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QuadratureSurfer QuadratureSurfer
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AI is ruining the internet | Drew Gooden
  • I would counter that there are many good use cases that go beyond the scope of what was mentioned in the video (his concerns are absolutely legitimate).

    For example:
    Nvidia's DLSS for gamers. This provides a decent boost to FPS while maintaining a good quality picture. They use multiple models such as motion prediction, interpreting between the frames what the image should look like, and upscaling. These models are (most likely) trained on the video games themselves which is why you want to get the latest driver updates because they include updates to those models. And, yes, the upscaling and interpolation models here are generative models as they are filling in frames with new pictures with details that aren't there from the source, and then enlarging the picture and filling in details in a way that traditional means of upscaling cannot.

    Brainstorming/writer's block:
    For generative text models, I think these have to be used carefully, and treated as if they're interns that have a knowledge in a very broad range of subjects. They're great for brainstorming ideas and for writer's block, but their output needs to be verified for accuracy and the output shouldn't be trusted or used directly in most cases.

    They're also excellent for entertainment purposes, for example, check out this GLaDOS project:
    Which is combining a generative text (LLM) model with a generative audio (text to speech) model as well as a few other models.

    Green screen tools:
    We could use the sodium vapor process to create training material for a model that can quickly and accurately handle processing green screens for video production:

    Creating avatars for user accounts on websites.

    Creating interesting QR codes that actually work:

    So, in the end, I think that there are some incredible uses for generative AI that go beyond just "creating garbage fast", that don't cause problems in the way that this video is describing (and those problems he describes are definitely valid).

  • spider pig
  • Can he swing
    From a web?
    No he can't
    he's a pig...

  • Latest 3.0.24 (Evocat Buildi) Patch Notes Spectrum - v6.25.0

    RSI’s Spectrum is our integrated community and player interaction service, including chat, forums, game integration, and Player Organization facilities. Player Organizations (“Org”...

    Spectrum - v6.25.0
    Tap for Highlights by komrk

    Audience & Server Details: ➣ Audience: Evocati ➣ Server Info: PTU Channel - US Servers Only ➣ Long Term Persistence: Enabled ➣ Replication Layer: Enabled ➣ Server Crash Recovery: Enabled

    Testing/Feedback Focus ➣ Personal & Instanced Hangars ➣ Freight Elevators ➣ Storage Access ➣ Hover Trolleys ➣ Hangar Decorations

    Not Ready for Testing/Feedback ➣ Cargo Hauling Missions ➣ Cargo Commodity Rebalance ➣ Dynamic Event: Blockade Runner

    Feature Updates: Gameplay: ➣ Master Modes Atmo Flight Controller Re-tuning ➣ Soft Death Breaching Polish ➣ Added Mission Item Filters to Freight Elevator Management

    Ships and Vehicles: ➣ Reduced the Esperia Prowler's Emissions

    Patch Details: ➣ 20 Known Issues ➣ 10 Bugs squashed ➣ Fixed 4 Client Crashes ➣ Fixed 6 Server Crashes


    MotD Update: New 3.24 Build for Evocati Scheduled for Later Today

    Message of the day:

    🕹️(Mánadagr) We are currently putting together a new 3.24 build for release to Evocati later today

    Do a little speed-running with the Summer Games Done Quick Humble Bundle
  • $20 for these 7 games:

    • Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2
    • Pennys Big Breakaway
    • The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition
    • Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore
    • Dishonored
    • Hyperbolica
    • Blazing Chrome
  • AI is ruining the internet | Drew Gooden
  • He goes into the details of the most upvoted Google Gemini fails and then branches out to how text/image/audio generative AI is being used on Facebook, Instagram to inflate traffic, as well as how you can actually earn some income by farming reactions on twitter now (with the blue checkmark).

