Have you ever considered that the Prime Directive is not only not ethical, but also illogical, and perhaps morally indefensible?
Though his role is currently unknown.

It's a good start. I hope they can keep it up.
Nah, you're probably right - I don't really pay attention to the meta because I don't care, but Intel has always been a bit of a black sheep.
The whole thing was ill-advised, and the execution makes it even worse.
In the picture, the white line crossing it out looks more like vandalism than part of the actual ad.
"I provided a specific list of demands the next prime minister, regardless of who that is, must address within the first six months of their term to avoid an unprecedented national unity crisis," Smith said in a statement Thursday after a morning meeting with Prime Minister Mark Carney in the Alberta capital.
So it's extortion, then.
It's really impossible to discuss this without also discussing the fact that international students have been exploited for decades.
His episode has been described as an "intergalactic gargantuan extravaganza".

Make the weapons bolt-action.
It seems especially weird when the universal console and experimental weapon are temporal in nature (granted, Temporal is the ship's secondary specialization).
Though if any faction benefits from the Intel spec, it's the Romulans and their battle cloak.
There is no kill switch for the F-35, but the JPO’s statement points to the very real problems with the weapons system. In its own words, the jet “operates under well-established agreements,” its strength “lies in its global partnership,” and JPO “[remains] committed to providing all users with the full functionality and support they require.” In other words, the F-35 doesn’t fly unless JPO helps you, but don’t worry because it’s committed to helping.
The F-35 may not have a “kill switch” in the traditional sense, but the countries who bought it are locked into an irrevocable pact with Lockheed Martin and America. ALIS/ ODIN might not be able to turn off the F-35 remotely, but losing access to it can make it impossible to fly.
Only one country has escaped the F-35 software and logistics trap while still being able to fly the jet: Israel. The IDF’s contract for the jet allows it to operate its own software systems without ALIS/ ODIN and conduct its own maintenance.
Buying an F-35 is a lot like buying a Tesla. Buyers are locked into an ecosystem with complicated software that’s required to operate the vehicle.

The vertical warbird has been kicked around as a concept since the TNG days - I'm a little suprised we haven't gotten one before now.
Command the Kiith Intel Warbird
Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

Upgrade Event
Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go in this expanding vast universe.

Engage Winnipeg: Greenspace Plan & Biodiversity Policy
We are creating a Greenspace and Natural Corridors Plan Bylaw (Greenspace Plan) and a Biodiversity Policy. The Greenspace Plan and the Biodiversity Policy will help the City manage, protect, and restore natural areas while increasing biodiversity within the city.

Carney will ask Governor General to dissolve Parliament Sunday and call election, sources say
>Voting day will either be April 28 or May 5, according to sources
I don't mean anything, as I didn't write the headline.
3G Capital is a global investment firm and holds a 32% stake in Restaurant Brands International.
According to this article, this has further declined to 26%, roughly equivalent to the collective Canadian ownership (which I did not know, and is why I shared it).
Computer scientist won’t give up fight to copyright AI-made art after court loss.

Oh yeah, I think "is their food any good" is an entirely different question. But I do think it's interesting to untangle the ownership structure.
I can only assume that our version will be called CORN.
"Cube" is a really fun sci-fi horror, and I was happy to see it on the list. Very low-budget, but one should never hold that against Canadian cinema.
They definitely took some liberties with the list, but it seems like a good jumping-off point.
"No, Irish need apply!"
March 26, 2005. Not seeing the issue there.
They already have a system that watches the sea north of Australia
Okay, that makes sense, and it squares with the CBC article:
Carney acknowledged that the project is not new, but said the partnership with Australia will allow it to be built and deployed "as quickly as possible and as effectively as possible."
We're basically teaming up with an ally that has experience getting the job done. Sensible.