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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 63
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Putin ‘peddling lies’ about ailing Russian economy, say EU ministers
  • If Putin get replaced and the war stops everyone in Russia will look back to the "good old days" when Russia was strong and could fight a war and have money. Then the cycle will repeat. It's just moving money from tomorrow to today, on the surface today looks like the economy is strong.

  • Shoplifting surges 30% in England and Wales, official data shows
  • It can be more than one thing.

    People are certainly getting away with shopping lifting and believing others do. So they think why shouldn't I or why shouldn't I do it more.

    Lots of videos on the internet now of people just taking stuff and walking out.

  • Can someone help me determine what power outlet adapter I need in the Philippines?
  • I was going to say the same thing. But you should get one with USB ports built in. That way you can use a plug and use the USB charging.

    Test it at home. Years ago I had one that nearly burnt the room down when someone charged their phone at the same time as me. 1 was fine.

  • Deafening concerts have turned Madrid stadium into ‘torture-drome’, say residents
  • Honestly in this age of over cautious health and safety it's complete madness easily quantifiable permanent damaging volume is allowed.

    Like even a warning and free earplugs are not given. Nothing.

    "Here you go children. You pay we will give you a life long disability."

  • Farmers in Africa say their soil is dying and chemical fertilizers are in part to blame
  • The analysis of the piece is the educational purpose not the piece itself. Just like as mentioned Shakespeare. Are you suggesting I should use Shakespeare as to understand modern politics?

    Grapes of wrath means nothing to be because I haven't read it. If there is any important facts within it then they will stand alone.

    Otherwise the argument for reading it is the same as the argument of "do your own research".

    Provide something of note or don't bother. Reading a fiction book isn't my way of learning about the world and I don't think it should be yours.

  • ‘Drill, baby, drill’: America’s fossil fuel boom risks bust in Europe
  • It's not ideal as it's more expensive than alternatives, and slower. I'm not making the decision so it doesn't matter.

    But i will say Australia just made the decision that nuclear has no place and China built a lot of nuclear then stopped and started rolling out renewables.

  • Farmers in Africa say their soil is dying and chemical fertilizers are in part to blame
  • Not really, no. I have heard people mention it.

    I think some children have read it in school as guided learning. But it doesn't seem to have much value because people never seem to have gained any knowledge from the book that they mention so I see no reason to read it. No argument or fact is ever generated from people reading the book and bring it up.

    Largely I come across is when people mentioned they have read it and have some knowledge how to be critical of it as parroted by some education curriculum. But is seems more of a English project like when I read Shakespeare and was asked what the author meant, rather than something based on science or economics with ideas and knowledge to be learnt.

  • Japanese carmakers ‘very scared’ by China’s rapid EV development
  • Externalities and funding are both concepts in capitalism yes.

    You can even treat the countries being developing capital. China has invested heavily in renewable capital. They are going to use that capital to make profit.

  • ‘Drill, baby, drill’: America’s fossil fuel boom risks bust in Europe
  • Say your power supply is 100 low power and 150 high power demand. Giving a need of 50 difference.

    If you build Nuclear at say 80. It will give a remanding demand of 20 low power and 70 high power. But the difference remains 50. Nuclear doesn't solve the issue of supply matching demand in anyway.

    EV's are going to weigh a lot. Lithium will probably be the main usage in cars. But really the solution is less cars. Need trains.

    Running a country exclusively on renewables comes with its own costs in storage and emergency solutions

    I agree but I think that route will give lower cost, quicker roll out and less co2

  • ‘Drill, baby, drill’: America’s fossil fuel boom risks bust in Europe
  • You need storage to cover when demand does not match supply. Nuclear doesn't reduce the difference between supply and demand. It has no flexibility so makes no meaningful difference to storage.

    Lithium isn't that rare. Sodium batteries are being manufactured today.

    Hydrogen manufacturing is super inefficient.

    Its a question of cost and time. You could run a country on nuclear but its far cheaper and quicker to do it with renewables. But pushing for something that isn't really a viable solution nuclear and hydrogen. It delays uptake of the real solution which is wind, solar and batteries.

