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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Brainrot Observation Sunshiner

TIL: Liberals don't care about other people.

Today I learned liberals don't care about others. They don't care about their suffering, and they'll fight to keep the oppressive system running because they want to stay in their comfort.

I asked my cousin, "if you can have anything you want with the snap of your fingers, what would you have?"

She replied, money, tons of money. Total comfort, and no worries.

I replied, super human abilities and an adventurous life. I explained to her that having tons of money and total comfort eventually gets boring because when you finish accomplishing all the things you can accomplish with money, it's gonna get boring. Then she starts to go on her anti-revolution rant and how she doesn't know what to do for change and can't find herself doing anything to support any revolution. She talks about how there's no point in doing a revolution cause even if it succeeds, you're gonna die anyways.

She proceeded to explain that she wants tons of money because it fixes all problems in her life. I told her, "It fixes all of the problems in the capitalist system, not all of your problems revolve around the capitalist system."

I told her, "what if the problems you have isn't fixable by money because of the system you live under? Reform isn't gonna help your motivation for black and LGBTQ rights."

She says, "move to another country."

Then I asked her, "what if those problems persist in other capitalist countries?" she replied with the same answer.

I asked her, "what if your personality changes and your interests change, and all of a sudden you don't fit the status quo?"

She says "I'm already not fit to the status quo, I'm black, I'm LGBTQ, and I'm super liberal!"

Then I had to explain to her what liberalism is, and that progressive liberalism is time wasting. It's just reform reform reform until all of it gets reversed by your enemy some day. I also ask her, "why not try to change the system so you're apart of this 'status quo?" Then she replies "there's nothing I can do about it."

She then does the "How do you not like capitalism if you live in it?" argument.

In the conversation, I also ask her, "what about the third world countries that are taken over by capitalism?" She's like "What that got to do with me? I'm not gonna care about a country that does stupid stuff with the money given to them!"

She even had the audacity to say "I'll have to kill you if you throw a revolution. I'll be sending a hitman for you. Because I don't want someone to ruin the world I'm in."

People like this, there's no coming back for them. Comrades, what would you do with someone like this? Do we shape a new system that keeps them from complaining and continue living their 'comfortable' lives? I always wonder about people like this.


I figured out why the US has been overreacting over the Chinese Balloon...

On that very same day, there was a train that carried tons of chemicals (mostly PVC) riding through Ohio. It exploded in East Palestine, unleashing the dangerous chemicals in the atmosphere. While The US was overreacting over the balloon, the chemicals were contaminating the air and waters. The chemicals were killing people's chickens, dogs, cats, and other animals. The crows were circling and flying about in a strange motion as if they were drugged. The fish that flourished now lifelessly float along the river.

If the chemicals are getting to the animals, it's getting to the people too. People who lived there experienced lung issues, breathing difficulties, and more. The PVC chemicals are causing higher risks of cancer. People are still not able to live in their homes due to the nauseating air. Those who come back are faced with dangerous conditions. Officials however, (including the FDA) have told everyone that the air is completely safe and the water is drinkable. People who drank the water described it as "smelling and tasting like chlorine." So basically the officials were lying and trying to sweep it under the rug.

All while this was happening, you see the media overreacting over the balloon. And they pulled another stunt with Canada again this week. Meanwhile, Norfolk Southern lobbied to ease federal regulations and cut costs on the train.

Which makes me question... What are we living for? With the capitalist powers having it's grip on the world, we are living to be slaves and to fill the wealthy man's pockets while our lives are constantly in danger. We are just pawns in their game of wealth, power and fame. Tragedies are swept under the rug until one day there's a large tragedy, and then there's a compromise from those wealthy pigs that just isn't enough. Then the cycle starts all over again.

In America, we are going backwards. At this point, we are entering back to the Gilded Age. Or maybe we're already in it? Or never got out of it?

If you like this... Sunshiner

Does anyone know songs that feel like you're out at sea? I only have a few so far.

Examples I have so far (Prefer to find music like the first and second, however please recommend music that sounds like the rest.) (Marechia - Nu Guena (Lumaby - Hrlum) (Marcel - Her's) (Tide is High - Blondie)

Teenagers! Sunshiner

Liberal propaganda in school

I'm so tired of my US History class. We're approaching WW1, and my teacher is talking about communism. Firstly, he's a hardcore liberal, but oh my goodness for him to teach AP, he doesn't even SOUND like he knows what he's talking about. His articulation and the way he talks, along with his word choice just shows he doesn't know shit about communism.

