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INeedMana INeedMana
Posts 32
Comments 466
Let's talk about Google Chrome and ads, and getting around Google's ad enforcing tactics (manifestv3)
  • Firefox turns the fan on while Chrome doesn’t

    Does it also happen when you change user-agent to chrome? Google has been worsening the experience of their services on non-Chrome browsers for a solid few years now

  • Judge orders surprise release of Epstein transcripts
  • To me it looks like the judge wants something to be seen. Wealthy-and-connected privilege? Maybe even these documents show how deep into the known names this hole runs? Without the ambiguity of "the only documented thing is a dinner"

    But I'm not an expert on the issue and judges in general, so maybe I'm misinterpreting something

  • [help] What is the best way to screenshare a single window with audio?
  • Haven't tested it but it seems so. Android client has the button too

  • Is this still freedom of speech or it crosses into hate?
  • Actually no, it isn't personal

    It comes from the very same thing you wrote in the second part of this post. No-one on Lemmy gets paid for their work. And communities have to be easy to set up, so "the committee" does not become a burned-out, too-powerful, bottleneck
    But that means that it is also OUR (non-mod, just a lemming) responsibility to mark stuff that we feel is out of line, when we have the capacity to do so. If agrees this is out of line, simply blocking and muting does not help the wider community, only solves the problem for me. Anyone else coming in with fresh account will see this shit on the front, local posts page

    And yes, the ones crossing the lines can easily come back. And I probably won't catch them next time because I'll be busy with my RL. That's fine
    What I do have control over is whether I cover the eyes or not. When I don't have capacity to mark something, I cover them and move along. Other times, I flag them. In this situation I couldn't find a report button for a whole community so created a post

    It's the same as a pile of trash on the pavement. If it's not a burden in their schedule, a regular member of public should call the city about it. And when they don't have time to do that, hopefully someone else will, that were busy the other day. How many of these someone-elses there are is not something we can control. But we can control if we are the someone else ATM

    If we want to have corp-less commons, we have to be part of the team sometimes, when we have the capacity to do so
    I had for this one, and now I'm moving on with my life :) ✌

  • Is this still freedom of speech or it crosses into hate?
  • Ok so now you’re asking to speak to the managers manger, and that’s gunna be the developers dude.

    Yeah, but maybe there is a button for that already, and I just can't find it

    I get your sentiment bc I have to follow tos myself. But can I ask what other stuff would you put in the category of harmful? Just asking straight not yelling at you here.

    I don't have a straight up list for that but some other examples I'd say would be:

    • how to get everything mortgaged to invest in our casino
    • how to get diazepine by cooking up cough pills (I'm inventing the names here)
    • how to spot <ethnicity>
    • maybe-snuff videos

    I find the porn shit to be in the obscene annoying category. Like I’m in a field trying to catch butterflies and all there are, are fucking mosquitos lol

    To me it's not the porn that's the problem, it's the attitude in the community description
    Not so long ago there have been repeated news about mistreatment of women in India. Big part of Hindu ethnicity lives in India. IMO this kind of content normalizes aggressive objectification
    I know that porn is just a fantasy. But it seems (I won't be spending time on searching for the papers, sorry. These are ~last year, so shouldn't be hard to find) that for some reason this kind of fantasy does induce intimacy problems

    I know that there are many others like that and there are other areas of human life that gets skewed with content-insatiability and marketing. But if I can't mark them all IMO doesn't mean I shouldn't mark the one I see

    And to freedom-fighters:
    Lemmy being a federation, if someone wants to create a server about cooking aspirin, I'm fine with that. But I chose this instance also because of what was in the rules. I felt that community was crossing the line and asked if mods feel the same

  • Is this still freedom of speech or it crosses into hate?
  • But that's just a block for me. Not a removal. I think harmful stuff should be removed

  • Is this still freedom of speech or it crosses into hate? Hindu Sluts Domination - Lemmy.World

    Hindu women have always worshiped big circumcised muslim dicks, this community is a place for posting photos and videos about muslim men dominating hindu sluts.

    Honest question about the acceptance lines, not trying to trigger a response

    Personally, I feel this is misogynistic and derogatory. But maybe I'm the one out of line

    Btw, is there some other way to flag a whole community to the mods?

    Collecting sex-crazed zombie cicadas on speed: Scientists track a bug-controlling super-sized fungus.
  • I would also keep the "on speed" part. Even if the band aren't users

  • Single-line Intel Meteor Lake Linux patch boosts performance by 72%
  • Prince Wang's programmer was coding software. His fingers danced upon the keyboard. The program compiled without and error message, and the program ran like a gentle wind.

    "Excellent!" the Prince exclaimed. "Your technique is faultless!"