  • ‘Drill, baby, drill’: America’s fossil fuel boom risks bust in Europe
  • Solar, wind and batteries has no greenhouse gas emissions at a fraction of price and fraction of the time to built. Australia did an analysis of this recently and said their is no reason to built any nuclear at all.

    Nuclear is pushed by the oil and companies because it will slow transition away from oil and gas. Same as hydrogen, way worse than batteries and also made by fossil fuels at the moment. But by pushing for that it slows the transition away from things that actually work. Namely, solar wind and batteries.

    Flexibility at a huge huge cost and great inefficiency. Like I said no upsides over alternatives.

  • Japanese carmakers ‘very scared’ by China’s rapid EV development
  • Toyota who got famous for being agile and lean and making just in time manufacturing and continuously improving every aspect of the business.

    They then basically run a real world experiment and start fucking around with electric (well hybrid) cars. The results of which are positive, they sell very well, get a lot of publicity and good reviews.

    And what do they do. Ignore their entire philosophy, all their data, everything the company is built and and decide "the way we have always done it is best".

    Ohno Taiichi must be rolling in his grave.

    Toyota fucked themselves.

    But if capitalism shows us anything its that if the big companies don't adapt and change quickly some small start up is going to blow them out of the water and make them cease to exist.

  • Anon is asking the difficult questions
  • No matter how hot a woman is someone somewhere is tired of her shit.

    Option 2. Don't have kids break up with her. Be happy about it, thank God it is finally over. Then think back on how great the sex was and miss her for the rest of your life.

  • Review says puberty blocker curb has not led to suicide rise

    An independent review said the language used around the issue on social media was dangerous.

    Review says puberty blocker curb has not led to suicide rise

    "There is no evidence of a large rise in suicides in young patients attending a gender identity clinic in London, an independent review has found."

    "Prof Appleby's review concludes "the data do not support the claim".

    And he added that the way the issue had been discussed on social media was "insensitive, distressing and dangerous".

    "A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said decisions on children's healthcare must follow the evidence at all times."

    Elon Musk says SpaceX and X will relocate their headquarters to Texas
  • Not sure if murder is the same as protecting children and families.

    But that's not to say murder isn't unjustified ever.

    But it's good to see people valuing things over money and public opinion. So many people are just trying to stand for nothing.

  • Government removes ban on onshore wind development in England Government removes ban on onshore wind development in England | New Civil Engineer

    The move, announced by chancellor Rachel Reeves in her first major speech since taking office, has been made as it sets a commitment to double the

    Government removes ban on onshore wind development in England | New Civil Engineer

    The government has announced the immediate lifting of the de facto ban on onshore wind development in England, among other actions to speed up planning decisions.

    The move, announced by chancellor Rachel Reeves in her first major speech since taking office, has been made as it sets a commitment to double the capacity of onshore wind in Britain by 2030 and boost energy independence.


    Exit poll: Labour to win landslide in general election. Exit poll: Labour to win landslide in general election

    The poll suggests Sir Keir Starmer's party has won with an estimated overall majority of 170 seats - while the Conservatives, led by Rishi Sunak, look likely to record their lowest seat tally in the party's history.

    Exit poll: Labour to win landslide in general election

    cross-posted from:

    > Exit poll: Labour to win landslide in general election > > "The poll suggests Sir Keir Starmer's party has won with an estimated overall majority of 170 seats - while the Conservatives, led by Rishi Sunak, look likely to record their lowest seat tally in the party's history."

    2 Exit poll: Labour to win landslide in general election

    The poll suggests Sir Keir Starmer's party has won with an estimated overall majority of 170 seats - while the Conservatives, led by Rishi Sunak, look likely to record their lowest seat tally in the party's history.

    Exit poll: Labour to win landslide in general election

    "The poll suggests Sir Keir Starmer's party has won with an estimated overall majority of 170 seats - while the Conservatives, led by Rishi Sunak, look likely to record their lowest seat tally in the party's history."

    15 Watch: Figure’s 01 humanoids now working at BMW’s car plant in US

    Figure's humanoid robot, deployed at BMW's facility, demonstrates full autonomy in vehicle assembly, guided by neural network-driven actions.