    There's a section on how adobe is selling AI generated images with their stock photos, but you can tell this video might be a little rushed because he comes to the conclusion that people are paying $80 for one of these images, when in reality the $80 adobe plan gives you 40 images (so about $2 per stock image). That or he knows this statement is misleading, but makes it anyway because it will drive his own reactions up (oh the irony).

    Link to timestamp in video:

    With adobe he touches on their updated ToS that state how any images uploaded to Adobe can be used to train their own generative image model.

    The Netflix section talks about the "What Jennifer Did" documentary which used AI generated images and passed them off as real (or at least didn't mention that the images were fake).

    Spotify: How audio generative AI is being used to create music and is being published on there now as well as their failed

    Edit: as well as their failed "projects/features" (car accessory, exclusive podcasts, etc.)

    Multiple times throughout the video he pushes the theory that most of these companies are also using AI generated content to drive engagement on their own site (or to earn income without needing to pay any artists).

    He definitely focuses only on the worst ways that generative AI can be used without touching on any realistic takes from the other side (just the extreme takes from the other side with statements like "AI music will replace the soulless crappy music that's being released now... and it will be better and have more soul!").

    Still worth a watch, he brings up a ton of valid points about the market being oversaturated with AI generated products.

  • Inside Star Citizen: How We Work - Level Design

    Tap for summary by hencaric

    Team: Frankfurt Level Design Team

    Notable Information: ➣ Level design brings the environment and gameplay design together to make meaningful spaces for the player to experience the game ➣ The focus of this team is to create a cohesive environment through all facets of the game ➣ Things like elevators and transit items also fall under the responsibility of this team ➣ Principals of Level Design: ㅤ✦ Readability: Clarity in the environment, making sure players understand where they are going and what they have to do ㅤ✦ Flow & Leading Lines: Making sure the different factors flow together well and have a path that makes sense but isn't underwhelming ㅤ✦ Options: Giving players choices in how they tackle different situations and get to their end goal Clustering: The act of bringing objects together to make environments more realistic and make things seem like they belong ㅤ✦ Scale: Making sure the size of environmental items and transitioning from different-sized items make sense. Considers items like foreground, midground, and background ➣ This team has a similar development flow to ships, going through items like whitebox and adding additional environmental levels while working with teams like art design ➣ This team's work isn't done once a "level" is released, they have to go back and do maintenance and updates similar to gold pass work on ships ➣ Level design has a high degree of collaboration with other teams for items like audio, lighting, etc. ➣ The goal is to have a smoother flow in stations and learn from things learned on Stanton stations ㅤ✦ Trying to eliminate things like elevators and convoluted transit paths ➣ Outposts are meant to have a clear identity and use case for combat, socializing, etc. ㅤ✦ Outposts are intended to encourage ground vehicle usage, particularly for trading outposts where you will need to load vehicles with cargo ㅤ✦ Pyro outposts, regardless of their identity or purpose, can turn into combat locations at any time given the nature of the system. This requires the outposts to be focused but flexible ➣ Level design ends up being "greater than the sum of all its parts" due to the player experience that is created when all the different deliverables come together ㅤ✦ This does introduce a reliance on other teams for that cohesive player experience ➣ This team is focused on shifting from a larger focus on aesthetics to being balanced between playability and aesthetics, this will help locations feel more like they truly belong and are a living part of the verse


    How to reverse a way using Vespucci (short guide)

    Step 1: Select a way Step 2: Click on the reverse button

    Edit: Be careful reversing ways since many tags depend on this direction (ie: stop signs).




    Hotfix for LIVE is Up

    >   We are going to be putting out a build onto the HOTFIX channel in about 10 minutes to test a client hotfix overnight with some logging updates that may help slightly improve client performance as well as fix multiple client and server crashes

    \- Wakapedia-CIG


    >   An updated version of 3.23.1-live.9204897 is now available for download on the RSI Launcher in the HOTFIX channel!

    \- Spectral-CIG

    Roadmap Roundup - June 26, 2024
  • I know in Pyro there was a mission where it would take you to a hangar (that you could normally take off from) and you would have to fight off some gang. So the tech is there to be able to revoke armistace at a hangar level.