Today he was talking about communism and I told him "communism is a moneyless, stateless, classless society." Then he said "no, communism is where EVERYTHING is equal." Then I proceeded to tell him that there's different types of communist ideologies apart from the one he's talking about, such as Anarcho-communism who believe that "true" communism is accomplished by dictatorship of the proletariat, however without a class and state. He ignored that then went back to his flawed point where communism is where "everything is equal" and that the "government controls everything, not a market."

Then he proceeded to ask the class "What if I graded you all like a communist? Everyone in here would have a B." And everyone was like "OH NO NO NO!!"

It's just so ugh... He sounds so dumb it pisses me off, and the students just gobble that bullshit up, which pisses me off even more.

Education Hub Sunshiner

Building & Construction Class, should I take?

I'm 17 years old and a junior in an American high school. I'm planning on pursuing electrical engineering. Would this class be good? If I switch to this class, I would be replacing AP computer science principles. Which would be more suitable?


I feel no hope for my life now that all my passions have died.

Ever since I've became a Marxist, I've been seeing the dark sides of liberalism, capitalism, etc. Now, all my passions and the capitalist/liberal desires that fueled them have died. I wanted to be a musician and become rich and famous, now that's an unrealistic kid story. I wanted to become a writer and spread my works to millions, not anymore. I wanted to do game development, but that's gone now. I wanted to become a legislator as a kid and spread good for society, proposing laws that would help the younger generation, but the US government is so fucking corrupt. I wanted to become an MMA fighter, but the industry in that is rigged. I wanted to become a business owner, and even learned the dark things needed to do to become "successful." But the thought of fucking over vulnerable people for personal gain makes me sick to my stomach.

I've recently found a major I could study in college for - Electrical engineering. But really I don't feel the slightest interested in that either. I had a quick blip of interest and then it died.

Every industry is so rigged, and people like me won't survive in it. I'm not a fake it till you make it type person. I'm never favored by anyone, not popular in any type of circle. I'm cold and concrete, I can't put on masks. And even the thought of manipulating people is tiring as hell. I'd rather be real and truthful, least bit of effort.

I have no money to travel to other countries where music might make me successful, and my passions for everything have died. I hate the word "hard work." I like work that's worthwhile and enjoyable, something I would spend hours on. But that doesn't exist in the US. I seriously feel like a wandering soul. The only thing that's keeping me alive is the desire to travel the world. If I didn't have that motive, I probably would have offed myself a long time ago. I feel like my life is nothing, and I am nothing.

I honestly don't know anymore. I might become a thief, stalking rich people's social medias then stealing from them. Or becoming a mercenary. Kid's fantasy, I know. I might have to face the disgusting truth and join the military to get the rest of my basic fucking human rights. Housing, money, college, I don't know.

I feel like I'm going no where.

Education Hub Sunshiner

If I'm planning on going into Engineering major, should I drop APUSH?

I've been taking APUSH, and got through the Prep, however I'm not sure if I should go into the actual APUSH. I feel like I'm wasting my time and it won't matter since I'm going into electrical engineering. What should I do? I'm thinking of staying if APUSH Prep doesn't count as US history credit...

Self Commitment Sunshiner

Sources, philosophies, or books on the ego?

I'm looking for philosophy and sources about the ego and how to tame it, or at least turn it into something good. Something in that intention. I've been looking to the Tao Te Ching, and am looking for more philosophies that besides mindfulness, also promote taming the ego.

Also what is your opinion on the ego?

Introverts Sunshiner

What's your personality type?

I'm an INTP, how about you?

Self Commitment Sunshiner

Reducing instant gratification?

I noticed that in western culture most people are into instant gratification. In capitalist cultures entertainment takes up most of an average person's day. Social media, extensive amounts on the internet, prolonged hours of videogames, etc.

I've learned about a few things that would cut down on this, such as mostly listening to nature sounds and ambience rather than stimulating music, going outside and connecting to nature, and deleting social media. What other tips and advice would help reduce instant gratification?

