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Peter1986C Peter1986C

Flexitarian bicycle commuter (he/him) from the Netherlands.

My Iceshrimp account can be found here (accounts on Mastodon etc. can follow that account too).

My Pixelfed account on Pixey.

Posts 9
Comments 132
[OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • I regard being on the phone while driving, as practically being "under influence". I mean there are some surprisingly similar symptoms...

    And indeed, a good thing they stopped before hitting your place.

  • [OC] A car ran up the curb, into my yard, and stopped in front of my living room window.
  • Was that driver under influence? Nevertheless, interesting photo.

  • Members of Britain’s richest family get jail terms for exploiting Indian staff at Swiss mansion | The Straits Times
  • I think that rechtstaat/Rechtsstaat (both the German and Dutch variety of the word) are supposed to be translated into English as "rule of law". But I could be wrong.

  • Andrew S. Tanenbaum receives ACM Software System Award
  • Which does not mean that people like A.S. Tanenbaum should not be deserving recognition. With other words, your comment does not contribute to this thread.

  • Me and my neighbor built a garden today
  • It is posted from LemmyNSFW, to Some people use their lewd accounts as their main account on the rest of the Lemmy network because the instance has thus far been one of the most reliably run instances*.

    *I have an account there as well, and it is a reliable instance. I just don't want to mix up main and lewd stuff for a bunch of reasons.

  • Man who survived ebike fire that killed his family fights for change to UK law
  • In addition: Teach people to put them in storage/garage/basement and not the house or apartment hallway. Not even non-electric bikes. Because even if they ain't the cause of the fire they still hinder egress when you gotta go fast.

  • Remove yourself at once!
  • AFAIK is the only instance that still has the filter on. When federation was not enabled yet and there practically were only two (!) instances up and running, people on Lemmy were already pointing out that things like posted by OP would happen. 😆

    Edit: I think however, that this case was mostly in jest and on purpose.

  • Zelda from Twilight Princess by BeneceaDraws
  • Like someone else already replied, you better mark this as NSFW just in case.

  • On the recent new communities on
  • That will be good enough indeed. Thanks for your reply!

  • Oh no!
  • 😆

  • Gritty with the truth bomb...
  • This one, right?

  • The London Undergound 1980s. Photo by Bob Mazzer
  • That woman with her tongue out 😂

  • On the recent new communities on

    There is a (new) community without mods: There may be more but I haven't looked. I doubt that the admin wants their instance to be filled up with modless communities that do not contain any posts. I therefore suggest that for new communities to be made, people may have to get explicit approval from an admin. Or as an alternative, perhaps remove c's that have been moderator-less for a certain time?

    Tesla Cybertruck Dominated by F-150 Lightning In Sand Drag Race
  • no idea what models of truck these were if the drivers were good at drag racing

    What? This is extremely poor phrasing if you ask me.

  • Get your scented candles, here!
  • Peanuts inspired I suppose.

  • When Sega made a PC. Meet the TeraDrive | Trash to Treasure PT1
  • The channel has been renamed as "RMC - The Cave" at least two or three years ago. Neil was already shortening the channel name into RMC in his videos, so to him this was a fairly easy decision to make. The main reason to do the change in the first place, is that the "Man Cave" part was originally a joke from his wife (a sign above the door to his hobby space) and not entirely fitting a channel that is now made (semi)-professionally in a space outside the house. He even has a computing museum nowadays so he wants to do all this without jokes that could be misinterpreted without context.

  • Mural painting of a fox Peter1986C (@[email protected])

    Mural painting of a fox in artistic style, on the side of a townhouse at the Looierstraat in Heerlen. The photo was taken in diffused lighting, using OpenCamera on a Nokia G21. #SmartphonePhotography #StreetArt #mural #fox #Limburg #Heerlen #OpenCamera

    Peter1986C (
    5 Kunnen we nu gewoon stoppen met fossiele brandstoffen? | De Avondshow met Arjen Lubach (S5)

    Om klimaatverandering echt aan te pakken, moeten we eigenlijk NU stoppen met fossiele brandstoffen. Maar dat is makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. Want de Nederlandse economie is nog altijd veel te afhankelijk van olie en gas. Zomaar alles elektrisch maken gaat niet meteen. Maar er is ook een betere opl...

    Kunnen we nu gewoon stoppen met fossiele brandstoffen? | De Avondshow met Arjen Lubach (S5)

    Arjen Lubach over de afbouw van fossiele energie in De Avondshow. Het segment bevat o.a. interessante cijfers over hoe ver we nog te gaan hebben en hoe lastig het is om "gewoon" te stoppen.

    Invidious-link: Youtube-link:


    Ik heb gestemd.

    In gemeente Heerlen mag je het potloodje houden.

    Politiek Peter1986C

    [@[email protected]] De Russische connecties van Nederlandse politici... #FVD, #PVV, en herinnert u zich deze nog? #Omtzigt #NSC Peter Valkema (@[email protected])

    De Russische connecties van Nederlandse politici... #FVD, #PVV, en herinnert u zich deze nog? #Omtzigt #NSC

    cross-posted from:

    > Peter Valkema (@[email protected]): De Russische connecties van Nederlandse politici... #FVD, #PVV, en herinnert u zich deze nog? #Omtzigt #NSC > >


    [@[email protected]] De Russische connecties van Nederlandse politici... #FVD, #PVV, en herinnert u zich deze nog? #Omtzigt #NSC Peter Valkema (@[email protected])

    De Russische connecties van Nederlandse politici... #FVD, #PVV, en herinnert u zich deze nog? #Omtzigt #NSC

    Peter Valkema (@[email protected]): De Russische connecties van Nederlandse politici... #FVD, #PVV, en herinnert u zich deze nog? #Omtzigt #NSC


    How to Kill this Forest By Saving It [Rare Earth channel on Youtube, 6:45]

    cross-posted from:

    > Evan Hadfield (son of Chris Hadfield) on his channel talking about mangrove forests on the island of Kosrae.


    How to Kill this Forest By Saving It [Rare Earth channel on Youtube, 6:45]

    cross-posted from:

    > Evan Hadfield (son of Chris Hadfield) on his channel talking about mangrove forests on the island of Kosrae.


    How to Kill this Forest By Saving It [Rare Earth channel on Youtube, 6:45]

    Evan Hadfield (son of Chris Hadfield) on his channel talking about mangrove forests on the island of Kosrae.
