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Donebrach Donebrach

Here from Reddit--might stay a while.

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Where Can I Get a Good Set of Cast Iron Cookware?
  • Lodge cookware is fine and cheap, I have a few sized pans from them acquired over the years and are still going strong, my only complaint is that the handles on them are very short. I also have a no name random cast iron skillet I got at big lots like 15 years ago that is also just as good as the day it was purchased. You don’t need to break the bank on getting cast iron pans—they are literally just a hunk of iron.

    You should however figure out why you want cast iron. It is true that it is basically indestructible, but it has certain properties that can (slightly) affect cooking (specifically it retains a lot of heat for a long time and also heats incredibly unevenly).

    Unclad stainless steel is basically the same as cast iron in that it doesn’t have artificial coatings and is nearly indestructible, but also heats faster and more evenly, is lighter, but doesn’t retain heat as well.

    But seriously a 12 inch lodge pan is like $20 bucks and is basically all you’d ever need to cook most things

    Also biggest advice: you dont need to baby your pans, just cook in them regularly and clean them afterward—they are at the end of the day giant hunks of metal that are heated.

  • How do we get news outlets to stop using "slam" in thier articles? It's beyond ridiculous at this point.
  • @[email protected] slams modern headlines for misuse of words and you wont beleive some solutions

  • New Lemmy user here...What terminology should I know?
  • Smuderly






    And most important: Smuderlie

  • ghetti
  • Man deep sea creatures are fuckin’ wild.

  • Biden spurs controversy by saying ‘We’ve got to lock him up’ about Trump
  • wow i didn’t realize Biden was still running. Thanks WaPo!

  • Thieves caught stealing political yard signs
  • Regardless of anything else it is specifically illegal to steal or otherwise tamper with election signs so at the very least that little troglodyte and or his parents will hopefully face prosecution from the DA.

  • Removed my SLI and extra 1080, started up fine, froze, and now video won't display
  • No worries, in my mind this community exists for stuff like this. Glad you got it figured out!

  • Is there an historical reason why female formal dresses have a huge variety of styles compared to male ones where the only acceptable style is jacket with pants?
  • Wow look at Mr. Big Brain here with literally no ability to understand human history.

    We’re not living in a fucking shonen manga here you dumbass.

  • How can i annoy my stupid bitch boss?
  • let me put it on my calendar.

  • An increasing number of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, BofA says
  • asked from 7 yacht investors on 10 yachts currently losing 3 yachts to whales

  • How can i annoy my stupid bitch boss?
  • you sweet summer child. (or management plant)

  • immersion breaking bug
  • Unplayable

  • Is capitalism the problem or is it neopotism (cronyism) invalidating the meritocracy?
  • Capitalism is a problem… along with a shitload of other problems.

  • My cat lives in a bigger house than I do.
  • I got news ‘bout your rat as well.

  • Big lie, starter pack
  • Like that dude ever fucked ladies.

    Edit: consentually

  • Frigumin by @SydusArts

  • Removed my SLI and extra 1080, started up fine, froze, and now video won't display
  • Not sure since SLI is so niche I had to look up to remember what it is, but basic things to dummy check:

    -are the various cables connected properly/card seated properly

    -have you put the gifted wife-GPU into your system to test to see if that works on its own

    -Is the GPU getting the proper power allotment since you reconnected things

    -is your power supply failing

    -Are there any past configurations you did to the failed card itself to enable SLI that its now expecting to see a second card and failing since its gone, beyond windows config.

    -Is there something in the BIOS causing an issue

    -is your MOBO failing

    -have you given proper tribute to the local land god recently

    if you have on board graphics with your cpu I’d connect your monitor to at least get into your BIOS and or Windows to poke around some more.

    hard to really give any ideas not knowing the rest of your system but it’s also a possibility with a card that old that it might’ve just finally died. the 1080 is pushing a decade at this point.

  • Water doesnt go down a drain, the drain actually goes up the water

    if you take into account how the earth is moving all the time then the water isn’t actually going anywhere, its all just stationary while the earth moves every object around the water as necessary.


    what if 1930 is a galaxy far far away and actually andromeda is a long time ago?

    would that mean original star war is closer than we even knew it if real???


    Does anyone actually use the windows key on their keyboard as intended by the OS?

    Pretty much in the title, the only time I interact with the windows key in its standard operating condition is getting pissed off that the start menu opened. I use it in other capacities such as taking screen shots and other key commands but I got to wondering if anyone, ever actually uses it to access the start menu.

    Also if anyone comes here and posts “dOnT uSe wINdoWs,” you really are cute.

    Edit: I am more curious if anyone actually gets utility out of its default behavior (opening the start menu). I am aware that it is used in a number of key commands (although some are new to me).


    A dictionary is more useful than Urban Dictionary


    Just finished season 2 of Star Trek: Prodigy--it is absolutely criminal that Paramount (or CBS or whoever) cancelled it

    That show was already great and season 2 delivered and then some. Sure at points it feels kinda star wars-y but you can tell the creators really love Star Trek. The fact it was so unceremoniously cancelled then dumped really shows how out of touch studio executives are with the IP’s they own. Especially considering how god awful the final season of Discovery was (l mostly liked that show but Season 5 really leaned into every weak point of the series and jacked it up to 11).

    Anyway, I am annoyed we’ll likely never get a 3rd season of Prodigy—and even if we do it likely will lose the lightning they caught with the first two seasons. If y’all have been sleeping on it, please check it out.


    Shower thoughts are just thoughts but in a shower

    You can’t have a shower thought outside a shower so how can it be that thoughts in a shower are outside in the shower?

    Bear with me, if you have a shower thought outside is it in a shower if you’re showering?


    Really not liking the new "radio on foot" feature and I wish they made it optional.

    Don’t got not other social to complain on so here I am: I really am hating the on-foot radio. I honestly find most of the radio music in the game to be kinda annoying and I’m really annoyed that I have to manually turn it off now every single time I exit a vehicle. I like it when driving, I like it when its on a physical diegetic source in the game (like when there’s a radio turned on on a table in a scav den) but now having to just have the radio all or nothing is honestly just annoying. I wish they had implemented a way to toggle this option in the game settings (if there is and I haven’t found it PLEASE let me know).

    anyone else feeling this way? I am honestly kinda confused that this was an addition. I’d think car customization was a bigger community ask than “having a constant stream of generally annoying music” was big on the list.


    This game is literally unplayable

    Why would the devs do this to V?