    "Technique?" said the programmer, turning from his terminal, "What I follow is Tao -- beyond all techniques! When I first began to program, I would see before me the whole problem in one mass. After three years, I no longer saw this mass. Instead, I used subroutines. But now I see nothing. My whole being exists in a formless void. My senses are idle. My spirit, free to work without a plan, follows its own instinct. In short, my program writes itself. True, sometimes there are difficult problems. I see them coming, I slow down, I watch silently. Then I change a single line of code and the difficulties vanish like puffs of idle smoke. I then compile the program. I sit still and let the joy of the work fill my being. I close my eyes for a moment and then log off."

  • [Shadowrun] Anyone took a look at "Shadowrun: The Needle's Eye"?
  • In general the impression I have from reading various sources is that Cyberpunk missions are good sources

  • [Shadowrun] Anyone took a look at "Shadowrun: The Needle's Eye"?
  • So far I like some of missions in Tales of Night City.

    You mean this?

  • [Shadowrun] Anyone took a look at "Shadowrun: The Needle's Eye"?
  • Yeah, in the end you'll always end up doing an inspiration rather than running it directly. But among pre-prepared missions there are those that are flexible and those that rely on assumptions. I was hoping that maybe someone had looked at this book and has an opinion which category these fall in

  • [Shadowrun] Anyone took a look at "Shadowrun: The Needle's Eye"?

    I'm always on the lookout for run inspirations. But many Shadowrun missions were hit or miss

    What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • It was a great adventure. But yeah, that setup was on 24/7. Not because of compilation, but it definitely made a lot of this more feasible

  • What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • Gentoo unstable was a little bit tiring in the long run. The bleeding edge, but often I needed to downgrade because the rest of the libraries were not ready

    Gentoo stable was really great. Back then pulseaudio was quite buggy. Having a system where I could tell all applications and libraries to not even link to it (so no need to have it installed at all) made avoiding its problems really easy
    But when my hardware got older and compilation of libreoffice started to take 4h, I remembered how nice it was on Slackware where you just install package you broke and you're done

    Arch looked like a nice middle-ground. Most of the things in packages, big focus on pure Linux configurability (pure /etc files, no Ubuntu(or SUSE?) "you need working to open distro-specific graphics card settings") and AUR for things there are no official packages for. Turned out it was a match :)

  • What is/was your distrohopping journey?
  • Windows (~6 years) -> Mandriva (Mandrake? For I think 2-3 years) -> Ubuntu (1 day) -> Suse (2 days) -> Slackware (2-3 years) -> Gentoo unstable (2-3 years) -> Gentoo stable (2-3 years) -> Arch (9 years and counting)

    The only span I'm sure about is the last one. When I started a job I decided I don't have the time to compile the world anymore. But the values after Windows sum up to 21, should be 20, so it's all more or less correct

  • RPG daily blog summaries at
  • Request: if you decide to add new blogs, could you also make a post about it on your blog, please?

    After some time I discovered that I'd prefer narrower choice of blogs, so I copied your selection and manually created my own list. But I'd still like to leverage your moderation, so if you wrote about it on your blog, I would know to check them out

  • Forged in the dark : one large clock, or stacking small clocks ?
  • I don't think there's one answer to that. To me it depends on the context of the clock and what's your plan for pacing. Also it will be part of your style that you just have to find for yourself, what works for you

    (Cyberpunk examples)

    • Tripping guards suspicion on-site: one small clock
      Consequence is not an alarm yet but from now on everything that has to do with guards can have lower position
    • Tripping alarms for the whole building: bigger clock
      Or don't set up such clock at all if everything going completely south doesn't fit your overarching plot plans
    • Mafia responds to characters asking around: small clock
      They have reputation to uphold, they can't have someone nosing around in visible way Consequence:
      • someone who said something gets in trouble, making others harder to work with (lower position)
      • Mafia learns who they are (if that would be serious problem for the whole run, I'd make it a bigger clock)
      • They get set up and have an unplanned meeting with a bunch of enforcers
      • It gets so obvious that they get contacted by this group's opponents and the situation is stacked that characters either comply with demands or will have very hard time completing the run
    • Police/corp responds to characters doing runs against the corp
      • If you plan the corp to be present in the plot, make it a big clock to fill it after a few runs
        • Or make it small to force the characters to manage their footprint from the early stage (lower position when doing things the corp can piece together)
      • If it makes sense that corp would first send police after them, make it two small clocks
      • If you don't care about the corp, make it a short clock, to hopefully resolve it during this session
        If they manage to not fill it, after all, keep the clock for the future. The next time you feel it's going too well for them, you can fill this clock instead of more current one. Suddenly bringing old grudges into the mix

    So depending on what you want to do it's either bigger or smaller clock, with consequences either in fiction or mechanical

  • PCB making with laser printer toner
  • Personally I don't but my grandpa was electronics engineer by trade and hobby and I was also talking to some electronics engineers in my previous job when I was toying with the idea myself. In both cases for home projects they were etching the paths by covering the plate with laser printer ink. When you get really good at that you can even get into SMD range of path width. The higher part of the range - you can't outdo machine ECB printing if you want to get the paths really narrow - but workable.