    However, I was talking to an org-mate who is in Evocati, and he was mentioning how he could see the shadow of another player in his persistent hangar and hear the industrial engines of the other player's ship.

    So it sounds like they've somehow layered the hangars on top of eachother (sharing the same space but different dimension) which might complicate armistace removal (unless you just remove it for everyone in that area).

  • Roadmap Roundup - June 26, 2024
  • You can equip them from one of the storage kiosks, but when calling them up from within the hangar (freight elevator). They come up, but there's no way to actually pick them up besides using a tractor beam.

    Luckily this is the very first implementation of what Evocati has seen, and there are usually major changes between what Evocati first sees, vs what eventually gets released to everyone else.

  • Roadmap Roundup - June 26, 2024
  • I'm hoping we see some major changes to the new storage system with this next version compared to what we saw yesterday.

    Not being able to easily pick up a weapon and transport it to your ship is going to be a pain (workaround is to use a tractor beam...).

    Then there's the time sync of how long it takes to go through the new inventory screen to even try to find what you want to equip.

  • Crossposts Do Not Display Post Text From Original Post
  • I don't think you can add any extra text when crossposting with Lemmy, but I'm not sure what instances like kbin allow.

    Either way, I would expect that treating it the same way that the browser view currently does would be a good start for this specific case.

  • Crossposts Do Not Display Post Text From Original Post
  • Is this how we want it to work though?

    There's a lot of context missing on one post, while it's visible on the other. And this isn't a problem when viewing these posts through a browser instead of Voyager.

  • Crossposts Do Not Display Post Text From Original Post

    I just noticed that crossposts like this one: do not show the text from the original post.

    Viewing the crosspost on a browser displays it, but on Voyager it only appears if I click on the original post.

    The new Chinese owner of the popular Polyfill JS project injects malware into more than 100 thousand sites
  • That GitHub "archive here" link leads to a page where it hasn't been archived... (or was the archive removed??).

  • Some comments appear empty where there should be a gif

    cross-posted from:

    > What's the reason for the empty comments, lately? > > In the last few weeks, I frequently see some empty comments. It's just the username and no text beneath. > > Is there a deeper reason behind this? Do people nowadays strip away the text instead of deleting a comment? Or did some script surface that 'makes the internet forget'? First I thought people did this before deleting a comment and the deletion just didn't get federated. But I scrolled through some older posts and they also still have comments like that, so that can't be it. Right? > > Can anyone educate me?

    Why Americans aren’t buying more EVs
  • They expanded the initial recall. It affects models from 2017 to 2022. If you read the linked article I previously provided, then you missed the key point that vehicles were still bursting into flames even after the recall.

    Expanded recall:

    GM stopped replacing the batteries of the newer models and instead offered a software solution that would monitor the batteries for any issues and allow the vehicle to charge beyond the 80% limit that they had set because of these issues.

    But it's worth noting that this software update has failed to prevent some fires, so the problem isn't really "fixed" even with this:

  • Why Americans aren’t buying more EVs
  • I would avoid used Bolts, especially because of all the issues those have had with going up in flames.

    Hopefully they've fixed those issues in the newest models...

  • 3.23.2 is no more, we now have 3.24 Introducing Star Citizen: Alpha 3.24 - Star Citizen Spectrum

    Hi everyone, With Alpha 3.23.1 out the door, our team has shifted focus to closing out what we had previously called Alpha 3.23.2. During internal testing of the upcoming patch, we've determined...

