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Redhotkurt Redhotkurt
Posts 17
Comments 187

Questions about community ownership, moderation, and succession

If a Kbin member requests deletion of their personal account and they happen to be a community owner, would ownership of that community default to the moderator with the next-longest tenure? That's how it worked at the bad place, is it the same way here?

How long does account deletion normally take after the deletion is requested? Also, do the posts get nuked along with the account, or do they remain on Kbin?

What movie(s) did you see in the theater where the crowd applauded at the end?
  • Jurassic Park.

    Everyone was blown away, like holy shit, that was amazing

  • I just deleted my entire library and redownloaded it.
  • It's good in the sense that it's the last version before it got enshittified by ads, but the now nearly-legendary v2.2.1 is also 5 years behind in security patches. It was an awesome, fast, stable client and I miss it, but I don’t think it's worth the risk. Like you and everyone else has been saying, OP should be using Qbittorent.

  • Joe Biden Impeachment Looks More Likely After Walmart Confrontations: Comer
  • But if it's satire, then what does GOP mean? Gross Old People? Oooh I like that, we should make it a thing.

  • After I’m Gone Backup Solution
  • I just read that README, quite sobering. Now I'm thinking of bus scenario backup plans. Like, there's stuff that is eventually gonna stop working if left unattended too long, and you just assume you're gonna be around to maintain it, you know?

  • Brush up on your Christmas movie lore this season.
  • Ah, you were just a bit before my time. I'm a Gen Xer and grew up watching A Christmas Story when it first aired on tv, which I think is another great example of a happy holiday movie. I can't believe I mentioned The Muppet Christmas Carol before it, hah. Yeah, I liked A Christmas Story when I was a kid, but I love it now that I'm older and get the more adult references. My wife and I keep it in the regular Christmas viewing rotation along with A Charlie Brown Christmas, which in my opinion are perfect when you want to feel the ol' winter warm & fuzzies. They're so comforting in a way.

  • I want to talk in an American accent but how can I transition into it slowly for people who know me without them noticing a sudden change?
  • I'm thinking of that episode of Friends where Ross pretends to have a British accent on his first day of teaching and tries to slowly phase it out and replace it with his real American accent without embarrassing himself further...and oh my god, I don't envy you one bit. This is going to be so awkward for you. Please update us on how it goes, we're rooting for you!

  • Julianna Margulies Says ‘Entire Black Community’ May Have Been ‘Brainwashed to Hate Jews’
  • “The reason is, people hate Jews,” Ostroy said. The host then briefly expounded upon the pervasiveness of antisemitism before concluding, “You know, if we use the wrong pronouns on college campuses, there’d be an uproar.”

    “Oh my god, forget it,” Margulies answered. “It’s those kids who are spewing this antisemitic hate that have no idea if they stepped foot in an Islamic country—these people who want us to call them they/them, or whatever they want us to call them...

    Wow. What the fuck, lady.

  • Brush up on your Christmas movie lore this season.
  • I like feeling up and happy and in a good mood, though - so I guess I'm an outlier, a holdover from another age.

    "Relic from the previous century," that's what I like to call myself.

    Note: The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) is quite good. It has a solid performance by Michael Caine, who carries on as though it's an all-human cast.

  • Mysterious woman tells school board that Scholastic book sparked porn addiction
  • Yeah, a marketing ploy by a fascist organization:

    While SkyTree Book Fairs presents itself as an independent non-profit organization, it appears to be a hastily assembled offshoot of Brave Books, which publishes children's books by right-wing pundits and pseudo-celebrities.

    Fuckin gross.

  • Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout
  • Despite our robust economy, the US trails both Europe and China in terms of EV adoption.

    Yeah, about that. The economy only looks robust because its health is based on the stock value of a limited number of U.S. corporations. The average American human being is fuckin broke...ironically, because of the pursuit of eternal continuous growth (which is impossible) for profit.

  • Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits to Their Friends and Family
  • Lol this really sucks for Plex users, but I'm glad I left that steaming pile of shit software. I've been using Jellyfin for two years now and have never had to deal with sudden new shitty default-on features that appear from out of nowhere. Not once. With Plex, that happened like every other release. I don't miss it.

  • Sorry, you were talking to my night alter ego.
  • Sry but you're too late, I already paid a visit to Post Nut Clarity bank

  • 'Tis the season for fireplaces
  • Ah thanks, I didn't know they made stuff like that!

  • 'Tis the season for fireplaces
  • That is really cool and looks incredibly cozy, especially this time of year. Part of me wants to try this with space heaters mounted into the wall for a more immersive experience, but I'm realizing as I type this out that I don't need another stupid way to for me to burn down the house.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Because everyone knows only terrorists take hostages, so using the term to describe one side tells the public who to think is the terrorist side without having to actually say it.

  • This is a family air loom that I inherited from my mom. Oh, thank you, she's not dead, she lives in Jacksonville. I don't know if it's an original or a knockoff, I just want to know if it's worth anyt

    Before mom moved to Jacksonville, when she was still... deep breath I'm sorry, this is hard. It feels like it was just last week. She used to....what was that, honey?

