Great, now this song is stuck in my head. Damn you, catchy R.E.M.!
Stil on my 2nd SNW binge. Just watched S1E6.
But I already dread the musical episode of S2. I just can't stand singing in TV shows and had to skip it the first time I watched S2.
Ahoi! Jetzt 62. :)
SNW: Ad astra per aspera
Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!
They should ask the French for tutoring.
New Batcave / Death Rock album of a friend's band. They are called Cataphiles. Digital version is available on Bandcamp (pay what you want).
Autsch, da braucht Fritze wohl eine doppelte Portion Aloe Vera.
Pistorius soll sich mal nicht so anstellen.
Watching SNW again, only 5 episodes in on this rewatch. Probably watching PRO for the 2nd time afterwards.
Eine meiner absoluten Lielingbands. Ich kann sie gar nicht genug empfehlen.
If you are using the Connect app for Lemmy, you can block Hexbear and Lemmygrad in the settings. I did that as well.
It's going to be shite. I live here (again) and I'm already thinking about moving to a different country (again). Do you get a tax discount at some point for not wanting to deal with far right gobshites and Nazis at some point? Just asking...
Damn, he must be the twin brother of Captain Trevor Hall!
1.) Pilot episode, Pike warning the aliens about war while offering a great alternative.
2.) Ad astra per aspera: The main speech sent shivers down my spine.
My breaking point was Sunday when seeing the exit polls in Germany. Every 2nd person voted for far right grifters and actual Nazis. I'm slowly planning to move abroad again while I'm also joining every protest in my area and I intend to be a lot less civil on top of that. Half the country declared war on minorities and people with low income. Since I'm LGBT, I'll fuck them up by any means necessary if they force me to do so.

Bevor ich mich dann mal wieder ins Ausland verpissen muss, viel Spaß beim Anhören.
My dad contacted me out of nowhere
I'm a bit lost here, to be fair. I went full no contact with my family back when I was 16. Took a hike, even across countries. So, apparently what happened, was my ex brother in law not keeping his mouth shut and sharing my number with my family. I still can't make heads or tails of it. But now my dad wants to be real chummy and friendy with me? Fuck that, honestly. I'm not super mad at him, more at the rest of my family, but it seriously hurts right now. What am I supposed to do? I'm at a loss here. Haven't really talked to the person for over 21 years.
Can anyone help me identify this potted plant?

A friend recently gave me this plant as a present. So far I have no experience with potted plants, but for now it is doing quite well with plenty of daylight and multiple small doses of water throughout the day. If I knew what kind of plant it was, I could take even better care of it.

Eine Karte, sie alle zu triggern. Außer uns normale Menschen. Lasset die Kommentare beginnen!

Angesichts des Orangwutans und der CxU nach unserer nächsten Wahl sollte ich vielleicht die nächsten Jahre einfach komplett verschlafen.

Considering the orange fucktrumpet in the States and the Christian Union probably winning the next election in Germany, I should just take a nap for the next couple of years.

Es kommt immer alles anders, und vor allem als geplant. Weil das morgen noch so ist und weil das immer schon so war.