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  • You beat me to it so I'll just drop the usual list as a comment.

    Mostly stuff we've already seen but provides the most up to date info about personal hangars.


    • Chad McKinney, Senior Lead Gameplay Engineer


    • item kiosk have limited capacity, can only spawn smaller items (weapons, armor, food, etc)
    • unwelcome guests will get a trespassing timer when entering your personal hangar, will get teleported out after it runs out
    • no more Armistice Zone in your hangar, you can kill trespassers without worrying about getting a Crime Stat
    • the above counts for both personal hangars (the one on your home planet) and instanced hangars assigned when landing at other landing zones
    • you can place items all over your personal hangar
    • hangars were expanded to provide more space to decorate them or just store items when spawning your ship
    • hangars applied to some ships were increased
    • when buying commodities you can select whether you want them delivered to you inventory (instant) or pack them on your ship (takes time and money)
    • you can create "sell orders" which will be wait for you to deliver the accepted amount of commodity to the freight elevator on the delivery location
    • you can also sell normally (straight from your local inventory)
    • (un)loading times are based on the box size (smaller box = longer loading)
    • search is in for local inventory (only name based for now)
  • It's a scam.

    • Please define scam.

      The game is playable today, and it's a lot of fun with friends. It's not a scam by any definition that I can think of, but some people stretch that definition.

      I'm curious how you came to that conclusion.

      • Playable today is irrelevant. There are many examples of companies with legitimate products (not "alpha" or a JPEG concept art of a product) where management were criminals.

        Store citizen is a scam because:

        1. Advertising fraud - This is an easy one. They constantly lie about everything. Fake one time demos, fake vidoes, premeditated misrpresentation of their capabilities and goals. This list goes on and on and on.
        2. Crowdfunding fraud - Chris Roberts started a crowdfunding campaign to launched a Wing Commander style single player game and a multiplayer/MMO. Instead you get a multi-decade scheme to enrich himself, his family members and senior insiders.