    Introducing Star Citizen: Alpha 3.24 - Star Citizen Spectrum

    No changes to the actual content itself. Just that the changes are big enough to warrant a major version update:

    > Hi everyone,\ \ With Alpha 3.23.1 out the door, our team has shifted focus to closing out what we had previously called Alpha 3.23.2.\ \ During internal testing of the upcoming patch, we've determined that its substantial updates justify labeling it as version 3.24.\ \ This change in version number doesn't indicate any changes to the patch itself or any future patches; rather, it aligns with what we consider to be a major update. We're excited for you to experience additions such as Freight Elevators, Storage Access (previously known as Item Banks), Personal and Instanced Hangars, new Cargo Hauling missions, and more—all of which aim to make a lasting impact on the 'verse.\ \ You'll soon see the updated version number in the launcher as we release Evocati/PTU builds and corresponding feedback threads. Additionally, this adjustment will be reflected on the Roadmap, which will be updated next week.\ \ Keep a close eye on Spectrum for updates soon, and we'll see you in-game!

    \- Ulf-CIG

    Anybody know the species of this fledgling?
  • I agree with others on here. Looks like a European Starling.

    Here's a similar looking one that was identified in North America:

    I would recommend a tool like iNaturalist for trying to identify birds (and plants, insects, other animals, droppings, tracks, etc).

  • MotD Update: Server Meshing Test Tomorrow Open To All Backers, starting around 1900-2100 UTC

    MotD Update: > 🕹️(Wednesday) Goals for this week\ \- Thursday - We are looking to do a TECH-PREVIEW test with all backers for 4-6 hours with a more efficient hardware structure to test the meshing benefits. This test will split Stanton into 3 servers per shard with a more efficient setup and we will be monitoring network/server performance.\ \- By Friday - We are still looking to have a Cargo/Hangar build out for Evocati this week. We have a couple blockers still preventing this but are getting closer. --- > changing some messaging from earlier. We're going to open the Tech-preview tomorrow to all backers instead and have the build up 4-6 hours > > Still working on time but most likely 2100 UTC

    \- Wakapedia-CIG

    Edit: Some additional updates

    > could be as early as 1900 UTC but still getting that planned out. We already have the build > > the Tech-Preview test tomorrow is going to be on an older build. this is a known quantity test since the last one to run performance tests so will be in a 3.22.x build so will be a bit of a throwback

    \- Wakapedia-CIG


    MotD Update: Possible Server Meshing Test This Friday, Evocati Build Pushed Back

    The Evocati build for 3.23.2 has been pushed back until tomorrow or later. We might get a Server Meshing Test this Friday (I would expect to see it next week and be happily surprised if we see it by Friday).

    > (Tuesday) We have pushed a new 3.23.1a hotfix onto LIVE with multiple server and client crash fixes. We currently have 2 PTU goals this week if all goes as planned.\ \- First - We are looking to get 3.23.2 into Evocati's hands over the next couple days for cargo/hangar testing.\ \- Second - We have a slight chance of a new Tech-Preview Server Meshing test as early as Friday with with lots of new network changes if all goes well with internal testing.

    \- Wakapedia-CIG

    'Cheating and exploiting undermine the integrity of our game': Over 600 Star Citizen accounts have been suspended for racking up in-game currency
  • That definitely plays a part, but if a player doesn't have a computer that's up to spec, they'll have a bad time no matter what.

  • 'Cheating and exploiting undermine the integrity of our game': Over 600 Star Citizen accounts have been suspended for racking up in-game currency
  • Besides updates where overall performance has tanked for a bit, if you generally have issues playing this game then that's more likely a hardware issue.

    This game is not optimized and requires a beefy CPU (Performs best using an AMD with 3D v-cache ), a fast SSD (HDD will tank your FPS with all the streaming of assets that needs to happen), and a decent GPU.

    The game has been running well since they got rid of the dupers, even with Xenothreat running... now if they would just fix the UI so I can see who I'm shooting at when there are targets/friendlies all over...

  • Hotfix is Going Live Now

    >   3.23.1a Hotfix 9204897-9211972 is going to be pushed onto the LIVE channel in a bout 5 min! This resolves a handful of the highest server and client crashes we've seen in the last week as well as an issue that caused landing services to get stuck to a previous play > > This is a hotfix without disrupting the global database so shouldn't interfere with non-ltp items like medpens, ammo, and refinery.

