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Silentiea Jojo
Posts 26
Comments 704
You can now buy a flame-throwing robot dog for under $10,000
  • Why do people keep reading dystopias as instruction books?

  • VPN by Google One is shutting down for good
  • Oh, I'm with you. I don't think anyone using Google VPN was using it because it protected their privacy on the Internet generally. At least I hope not.

  • VPN by Google One is shutting down for good
  • The NASA VPN, on the other hand

  • VPN by Google One is shutting down for good
  • Reasonable when the alternative is literally getting mugged on the daily?

  • I bought frozen BBQ eel and the best before date says LJ349. What does this mean?
  • L stands for leap year, so that tracks.

  • There is no more honorable combat
  • Then you have already lost, and are without honor.

  • Why did Occupy Wall Street fade away and how can we start it back up again?
  • I remember my FIL asking each one if they were trying to supplement a living or if they were purely a for-profit capitalist venture taking advantage of an opportunity at an anti-capitalist protest.

    Out of curiosity, how would he draw that line? When does it stop counting as a living and start being a purely for-profit venture?

  • [US] At a sushi restaurant, is it considered good ettiquette or bad ettiquette to order rolls cross several rounds?
  • Not tipping doesn't fix this problem, it just makes someone get payed less.

    Just in case it wasn't clear, when one is not tipping, they are very literally not giving people money. The only "people" you are giving money to are the owners of the service, not the wage workers you may otherwise have tipped.

  • [US] At a sushi restaurant, is it considered good ettiquette or bad ettiquette to order rolls cross several rounds?
  • Nothing on Lemmy is posted on basis of "needs to be mentioned",

    Literally everything on Lemmy was said for a reason. Bad reasons exist, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

    Tipping causes lower wages because it relieves the employers of the obligation of paying their workers. Also, I am talking about systemic change,

    Tipping doesn't "cause" lower wages. Tipping becoming an expected social norm can cause that, or exacerbate it. But you as an individual choosing not to tip doesn't really impact that. It certainly doesn't effect systemic change. If the norm is already present, all you're doing is literally lowering one individual's wages by not tipping them, and if it's not then what you're doing is making a statement to that individual (ranging from "I come from America" to "you were really exceptional").

  • [US] At a sushi restaurant, is it considered good ettiquette or bad ettiquette to order rolls cross several rounds?
  • Tipping occasionally doesn't cause this problem either.

    Being vocal about never tipping implies that it's an exceptional stance for some reason. If that's the norm where you live, why does it need to be mentioned?

  • Hollywood writers went on strike to protect their livelihoods from generative AI. Their remarkable victory matters for all workers.
  • Quoting the linked article:

    The contract the Guild secured in September set a historic precedent: It is up to the writers whether and how they use generative AI as a tool to assist and complement—not replace—them. Ultimately, if generative AI is used, the contract stipulates that writers get full credit and compensation.

    So, yeah. It's more about ensuring that a human person in the writers' guild gets credited as a writer, even if they or someone else uses an ai as a tool in the process.

  • Hollywood writers went on strike to protect their livelihoods from generative AI. Their remarkable victory matters for all workers.
  • That's allowed, no?

    Unless I'm mistaken, this was more about writers not wanting the studio to be able to say "we had an ai generated a script. We'll pay you a day to do a brief editing pass."

  • [US] At a sushi restaurant, is it considered good ettiquette or bad ettiquette to order rolls cross several rounds?
  • Not tipping doesn't fix this problem, it just makes someone get payed less. If you want to fix the issue, regulate it out of existence. You aren't changing the culture, you're just being a bit of a dick.

  • Urban camping
  • I love how you used pharmacist as both a location and a person in the same paragraph, and now I'm picturing them locking the pharmacist in a little cage after someone chases after to catch them when they just walk out.

  • Transformation complete
  • Latin Perfida vermis or "treacherous worms". Seems the Halo authors also think wormy thoughts.

  • Lemmings, how do you use updoots and downvotes?
  • Yeah, but how do you qualify that?

  • Why do Americans measure everything in cups?
  • Just maybe don't chew those ones.

  • Why do Americans measure everything in cups?
  • They have a high alcohol diet?

  • Lemmings, how do you use updoots and downvotes?
  • I'm asking how people intend to use that number.

  • Lemmings, how do you use updoots and downvotes?
  • Do you have a clear way of defining "clickbait" or is it just vibes?

  • Lemmings, how do you use updoots and downvotes?

    I tend to upvote a post when it Links an interesting article or provokes an interesting conversation, and only downvote them when they voice an convectively bad opinion (like, bigotry or other unjustified vitriol).

    I tend to upvote comments when they make a good point or at least try to support their argument, and only downvote them for the same reason as posts: when they are trolling, being unnecessarily aggressive, or trying to justify bigotry with fallacious reasoning or something

    What about you?


    Trolls of Lemmy, what is up with that?

    I can understand the desire to get as many downvotes as possible on reddit. I don't sympathize, but I can at least see where people are coming from. Because Reddit gives you that total and shows it to you.

    And I'm sure it's possible to use an API to really that number up on Lemmy, but "total karma" doesn't seem to be something Lemmy cares about by default, so where is the motivation coming from?

    Is it just the same reason people have always been trolls? Because I've never quite understood that, either


    Infinity war: bonus round

    Hey, look, it's a crappy common from the precon starter commander deck that came out as a supplemental product!


    Infinity War: the last one


    Infinity War: what big hands you have


    Infinity war: title in progress


    Infinity war: where did you think they came from?


    Infinity War: It comes in green?


    Infinity War: blue weenies


    Infinity war: there's no way she tried to balance this

    You're right, I didn't. Don't print this.


    Infinity war: black sliver tryna make slivers do black

    I think the wording on the second ability needs work, but also playtested to see if it's even viable? It's probably always either too weak or way too strong.


    Infinity war: Mommy Mae Eye

    Again, not as splashy as she should be, but I didn't really think I was done when I stopped working on this set.


    Infinity war: these are becoming a problem

    Nonlegendary Roger with no keywords but pseudo battle cry is probably too pushed.


    Infinity war: landed gentry

    I made a whole cycle of these lands, because I didn't think 12post was a problem and I want to see it happen again in legacy.


    Infinity war: disappointingly boring

    I think I pretty much did the praetors dirty designing the ones I did. I think Vorinclex turned out well, but...


    Infinity war: dinner bell?

    12 mana: win the game. A friend said it should probably be nonland, and yeah that's probably the right move. But as a first draft, it's just not as exciting.


    Infinity War: dont worry, its just a baby.

    Wanted to try a cycle of 0-mana Slivers. I'm not sure how well or poorly they'd do, but here's the first anyhow.


    Infinity War: I don't even know

    Our next titan, ready to do some broken shit because that is what titan's are for.


    Infinity war: double trouble

    No original art for this one, but here's Vorinclex, ready to help make EVEN MORE GERMS. Wait, why would that help? He'll need some anthems.


    Infinity War: curious rabbit

    Tamiyo shows up with Karn, and ever curious she wants to learn how these strange creatures work.

    I played with the power level a bit with this one and I think I landed somewhere decent. Six mana is way too much for a demonic tutor, except when it also has the potential to draw just... SO many cards?
