title. As in, they can all be about the same topic, but what gets posted to these magazines can be different. There seems to be endless 'Technology' magazines, and it's a very vague title. Yes, some are empty, and may never get filled. Hopefully they will at some point. If we could throw all these 'Technology' magazines into one folder, bookmark, subreddit, (Oh I hate using anything Reddit related, that place is in the past. Makes me feel dirty.) We can then open that folder, bookmark, or subreddit rather than front-page, subscriptions, etc... get all the posts in one. If any of that makes sense?

    Essentially, can we get some tools to help organise all these magazines please?

    It was fun while it lasted!
  • Don't shoot until you see the white of their eyes. Or they repost and spam the place.

    I welcome all newbies, so long as they are human. Dated an alien once, she was from X-R/3DY. A cold planet, just like her.

  • Why is no one decorating their magazines?
  • A majority can't even be bothered to post anything in their magazines.

  • I haven't been on Reddit since the 11th... Anyone else?
  • My account was 15 years old, I think? Whilst I am at home here. I do find out of habit open Reddit up on Desktop or Mobile. That's only been four or five times since the start of June.

  • Meta invited the admin of Fosstodon for a roundtable to discuss their upcoming fediverse platform
  • I can see Meta going ahead with their plan, and everyone blocking them. They will then start bad-mouthing the Fediverse because it's never their fault.

  • Infamous power mod got permabanned without explanation, then have a public meltdown.
  • They have various alt accounts, if I recall correctly. Before closing my account on Reddit, and this drama happening, I am sure she mentioned opening an account on Beehaw.

  • Be patient! We'll get there eventually.
  • Precisely. This is how I recall the early days of Reddit. Even then, early Reddit had people pointing out bugs and features they wanted. I'm happy here, and happy with the progress. Some people need to chill.

  • Thumbnails on kbin mobile be like
  • I hope this is a bug, as my avatar looks so fat. It is playing with my frail ego.

  • Redditors brigading against Lemmy
  • Reddit is known for it's use of bots. Bots helped Reddit grow in its early days. I'm not surprised that bots are being used now. As more people leave, I'm sure more bots will get used to give the impression of an active community. Just lie they did in those early days.

  • Where's everybody from?
  • Currently, in Essex. Born in Liverpool. Lived all over the UK, but mostly across the south coast, and south Wales. Have lived abroad too.

  • What are your favorite Kbin magazines?
  • The magazines are growing faster than the content to fill them. I have lost count of the magazines I have gone to subscribe too, only to find no content. Hopefully this will change.

    I am trying to stay well clear of magazines that keep mentioning Reddit. Science, sci-fi, mechanical keyboards, retro games, etc... have all been mentioned.

  • /kbin meta Warped

    Quick, make as many Magazines as possible!

    And then have no activity in them. Not quite sure why this is happening, is it power hungry idiots thinking if I make fifty magazines, maybe one will be popular?

    Do people assume if they create a magazine, it becomes active as if by magic?

    Or are people thinking this is similar to a new game of Pokémon, and they have to make all the magazines?

    I find it baffling that those who have created many magazines are not active.

    CasualUK Warped


    Simple question, what are your top three biscuits. Mine are;

    1. Dark Chocolate Hob Nobs
    2. Custard Creams
    3. Biscotti According to my partner, she has labelled me insane for my top choice, but also thinks I have major issues for including a paving slab in third place.