    1. print your paths on regular paper. The more DPI, the better
    2. clean the empty board
    3. use hot iron (like the one for clothes) to transfer laser printer ink from the paper to the board
    4. take the paper off
    5. inspect the paths, apply some marker (or wax, I think? I might misremember) in places where it's not perfect
    6. etch the board

    Although, some of my colleagues at work were saying that at the prices you can order an ECB to be printed nowadays (for hobby better to find something local, so you have easier contact and shipping won't cost you a leg) it's not worth the hassle anymore. Pick the business which page looks like from the 90s. You are looking for electrical engineering veterans so they know more about electronics than webpages

    You might want to search for your local hackerspace. For sure they have it all figured out for the area they operate in

  • Remote desktop for Wayland?
  • If you want to access your computer from outside your LAN, it would be a good idea to at least secure it or, unfortunately the best, learn to understand what you are doing

    Coming back to the topic, though, I'd start with checking these out

  • [Shadowrun] The Matrix Defragged

    Has anyone looked at it? How streamlined it really is? Is this overhaul cohesive?


    What are your thoughts about Alien RPG?

    Alien RPG Starter Set has a discount currently. I think I've heard somewhere that it's doing some things well but I don't remember what & where. And I very rarely can get answers to my questions from description or reviews. Does anyone have experience with it?

    • How the system works? (d20/d6 pool/special dice/similar to X/etc)
    • Rather crunchy or narrative?
    • Are there some system elements that play into the feel of the setting?

    [Bundle of Holding] Cthulhu Hack Bundle Cthulhu Hack Bundle

    Investigator! We've respawned our October 2021 Cthulhu Hack Bundle, now enhanced with the new 2024 Second Edition of Cthulhu Hack, the simple and accessible Mythos tabletop roleplaying game from Just Crunch Games. This fast-playing standalone investigative game, based on David Black's minimalist fan...

    Cthulhu Hack Bundle

    > Cthulhu Hack, the simple and accessible Mythos tabletop roleplaying game from Just Crunch Games. This fast-playing standalone investigative game, based on David Black's minimalist fantasy RPG The Black Hack, pits ordinary people against the sanity-shattering horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. With simple Save die-rolls and three resources (Flashlights, Smokes, and Sanity), Cthulhu Hack deftly supports published Investigations and campaigns for any Mythos RPG. Learn the whole system in 20 minutes, teach it to your players in five minutes more, and in another five their characters will be ready for a slow spiral into self-destruction.

    That piqued my interest, so I thought I'd share


    OpenTitan open-source chip Open-Source Security Chip Released

    The first commercial chip based on the OpenTitan hardware security design has hit the market

    Open-Source Security Chip Released

    I was very excited to see that open hardware seems to be happening, despite my perception

    But it seems that OpenTitan is somehow connected to Google. And now I'm conflicted


    [Shadowrun][GM discussion] Should eco-terrorists appear at an oil-rig under attack they are already being blamed (directly or indirectly) for hijacking?


    > I know that eventually the answer is "whatever I want" but I would like to hear what others think. > > There's an MCT oil rig on Baltic Sea. Anarchists from Kronstadt noticed peculiar data transfer some time ago going there and managed to hijack the place. Then they transmitted message that they are an eco terrorist group (I did not specify which one to my players) and demand MCT to stop polluting. After that, folded the satellite dish to buy some time for the decker and rigger to look around the host. > > Now, from a point of, for example, TerraFist. An oil rig nearby is in disarray, none of their contacts in other groups say they're doing it. And MCT HTR is definitely on its way. > Does it make sense for them to come to the rig and make contact/make sure it gets disabled/make trouble for HTR? > > I think their appearance has potential to turn this job into a nice chaotic clusterfuck and opportunity to show my players some variety of the world (they would definitely come on a yacht going superspeed with help of a spirit). > But does it make any sense at all for anyone besides me?


    [Shadowrun][GM discussion] Should eco-terrorists appear at an oil-rig under attack they are already being blamed (directly or indirectly) for hijacking?

    I know that eventually the answer is "whatever I want" but I would like to hear what others think.

    There's an MCT oil rig on Baltic Sea. Anarchists from Kronstadt noticed peculiar data transfer some time ago going there and managed to hijack the place. Then they transmitted message that they are an eco terrorist group (I did not specify which one to my players) and demand MCT to stop polluting. After that, folded the satellite dish to buy some time for the decker and rigger to look around the host.

