Help me find this video of a bulldog licking a foot
This is not a fetish thing, I promise. Every year or so I have an unexplainable urge to watch this video and I have to scour the internet to find it. This latest time I have been unable to find anything except for a TikTok style edit.
The music and text were added and I believe that they slowed it down as well. I can't remember if the original had sound but it in my mind it did. It is exceptionally difficult to find a specific video of a dog licking someone on the internet. Please help me locate the original so that I can put it in deep storage and never have to go through this ordeal again.
I have searched for it on tineye which was the most helpful but only found a reversed gif and some screenshots on a Chinese website. Yandex and Google were u helpful.
They're just babies...
But, but, but MONKEYS ARE APES! More specifically, the monkeys that are apes are apes.
Seems like these unexplainable emotions have pretty concise explanations.
I still hear this through my tinny onboard in my deepest dreams.
This is fairly recent bird lore. Like late 80s to 90s. It takes a while for schools to catch up so I missed it as well.
And net 0 can include petrochemicals.
Maybe at some point in the future when carbon capture is a viable technology. But we're already at the point where "we'll deal with it later" is not a good enough solution.
Not everything is binary. We don't need 100% renewables and 0% gas and 0% plastic and 0% ICE vehicles.
As a species, we need to get to zero emissions, and ideally negative numbers. It's easy to point fingers at others and then do nothing, but there's too much of that going on right now. Any reduction is a good thing.
Dammit, it had to be the only good floss.
Really? I voted for Biden and I wouldn't take that bet.
Brother, I just want someone in the white house who knows who knows what a pdf is.
If you want to see a good show, watch a Kantian ethicist contort themselves in logic when it comes to why we don't have a moral duty to animals but we do to small children or the mentally infirm.
Your team's out of touch, doddering, elderly, rich, white guy is mentally unfit for office. Vote for OUR team's out of touch, doddering, elderly, rich, white guy.
Obsidian forms when lava cools very rapidly, limiting crystal growth. The lava pictured above most likely cooled slowly.
Is this a bone hurting juice comic?
It won't be. But maybe two years after release it will be pretty okay. This is the new way of things.
It doesn't look like a bad mobile game. It looks like an ad for a bad mobile game.
Most oat milks now include emulsified lipids for this reason. Oatly foams up to a head better than whole milk. You can't make butter out of it, but I doubt you're making butter from your milk at home anyway.