Also, what cultures aren't dominated by instant gratification? How is there way of life, and what sources could bring more information about them?

Teenagers! Sunshiner

Careers you wanna pursue?

Those who are in high school, what careers are you planning to pursue? I'm interested in hearing your choices :))

Teenagers! Sunshiner

Pursuing an Electrical Engineering Degree... What should I be prepared for and look forward to?

I 16F am a junior looking into electrical engineering. What should I be prepared for and look forward to? My recent post was on college in general, but now I want to be a bit specific on the degree part. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you! :'))

Teenagers! Sunshiner

Getting into college? What should a high schooler be prepared for?

I (16F) am looking into going to a 4 year college, but have no idea where to start. I'm currently looking on how to choose a college, but what else should I prepared for? Scholarships, tours, etc.

BTW I'm in the USA

Self Commitment Sunshiner

Romance, love, and sex from a non-western perspective?

Recently I've been looking into this subject and found a few answers on the subject of romance, love, and sex in western cultures.

It seems that these subjects are problematic when paired with Western cultures, especially with the fact that the elite exploit these and shape it into a way to benefit themselves. Over-sexualization, brainwashing children, sexism, banning abortion, homophobia and sexualization of the LGBTQ+, and other things. It has caused many problems that have spread to countries that aren't in the west, and goes against a human's nature and rights.

In order to be cleansed from the poisonous western culture, from a communist perspective, what would be a more suitable way to look at these three topics?

Self Commitment Sunshiner

American Romanticism and Sexualization...

I noticed that living in American culture is quite strange. Almost everything is about sex and "love." Everything is sexualized including the LGBTQ+. Thoughts on this?

Also as someone who was raised in America, I'm still trying to shake off the rest of the side effects from this culture, such as porn addiction and feeling lost for not having a partner. I learned to listen to music that doesn't include sexual stuff (my favorite is jazz lol.) However everywhere else no matter where I go there is sexual stuff, even included in ads lol.


What's Your Usual Internet Routine?

What is your routine when it comes to surfing on the internet? Do you remain anonymous at all times? Is there only one browser you use or a few? I'm quite new to this stuff and wonder what a pirate's usual routine is. I wonder if I should get the onion browser and use that only, or alternate between opera and the tor browser. Also, what efficient and smart methods do you guys use? (no i'm not fbi lol, im a 16 year old loser)

Post Revolution Life Sunshiner

If the U.S collapsed and the USSA was established, what would happen next?

EDIT: I made this post shorter because the questions made it quite confusing and didn't made any sense when re-reading them.

One question that was on my mind is that what would happen to U.S History if the US collapsed?

If the new country USSA was established, would the history of the U.S not matter anymore? Such as the start of the country, glorified figures like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Would they be forgotten eventually?

What would happen to their trillions of debt? What ties would you cut, and who would you ally the USSA with next? China? What countries would you have relations with? Who would you do trade with?

What are your efforts to make the USSA a strong country and incapable of being attacked by capitalist imperialists?

Say if the USSA was right on their feet and able to keep themselves stable, would you wanna spread this "stableness" to other countries?

Personally my answer to this question is to not spread socialist ideals into other countries without wanted permission. There have been many countries that tried socialist ideals but were stopped by imperialists. I'm sure they will continue their efforts once the imperialist U.S is gone.

What are your suggestions? I would love to hear your thoughts! Please try to answer every question :)) It's okay if you don't

Adulting Sunshiner

Adult Life as a Communist...

How is it for you guys? Dating, living, health, etc. Anything you'd like to share :))

Philosophy Sunshiner

Communist Philosophy recommendations?

Every other person who speaks on philosophy always recommends stoicism, Buddhism, and reference Greek or Roman philosophers. Any ML philosophy or philosophy from social countries? I would love to look into it.

Adulting Sunshiner

What life and financial advice would you give to a teenager becoming an adult?

As a leftist, what advice would you give to a teenager that's becoming an adult?

Native American Loss of Land
  • In fact, 1992 is not really long ago. Unrelated but in addition I'd like to add that the civil right's movement (1960's) happened very recently, they just black and white the photos to make it seem very old, when really it hasn't been a century yet. And it still happens that countries fuck over Natives even right now as I'm typing this. Companies that the average American buy from do it all the time (looking at you Coca-Cola.)