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Daryl76679 Daryl76679

I’m me, and happen to be just about everywhere

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Posts 374
Comments 70

Researchers at MIT Use Light-sensitive Proteins to Stimulate Muscle Contractions MIT scientists learn how to control muscles with light

MIT researchers developed a way to help people with amputation or paralysis regain limb control. Their optogenetic technique could offer more precise control over muscle contraction, along with a dramatic decrease in muscle fatigue.

MIT scientists learn how to control muscles with light

Researchers at MIT Use Light-sensitive Proteins to Stimulate Muscle Contractions MIT scientists learn how to control muscles with light

MIT researchers developed a way to help people with amputation or paralysis regain limb control. Their optogenetic technique could offer more precise control over muscle contraction, along with a dramatic decrease in muscle fatigue.

MIT scientists learn how to control muscles with light
0 South Korean ISP Targeted Torrenting Customers With Malware

South Korean telecommunications giant KT is under investigation for allegedly hacking customers who used torrent services.

South Korean ISP Targeted Torrenting Customers With Malware
7 South Korean ISP Targeted Torrenting Customers With Malware

South Korean telecommunications giant KT is under investigation for allegedly hacking customers who used torrent services.

South Korean ISP Targeted Torrenting Customers With Malware
library summer reading challenge help!
  • Maybe Storm In a Tea Cup by Helen Czerski for a book outside your comfort zone. It's quite the interesting exploration of the principles of physics that underpin the world around us.

  • Pinging a few people who are among the usual posters
  • Ello, and thanks for the shoutout! Was there anything in particular you wanted to ask me about?

  • How To Apply Minimalism To Your Email Inbox?

    The average person receives 56.4 emails every day, so it is no wonder we struggle to keep on top of them. But are all the emails useful?

    How To Apply Minimalism To Your Email Inbox?
    Digital Minimalism Daryl76679 How To Apply Minimalism To Your Email Inbox?

    The average person receives 56.4 emails every day, so it is no wonder we struggle to keep on top of them. But are all the emails useful?

    How To Apply Minimalism To Your Email Inbox?
    3 Reducing carbon emissions from long-haul trucks

    MIT researchers are exploring replacing the diesel fuel used in most freight-transport trucks with clean-burning hydrogen, which would significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

    Reducing carbon emissions from long-haul trucks
    0 Reducing carbon emissions from long-haul trucks

    MIT researchers are exploring replacing the diesel fuel used in most freight-transport trucks with clean-burning hydrogen, which would significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

    Reducing carbon emissions from long-haul trucks
    1 Reducing carbon emissions from long-haul trucks

    MIT researchers are exploring replacing the diesel fuel used in most freight-transport trucks with clean-burning hydrogen, which would significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

    Reducing carbon emissions from long-haul trucks
    0 Researchers invent 100% biodegradable 'barley plastic'

    A biofriendly new material made from barley starch blended with fiber from sugarbeet waste—a strong material that turns into compost should it end up in nature—has been created at the University of Copenhagen. In the long term, the researchers hope that their invention can help put the brakes on pla...

    Researchers invent 100% biodegradable 'barley plastic'
    Botany Daryl76679

    Calling for Some Interesting Botany Books

    Every time I look more and more into botany and plants, I realize just how much I don't know. So I'm calling on you good people of Lemmy to give me some resources. Plus maybe we can add them to the sidebar or a pinned post for other people who are interested.

    4 How plants heal wounds: Mechanical forces guide direction of cell division

    Plants are made up of very rigid cells. Much like bricks in a wall, this feature gives them the structural support to maintain their shape and to stand upright against gravity. However, just like any living organism, plants can be injured, for instance, by wind or animal grazing. While humans and an...

    How plants heal wounds: Mechanical forces guide direction of cell division
    Botany Daryl76679 How plants heal wounds: Mechanical forces guide direction of cell division

    Plants are made up of very rigid cells. Much like bricks in a wall, this feature gives them the structural support to maintain their shape and to stand upright against gravity. However, just like any living organism, plants can be injured, for instance, by wind or animal grazing. While humans and an...

    How plants heal wounds: Mechanical forces guide direction of cell division
    0 11 Environmental and Conservation Video Games

    Whether you are looking to solve puzzles, explore open worlds or discover your hidden architecture we might have options for your next adventure.

    11 Environmental and Conservation Video Games
    0 How 'Not' Changes Everything: Brain Interprets Negated Adjectives - Neuroscience News

    Researchers found that negating adjectives with "not" affects how our brains interpret their meaning, mitigating rather than inverting their definition.

    How 'Not' Changes Everything: Brain Interprets Negated Adjectives - Neuroscience News
    My King
  • All hail

  • To date, what do you think is the greatest invention or discovery and why?
  • Glasses. The ability to see so much better than I otherwise could leaves me astonished every time I put them on.

  • Considering Starting Linux
  • It wasn’t that hard for me to flash a Chromebook with Linux using this guide

  • What's everyone growing this year?
  • I'm currently looking at some thyme through propagation. No idea where I'm going to put it, but I'm excited either way!

  • How do I attract more worms to my compost pile?
  • Yea I think the balance is fine lol. There was a period when I was shredding up a lot of browns, but I think I have readjusted enough

  • How do I attract more worms to my compost pile?
  • My pile is on the soil (I actually have two right now, but I'm referring to the main one). It just rained not too long ago so the pile is decently wet as of now, but I think it generally stays at a decent moisture level. I try to aim for the wrung out towel level recommended by the infographic on the main page.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thank you for sharing your journey! It's very interesting and informative to see how others have brought more privacy into their lives. I noticed that you were using something from Simple Mobile Tools. I know you said you were going to replace it eventually, but you should soon, especially if you got it from the Playstore, rather than from F-Droid, because they were acquired.

  • My building's policy on pets
  • I mean how could you say no to a doggo like that

  • Vocal therapy changes vocal cords of transgender patients without need for surgery
  • Thanks. I don’t know why I didn’t mention the exact small sample size

  • Google “search”
  • I mean I guess. They aren't actively fighting or anything like that to my knowledge. I personally think the Privacy Guides is the better resource, because PrivacyTools has vpn recommendations like Nord and Surfshark with affiliate links that are not actively disclosed from my quick check.

  • Google “search”
  • Try Brave Search, Duckduckgo, Startpage, or Searxng. For more detail on these recommendation (that I definitely did not just steal), check out the Privacy Guides page, or The New Oil for a different, albeit overlapping, set of recommendations and take on search engines.

  • I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?
  • Besides the obvious Minecraft recommendation, maybe Terraria, Satisfactory, and if you're willing to allow it, something like Smite would be another good option for him to play with his friends.

  • legs crossed
  • Very distinguished gentleman/lady

  • eIDAS 2.0: Browsers VS European "Secret" Legislation
  • Here's the article from Mozilla explaining their position. There is also this random article from The Record that seems to give a bit more of a detailed explanation from what I skimmed.

  • Welcome to c/Composting!
  • This community has got me think more about things I can compost than I ever have before lol. I do trench composting (the lazy man's method), and have mainly been using food scraps, but now I want to look into getting a bin. You all have bitten me with the composting bug.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This was in a VM, but I was running Ubuntu LTS to mess around with Nextcloud, maybe even save some data to it. I also installed Pihole and ran into an issue, so I uninstalled it. Apparently, when you uninstall Pihole, it also gives you the option to uninstall important system packages like ipconfig. Borked my install. I was freaking pissed.