    Now, from a point of, for example, TerraFist. An oil rig nearby is in disarray, none of their contacts in other groups say they're doing it. And MCT HTR is definitely on its way. Does it make sense for them to come to the rig and make contact/make sure it gets disabled/make trouble for HTR?

    I think their appearance has potential to turn this job into a nice chaotic clusterfuck and opportunity to show my players some variety of the world (they would definitely come on a yacht going superspeed with help of a spirit). But does it make any sense at all for anyone besides me?


    What happened to Shadowrun community?

    I might be wrong but I'm 90% sure the Shadowrun (ttrpg) community was on this instance. Now I can't find it anywhere (cross-instance community search doesn't find it too) and I can see in my profile that my posts sent there disappeared too. Was the community closed? I couldn't find this info in the modlog

    Savage Worlds INeedMana

    [Kickstarter] Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion

    > This 200+ page hardcover book updates the original Science Fiction Companion to be completely compatible with the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition

    Tabletop Roleplaying Games INeedMana

    Mechanics and homebrew rules for action-focused heist games


    > Blades' "skip to the action"+retrospective+stress mechanics worked really well for my table. > > I'm looking for other systems and homebrews that would allow us to "plan" the heists later, during the actual action.


    Mechanics and homebrew rules for action-focused heist games


    > Blades' "skip to the action"+retrospective+stress mechanics worked really well for my table. > > I'm looking for other systems and homebrews that would allow us to "plan" the heists later, during the actual action.


    Mechanics and homebrew rules for action-focused heist games

    Blades' "skip to the action"+retrospective+stress mechanics worked really well for my table.

    I'm looking for other systems and homebrews that would allow us to "plan" the heists later, during the actual action.


    Is The Thought Emporium real?


    > I stumbled upon this channel long time ago. Since then he claims to have Grown Real Spider Silk Using Yeast or taught rat neurons to play Doom. > The way he presents the content doesn't sound like a complete fantasy but my understanding of the topics is very rudimentary. > > What do Lemmy biologists think about this channel?

    And what do Lemmy scientists in general think?


    Is The Thought Emporium real?

    I stumbled upon this channel long time ago. Since then he claims to have Grown Real Spider Silk Using Yeast or taught rat neurons to play Doom. The way he presents the content doesn't sound like a complete fantasy but my understanding of the topics is very rudimentary.

    What do Lemmy biologists think about this channel?


    [Shadowrun] How to roleplay MCT exec conflicted about his extraction?


    > My characters are organizing an extraction of local (country) MCT head of security. He is Japanese, raised by the corp from birth, but not completely beguiled as his son is an orc and he had to pull some levers to get him into school etc. > He's aware of extraction and agreed to it. > > But the twist is that he decided to get extracted because he's taking the fall for a secret lab getting blown up in the middle of MCT office campus. So in a way he was made responsible for actions of some shadowrunners and now he's hiring (technically it's his mother organizing this but that's a detail) another ones. I think that can evoke some ambivalent emotions. > They are going to meet in secret soon to get some of his blood, pass the details of the plan, etc. > What are your thoughts on how to roleplay his attitude towards the characters and the whole thing? > > P.S. He doesn't know that but, of course, it was our jolly bunch of psychos that have blown the lab up.


    [Shadowrun] How to roleplay MCT exec conflicted about his extraction?


    > My characters are organizing an extraction of local (country) MCT head of security. He is Japanese, raised by the corp from birth, but not completely beguiled as his son is an orc and he had to pull some levers to get him into school etc. > He's aware of extraction and agreed to it. > > But the twist is that he decided to get extracted because he's taking the fall for a secret lab getting blown up in the middle of MCT office campus. So in a way he was made responsible for actions of some shadowrunners and now he's hiring (technically it's his mother organizing this but that's a detail) another ones. I think that can evoke some ambivalent emotions. > They are going to meet in secret soon to get some of his blood, pass the details of the plan, etc. > What are your thoughts on how to roleplay his attitude towards the characters and the whole thing? > > P.S. He doesn't know that but, of course, it was our jolly bunch of psychos that have blown the lab up.


    [SOLVED] Commenting spinning indefinitely

    Today I seem to be unable to comment in a local comunity. The "Post" button keeps spinning.

    I tried reloading the page, reload the cache (ctrl+f5), waiting more. Yesterday posting was working for me.


    Is there a point to replace spacers?

    cross-post from:

    If the old ones (in my case these came with the skates, made out of aluminium or some other metal) seem to be working fine, is there any gain in replacing these with some "higher quality" ones?


    Is there a point to replace spacers?

    If the old ones (in my case these came with the skates, made out of aluminium or some other metal) seem to be working fine, is there any gain in replacing these with some "higher quality" ones?