    It was last week. Anyway, mom used to tell me she was a big Connie West fan until this happened, whatever this is, and Taylor deserved better. I remember one time I tried to comfort her, I was like, at least Connie is rocking that shiny dress, right? But she just looked at me funny and put it in a safe deposit box after that.

    I'll be honest, I don’t even know where Jacksonville is.

    9 Embracer exec says laying off hundreds of people was an 'agonising process,' but that restructuring is 'how we win'

    "We know it's a necessary thing for us to hit our new and needed goals. So overall, good progress and we push on."

    Embracer exec says laying off hundreds of people was an 'agonising process,' but that restructuring is 'how we win'
    Gaming Redhotkurt Embracer exec says laying off hundreds of people was an 'agonising process,' but that restructuring is 'how we win'

    "We know it's a necessary thing for us to hit our new and needed goals. So overall, good progress and we push on."

    Embracer exec says laying off hundreds of people was an 'agonising process,' but that restructuring is 'how we win'

    I bought this at an estate sale. It was leaking out of a box labeled "Goo cities." It's been in our living room for years, but we...we don't really know what it is or...why it is. We've been using it

    I asked my great grandfather about it, and he just kinda wept for a minute, stared off into space and said it belonged to his friend Jen Ex or something. He held my hand in his bony decrepit booger hooks, and I could see the years, the decades of joy, heartbreak, triumph, and pain flash across his eyes, and he was... more alive, really present, you know? than I'd seen him in years. Then he peed his pants.


    Reporting user for harassment

    Hi all, I'm from kbin. One of your users, Agareth, told me to go hang myself earlier today. I checked their user history and there's hate speech there, they called some the 3-letter f-word. Just fyi.

    I won't complain if you delete this post if this is in violation of your rules, but if you do that, please send this info to the instance admins or tell me how to get ahold of them. I'm not sure how messaging works between instances in the 'verse.


    Looking for r/menslib equivalent, like mensrights without the toxicity

    Greetings, Kbinners (and anyone else from the 'verse who might be reading this). Back on the platform most of us migrated from, there was/is a subreddit called r/menslib, which was like r/mensrights minus the misogyny and shitting on marginalized groups and minorities. Those of you who subbed will remember it was a great place to chat about mental health, gender roles, societal expectations, toxic masculinity, things like that.

    So far, I've not been able to find its equivalent in the fediverse. Here on Kbin, there's m/men, but that basically mirrors the old mensrights sub. It's gross. I found in, but that community is small (9 members) and inactive. I used Kbin's magazine/community search and only found those two; I then tried Google, came up with no leads and figured either my Google fu just sucks or their algorithm is getting worse (likely both), so I tried duckduckgo and still found nothing. Pretty much everything I found that is even remotely related is from people looking for the same thing or is a post or comment on Reddit itself.

    Is there a place out there like the old menslib? I mean, there must be, right? Help me, fediversers. You're my only hope.

    Edit: I have been banned from m/men. I mean, that's fine, I wouldn't fit in there anyway, because I don't think men are the ones being oppressed.


    Split-screen/PVE recommendations for Switch?

    Hey Fediverse, what split-screen games do you guys play? There's a ton of "100 best couch-sloth co-op split-screen Nintendo Switch games in 2023 that will make your head explode!" articles/blogspam out there in the Googleverse, but it's more helpful to me if I can get feedback from people who actually play these games. Like, all the Switch gamers out there with similar preferences, what do you guys play?

    For me and my wife, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the gold standard. I dunno if anything can top it. I think we're looking for a game that is split-screen, easy to pick up, has easy controls, and leans towards the casual gaming side. It doesn't necessarily have to be co-op, so PVE is definitely welcome (think Grand Prix mode in Mario Kart). And I guess I should mention split-screen isn't a requirement either if it's co-op and super fun. I remember liking some of the old Lego Star Wars games back in the day, but over the years my wife's opinion on the franchise has gone from "Meh" to "Ugh" (thanks a lot, TLJ!), so any game with a "long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away" setting is not gonna do it.

    I made a post similar to this several years ago on a platform whose name starts with "R" and ends with "eddit" but didn't get too many good suggestions, so I'm hoping time, a different platform, and an overall friendlier posting environment will aid in my quest to find a Mario Kart equivalent for our household. What do y'all play? I'm all ears.

    Star Trek Redhotkurt

    Calling all Star Trek Online captains

    Ahoy, STO Captains! Are you lost? You can find us over at @sto ( It's not meant to replace r/sto, but to provide a space in the fediverse for the players to ask questions about the game, chat about builds, post Kurland memes, etc. Maybe build some kind of community, who knows. All are welcome! See you out there among the stars

    \#StarTrekOnline \#sto

    Gaming Redhotkurt

    Fediverse home for Star Trek Online

    Ahoy, STO Captains! Are you lost? You can find us over at @sto ( It's not meant to replace r/sto, but to provide a space in the fediverse for the players to ask questions about the game, chat about builds, post Kurland memes, etc. Maybe build some kind of community, who knows. All are welcome! See you out there among the stars

    \#StarTrekOnline #sto

    Art Redhotkurt

    Inspired by the ol' Uncle Sam propaganda posters

    Fediverse News Redhotkurt

    The Fediverse needs you! Join the fight against tyranny!

    /kbin meta Redhotkurt

    Join the Fediverse!
