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Treedrake Treedrake
Posts 13
Comments 44
After having run Windows on my desktop for years (as I thought it was necessary for gaming), I decided to take the plunge to try out Linux again...
  • Awesome. Sounds like you made the same journey. Right now it feels like I might ditch the dual boot too in a near future.

  • After having run Windows on my desktop for years (as I thought it was necessary for gaming), I decided to take the plunge to try out Linux again...
  • I use Proton for Steam games. You can enable it in Steam settings, just run it via Steam afterwards. For games purchased via GOG, I use Heroic Launcher which uses a variant of Wine.

  • After having run Windows on my desktop for years (as I thought it was necessary for gaming), I decided to take the plunge to try out Linux again...

    ... and it's much, much better than I anticipated. Proton has solved so many things. I've been dual booting on a smaller partition so far, but this has convinced me to wipe the whole disk and use it for Linux only. I might still keep a dual boot in case there is some edge case, but nothing so far has been an issue. I've been running Pop_Os! which I also have on my laptop since some year back. Previously I've also always had Arch on my laptop, but always stuck with Windows for my desktop just because of gaming issues.

    Internet Archive Loses Landmark E-Book Lending Copyright Appeal Against Publishers.
  • I saw a comment expressing this ruling is only applicable to e-books where there already exists an e-book from the publisher, and that it won't affect media preservation or books that have been scanned (e.g., old textbooks) and that do not have an e-book. Is this true? If so, it's not all bad.

  • What do you think of Facebook allowing people to see who viewed their profiles?
  • This isn't possible. You can only see people who viewed your stories.

  • Crossing the Atlantic on a sailing ship as a passenger?
  • It's generally really hard if you have no experience. But if you're willing to pay, maybe. Check this out:

  • Subscription fatigue: when will enough be enough?
  • For sure. And Libreoffice doesn't constantly try to make you save your documents in OneDrive...

  • Subscription fatigue: when will enough be enough?
  • This is an interesting point as well. Before, if you weren't happy with an update or whatnot, you could just keep running the older version. But nowadays that's impossible in many cases.

  • Subscription fatigue: when will enough be enough?
  • I see your point. But as someone else mentioned, there are many programs, apps and what not that shouldn't require a subscription just by looking at how the software or hardware is set up.

  • Subscription fatigue: when will enough be enough?
  • Absolutely. I constantly revisit the services I subscribe to, but to be honest, I still keep some streaming services on a constant subscription even though my viewing patterns differ from month to month. In that case I'm just too lazy, and it's not a huge hit to my disposable income. I pay for it to be available when I want to use them. I think this might be the case for many others, and coupled with not having a budget and/or financial sense, this can definitely add up for many. I also think many people just forget what services they are subscribed too, and barely even watch their bank account/credit card slip and what's being withdrawn.

  • Audiophiles be like
  • I don't know what it is with the fediverse, but I feel like in every thread and with every joke, there's always a highly upvoted comment that just completely misses the mark and treats the joke seriously, or just plainly misunderstands it.

  • What OSS tools do you use for personal knowledge & task management?
  • I've never found a use for any of this. I only utilise a calendar. How complicated are your people's lives?

  • ‘Never summon a power you can’t control’: Yuval Noah Harari on how AI could threaten democracy and divide the world
  • Luckily the only "AI" we have are LLMs which seem to have hit their peak, and probably will start corrupting itself with its own training data now that they've scoured the web clean.

  • 20 years ago, Pirate Bay's response to legal threats from DreamWorks
  • I'd say this might be true for programs, but as long as you download movies, shows and music I'd assume it's fine as long as you use common sense.

  • 20 years ago, Pirate Bay's response to legal threats from DreamWorks
  • But not run by the original owners. And the current team is really shady. I wouldn't trust downloading an .exe from there.

  • The biggest diamond in over a century is found in Botswana
  • "Natural" diamonds are a manufactured luxury. Lab-made are just as well, if not better, but big diamond is really pushing the "rocks we find in the ground are better". Even though the diamond industry has their hands covered in blood.

  • poetry Treedrake

    Who are your favorite poets and why?

    My favorite poets are probably Gary Snyder, Mary Oliver and the ancient Chinese poet Stonehouse. I'm just very inclined to poetry that has been influenced by nature, ecology and Buddhism. Poetry that is simple and transient :)


    Mary Oliver, "The Buddha's Last Instruction"

    poetry Treedrake

    Gary Snyder, "What You Should Know To Be A Poet"


    Does the fediverse suffer from the same issues as centralized social media when it comes to mental health and the attention economy?

    A lot of people feel drawn to simple living or digital minimalism because they feel a constant need to be connected and stay up to date, and feel less and less in control because of the attention economy and how algorithms are developed to maximize your attention. While the fediverse might not work in the same exploitative way as centralised services does, there's still a feedback loop that keeps you coming back.

    To what extent does the problems of the attention economy on the human mind plague the fediverse? Is replacing centralised services with Lemmy/Mbin/Piefed and Mastodon just opting for a "lesser evil" in a sense? What are your thoughts?

    Fedia Discussions Treedrake

    How do I change default sort in threads?

    Right now the default sort for threads is "Hot". Can I change the default somehow? I don't know if the option exists or if I'm blind, I can't find it anyhow.


    Gary Snyder, "What You Should Know To Be A Poet"


    Wendell Berry, "The Peace of Wild Things"


    Nanao Sakaki, "Why Do You Write Poems?"


    Is kbin enhancement suite still in development for Mbin?

    Apparently it works for Mbin, but as the only magazine was on and no new magazine has been created, I'm wondering about the future of the script. Check it out here: or


    Why use MBin instead of Lemmy?

    I actually started on, but then it got shut down, Kbin died and now seems to be the largest one running MBin. I like the interface on MBin and I guess it's good to have a diverse fediverse with different services, but at the same time, why use mbin when everyone congregates on lemmy instances? The local magazines on fedia are for the most part, quite dead, when compared to lemmy collections. In the end I feel like there aren't enough people to go around to support many more services like MBin and Piefed.


    Best podcast player that's preferably open source, for Windows?

    I'm looking for a preferably non-web wrapper podcast player for Windows, that's preferably also open source. Having a tough time though. Any tips?