    Watch: Figure’s 01 humanoids now working at BMW’s car plant in US

    "In January 2024, Figure signed its first commercial agreement with BMW to deploy its humanoid robot in the German carmaker’s production facility in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

    Now, the California-based robotics firm has released a video showcasing its 01 humanoid robot executing its first job by participating in the vehicle assembly process."


    Blanket or Cloak: What's the DIFFERENCE?

    BRB going out to buy a cloak.


    How Quantum Dots Could Change the Future of Solar

    "Quantum dot technology has been in TVs for years, so why isn’t it already in solar panels? Well, there are a few challenges. If we can engineer around these challenges, then these little devices could have a BIG impact - breaking the limits of our current solar panels, and ushering in a new and radically more efficient age of solar energy."

    0 Plaid Cymru pledges more funding and economic fairness for Wales

    Plaid Cymru's manifesto calls for the Welsh Parliament to have more funding for public transport.

    Plaid Cymru pledges more funding and economic fairness for Wales

    "Wales needs more funding and "economic fairness" from Westminster, Plaid Cymru has said ahead of its general election manifesto launch later.

    Party leader Rhun ap Iorwerth said the general election was "about one thing - the economy".

    He said Labour did not offer "meaningful change" after 14 years of "Tory cuts and chaos".

    Plaid's manifesto, which is being launched in Cardiff, calls for the Welsh Parliament to have more power over natural resources and funding for public transport."

    1 France announces winners of world’s first commercial-scale floating offshore wind auction | WindEurope

    Yesterday France announced the winners of the 250 MW South Brittany floating offshore wind auction, the world’s first commercial-scale floating offshore wind auction. This is a major milestone for floating offshore wind technology. So far Europe has only built small pilot and demonstrator projects. ...

    France announces winners of world’s first commercial-scale floating offshore wind auction | WindEurope

    "Yesterday France announced the winners of the 250 MW South Brittany floating offshore wind auction, the world’s first commercial-scale floating offshore wind auction. This is a major milestone for floating offshore wind technology. So far Europe has only built small pilot and demonstrator projects. With yesterday’s announcement floating wind took a big step towards commercialisation and large-scale deployment."

    Sports Wanderer

    Oleksandr Usyk defeats Tyson Fury to win undisputed heavyweight championship – live Oleksandr Usyk defeats Tyson Fury to win undisputed heavyweight championship – live

    Round-by-round report: Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk meet in the first undisputed heavyweight title fight in 25 years. Follow along with Bryan Graham

    Oleksandr Usyk defeats Tyson Fury to win undisputed heavyweight championship – live

    Good fight that actually lived up to the hype.


    Musk sees fourth flight of SpaceX's Starship in 3-5 weeks

    SpaceX's Starship rocket, a futuristic vehicle designed to eventually carry astronauts to the moon and beyond, will probably have its fourth flight in 3-5 weeks, the company's Chief Executive Elon Musk said in a post on social media platform X on Saturday.


    Musk sees fourth flight of SpaceX's Starship in 3-5 weeks

    SpaceX's Starship rocket, a futuristic vehicle designed to eventually carry astronauts to the moon and beyond, will probably have its fourth flight in 3-5 weeks, the company's Chief Executive Elon Musk said in a post on social media platform X on Saturday.

    0 Renewable energy passes 30% of world’s electricity supply

    Report says humans may be on brink of cutting fossil fuel generation, even as demand for electricity rises

    Renewable energy passes 30% of world’s electricity supply

    >Renewable energy accounted for more than 30% of the world’s electricity for the first time last year following a rapid rise in wind and solar power, according to new figures.

    >A report on the global power system has found that the world may be on the brink of driving down fossil fuel generation, even as overall demand for electricity continues to rise.

    16 Migration has failed to drive economic growth, warns report

    Robert Jenrick leads calls for cap on new arrivals amid drop in GDP per person

    Migration has failed to drive economic growth, warns report

    > Analysis of Home Office data showed the impact of the shift from EU to non-EU migrants. Migrants from the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey aged 25-64 were almost twice as likely to be economically inactive as someone born in the UK.

    > Spanish migrants typically earned around 40pc more than migrants from Pakistan or Bangladesh, while migrants from countries such as Canada, Singapore and Australia paid between four and nine times as much income tax as migrants from Somalia or Pakistan.


