Colm Meaney wanted to play O'Brien as American. “Rick Berman sat me down and said, ‘The whole notion of this show is that it’s multiracial’… I reluctantly started to play him Irish"
Colm Meaney discovered politics as a teenager, up against the forces of John Charles McQuaid. Since then, he has relished combining activism with acting
“The house I grew up in was built by the Dublin Corporation,” Meaney says.
“How could we build houses then and can’t build them now?... It’s fking Thatcherism, Reaganism, the neoliberals and the trickle-down economy that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael both bought into, [the idea] that the market will sort everything out. B***ocks.”
"It’s so hard to get sh*t made unless it’s a f**king Marvel comic."
And consequently equally hard to get anything else but a Marvel movie to watch. Art monetarized to this existent just isn't art anymore.
Don't misunderstand me, I like some good entertainment now and then, but I prefer movies that make you think and can even change you for the better.
Well said and I'm glad to see this perspective expressed. "Entertainment" is the spice we give art to well, spice it up. But without the art part, pure entertainment is to our minds like eating a bowl of candy is to our bodies.
Makes me wonder what he thought about Data's offhand mention of Irish Reunification, or even if he had a hand in it (talking politics with a writer or something).
"What this show needs is more Operations Chiefs who built ships in bottles as boys, and can sling some daerts. I'm counting on you, Meaney." -Berman probably