    \- Wakapedia-CIG

    Edit: Hotfix is now live.

    'Cheating and exploiting undermine the integrity of our game': Over 600 Star Citizen accounts have been suspended for racking up in-game currency
  • Some additional info the article doesn't address or skims over:

    The accounts were suspended for 3 months.

    They only suspended accounts that were overly abusing the system. Players that duped on accident, or a small number of times were not punished except for the removal of some of their in-game currency and maybe a ship or two that they bought with the earnings they made from duping.

    This is the first time that Star Citizen players have had a wave of suspensions like this for an exploit.

    This is most likely because of how this exploit affected the servers. In Star Citizen, abandoned ships stick around forever on a particular instance, so other players would need to hijack/tow/destroy/salvage them to get rid of them. The players abusing this exploit would duplicate ships with cargo (that could be sold) as fast as they possibly could, leaving more ships behind than what the servers can normally handle well.

    This also happened around the time of a free fly event where anyone could try out the game for a bit without having to pay. So the game wasn't performing as well as it could have been during this event. Although, tbh, this game usually struggles during free flight events anyway.

  • MotD Update: Hotfix Rolling Out to Live Soon

    > 🕹️(Monday) We are opening up the HOTFIX channel on the launcher soon for a 3.23.1a hotfix that will connect to the LIVE servers. This fixes a handful of server and client crashes, a deadlock, and landing service not functioning issues. If all is well it will be pushed over into the LIVE servers when ready.

    Edit: In the game launcher, be sure to select the HOTFIX option for the game environment to connect to the Live servers that way.

    If you don't want to download another copy of the entire game, rename your "LIVE" folder to "HOTFIX". Default folder path: "C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\"

    --- Edit2 --- This hotfix does not require you to clear your shaders, since it creates a new folder, but when it rolls over completely to live there's a stronger chance that it will use the same folder that's already there. To clear your shaders follow the instructions below. --- Edit2 ---

    For hotfixes like this, I strongly recommend that you clear your shader folder:

    • Delete the entire sc-alpha-3.23.1_{id} folder located under:   "%localappdata%\Star Citizen\"

          Or if you like typing in the full path:         "C:\Users\{username}\AppData\local\Star Citizen\"


    3.23.2 PTU targeted for Evocati testing by Tuesday/Wednesday. More Tech-Previews soon.

    > No 3.23.2 PTU with evocati today! We are targeting Tuesday/Wednesday but will know better by tomorrow! > > We do have more tech-previews on the horizon but won't spoil those just yet!

    • @Wakapedia-CIG


    Star Citizen Live Gamedev: Making Ship Up IV-2

    This was an interesting one because they showed us the feedback process for initial concepts that the vehicle team work on.

    Tap for Notable Information by Hencaric

    Devs: Alberto Petronio (Lead Concept Artist) & Dan McCabe (Senior Vehicle Artist)

    Notable Information: ➣ This SCL did not contain any development or game news. ➣ This week in the followup to last week's SCL, Alberto and Dan went through a mock of the feedback process but instead with the vehicle they previously designed. ➣ The feedback process takes place following the creation of a ship, vehicle, asset, etc. and it goes up the chain to catch things that need changed, removed, or updated. ➣ This part of the process is where considerations for how long it could take or how much work will be needed to accomplish the goal. ➣ While this episode did not have any development or game news it was a good opportunity to visualize what considerations are made when designing new vehicles or ships.


    3 month suspension for players who overly abused duping exploit Spectrum - v6.24.1

    RSI’s Spectrum is our integrated community and player interaction service, including chat, forums, game integration, and Player Organization facilities. Player Organizations (“Org”...

    Spectrum - v6.24.1

    From what I can tell this was for the most egregious of dupers. We have someone in our org who duped a little bit (enough to buy a ship) and wasn't suspended, but they did Yank the ship he bought.

    Also see CaptainZyloh's comment on reddit:
