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Adulting Sunshiner

Adult Life as a Communist...

How is it for you guys? Dating, living, health, etc. Anything you'd like to share :))

  • Dating's a game most only play until they find a long term partner. Despite getting some interest here and there from people I interact with, I personally don't miss it. Living is pretty straightforward but its important to stay vigilant because experience has taught me that life can change in unexpected ways very fast. As for health, it's a bit like life; its straightforward so long as you stick to a routine, but you can be pulled out of that rhythm pretty easily if you aren't watching yourself. Life is much better with exercise as a part of it, but if you don't establish good habits early in life you can feel yourself getting pulled down into a sedentary lifestyle that acts like a negative force multiplier on every other aspect of your life. You'll find yourself more susceptible to melancholy moods and a generally lower sense of well being that weighs down on you. To make matters worse, the longer you're stuck in the mud in this way, the harder it is to pull yourself out.

    If there was any kind of advice I'd offer other people on reflecting on my own life so far, it'd be:-

    1. Don't take dating so seriously and don't let rejection get you down. Be kind and have fun with people. Do this long enough and you'll find someone you want to share your life with, and vice versa.

    2. Commit yourself wholeheartedly to class struggle and it'll give you everything from a group of like-minded friends to a direction and purpose in life. You'll find it opening doors for you in unexpected ways.

    3. Try to socialise your exercise to better integrate it into your life. When you treat exercise like a chore you find ways to avoid it, so I try to find friends to work out with. That way its like a social activity and I have a much easier time being consistent. The more friends you get in the gym, the easier and easier it gets to go yourself.

  • Dating wise, It's horrible for me. I can't find anyone to click with on the political spectrum. Most of my dates ended once the subject of politics came up. I fell head over heels over a woman i was able to pull left and decondition all the imperialist propaganda she was taught growing up. Unfortunately she just didn't feel the same, which is ok, i have a great friend in her and i hope when i win this lottery of love that it'll be someone with similar traits to hers.

    Living, health, and everything else is good. I try not to go insane as i don't have many people around me who see eye to eye with me politically. A lot of people where i am are just reactionary liberals. I just pay my bills and hope i get to enjoy my time resting with my Siberian husky when i get home.