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Ferris Ferris

A dad that can't do dad jokes

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Comments 11
Parece que o Lemmy já começou a perder usuários
  • quantidade não traduz qualidade. Ou mesmo alcance

  • Constant relogin
  • yeap. That happens with me too.

  • Red Hat’s commitment to open source: A response to the changes
  • I think his post explain but does not justify de decision. This suddenly changes os RedHat are kind of unnerving.

  • Tips for a new Linux user
  • My best advice is: Try to use it as a daily driver. It was it finally worked for me. Solving the everyday problems is the best linux teacher :)

  • Night owl is just an owl
  • This one wakes so aerly that's still night :)

  • Debian 12 installer doesn't prompt if I want to install grub and after installing doesn't boot
  • Well, that's strange. I haven't get into this, but I always install on expert mode. Sometimes it gives an alert if you have uefi, so it's best be alert on this part.
    You can try reboot with your install media and try to repair the grub install. Maybe this Debian Wiki articlle can help you.
    Good luck!

  • What do you all use for password management?
  • I know it's risky put all eggs on the same basket, but for some sites/app I add the 2FA on bitwarden too :D
    And to help the devs, as well.

  • NIX OS: the BEST package manager on the MOST SOLID Linux distribution
  • You got me curious too. Maybe it lacks support, although I believe on pi it's most done in kernel.
    I still have to try this distro.

  • Where's everybody from?
  • Brasilia, Brasil, born and raised since 1979

  • Here's to over a year
  • Congrats! I am also using Linux 'fulltime'. I've been using computers since MSX and finally abandoned Windows as my primary OS in 2005. At work, I always keep a Windows machine around since we have an AD domain and have to keep supporting it, but Linux is great, even more so in the last 5 years when games are running 'almost' effortlessly.
    If I can make a suggestion, check how you can contribute to your favorite distro. I've been helping out on Debian's pt-br translation team and it's very satisfying. I strongly recommend it!

  • What do you all use for password management?
  • me too. very happy with it, and 10 bucks for the paid version is pretty inexpensive.