    How do I get spell correction for Android?

    I suck at spelling and would like to know a word I have typed is wrong or not. Ideally with a red underline.

    I really struggle looking at text I have written and seeing the mistakes. I have tried Samsung, openboard, gboard. None seem to fix the issue.

    I'm willing to download anything as long as it's not a privacy concern. Is there any way to get what I want.


    I have a Samsung 22+ if that makes a difference

    Glenrambo fixed it:

    Settings > General Management > Language > Spelling Correction > Default spell checker.

    No Stupid Questions Wanderer

    How do I get spell correction on Android?

    I suck at spelling and would like to know a word I have typed is wrong or not. Ideally with a red underline.

    I really struggle looking at text I have written and seeing the mistakes. I have tried Samsung, openboard, gboard. None seem to fix the issue.

    I'm willing to download anything as long as it's not a privacy concern. Is there any way to get what I want.


    I also asked here.

    2 Negative electricity prices registered in nearly all European energy markets

    Spanish consultancy AleaSoft Energy Forecasting recorded negative hourly electricity prices for all but one European energy market it analyzed during the first week of April, including in the Spanish and Portuguese markets for the first time. It also registered an all-time production record for phot...

    Negative electricity prices registered in nearly all European energy markets

    "Spanish consultancy AleaSoft Energy Forecasting recorded negative hourly electricity prices for all but one European energy market it analyzed during the first week of April, including in the Spanish and Portuguese markets for the first time. It also registered an all-time production record for photovoltaic energy in Portugal and the second highest value ever recorded in Italy"

    23 RAF fighter jets deployed to shoot down Iran drones, MoD says

    The MoD says the RAF will repel "any airborne attacks within range" of its jets in the Middle East.

    RAF fighter jets deployed to shoot down Iran drones, MoD says

    "In a statement, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) said the Royal Air Force (RAF) will repel "any airborne attacks within range" of operations in the region.

    It is understood RAF jets have flown over Iraq and Syria, not Israel.

    PM Rishi Sunak condemned Iran's "reckless attack", pledging the UK would "continue to stand up for Israel's security". "

    23 Keir Starmer: Labour wants to increase defence spending to 2.5%

    Sir Keir Starmer reiterates Labour's commitment to the UK having nuclear weapons to "keep Britain safe".

    Keir Starmer: Labour wants to increase defence spending to 2.5%

    A Labour government would aim to increase defence spending to 2.5% of GDP "as soon as resources allow", Sir Keir Starmer has said.

    The Labour leader also told the i newspaper he would conduct a strategic review of defence and security "to be clear what the priorities are".

    Sir Keir's aim matches that of Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, who has also said he wants defence spending to rise to 2.5%

    6 EU pushes to curb China’s green tech market lead

    Brussels’ new probe into Chinese wind turbines comes as Beijing grabs dominance over global market for solar panels.

    EU pushes to curb China’s green tech market lead

    cross-posted from:

    > EU pushes to curb China’s green tech market lead > > Brussels’ new probe into Chinese wind turbines comes as Beijing grabs dominance over global market for solar panels. > > On paper, the EU sees China as a partner in the fight against climate change. > > But the trade reality tells a different story.  > > As Beijing responds to weak domestic demand with heavy state subsidies, it’s a perfect recipe for overcapacity — from electric vehicles to solar panels — just as the European Union puts the green transition at the top of its policy agenda. > > On Tuesday, EU competition chief Margrethe Vestager will launch a new anti-subsidy investigation into China’s fast-growing and increasingly dominant wind turbine sector, as exclusively reported by POLITICO’s China Watcher. > > Europe was once a leader in the renewable energy source, but China’s rapid development since 2018 has inflicted billions in losses on its leading wind power players, including Denmark’s Vestas and German-owned Siemens Gamesa, forcing them into drastic cost cuts. > > The EU is keen to avoid a mistake it made over the past decade, when China’s solar panel-makers all but killed their European competitors. Today’s playbook on wind turbines is indeed “all too familiar” to European policymakers, said one EU diplomat, who was granted anonymity to discuss the imminent policy announcement.
