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DaGeek247 DaGeek247

DaGeek247 of

Posts 16
Comments 221
"Mom, can we have ak?" "We have ak at home." Ak at home:
  • Those feds fucked up so badly that 28 children died. There is no innocent party in that whole mess except for those kids.

  • Me too, thanks.
  • When there's a 40$ surcharge on all card payments, you do what you gotta to keep rent down.

    It's a part of why she's so pissed about the rent thing too.

  • Navy officer lost job for secretly installing internet on warship to check social media
  • Again, my best knowledge of navy terminology comes from halo. Rank is th e term used in the army.

  • "Mom, can we have ak?" "We have ak at home." Ak at home:

    Navy officer lost job for secretly installing internet on warship to check social media
  • Was gonna call you out for messing that up; warrant officers are officers, they just started out as enlisted men.

    Then I realized we are talking navy ranks, and my best knowledge of that is from halo.

  • This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • I wish it was this clear cut in the states. Motherfucking builders treat this like guidelines and I'm never sure what button I need to press to be able to walk outside.

  • It's official: consoles cost as much as gaming PCs now
  • You won't be able to do ultra, but you can do high at 1080p30fps in most every modern game pretty easily for that price. 1080p 60fps for a solid chunk of them too.

    Your point still stands though; you're still better off spending 1000$ so that you don't end up shooting yourself in the foot with regards to upgradeability, which is one of the big reasons people want a PC in the first place.

  • People on Tik Tok peddling these scams
  • I had to take prescription antibiotics+dieuretics for two months after an evening got too exciting. Taking them without food had some pretty nasty effects on my stomach, but I had to take the pills more often than I usually eat.

    Also, those stomach problems didn't really stop afterwards either. Luckily, my symptoms were relatively mild compared to everyone else in this thread.

    For the mild stuff, yogurt also works really well. It can't be the shitty yoplait, it has to be actual yogurt. I buy the little cup versions and have one most every breakfast, and the symptoms usually don't follow me even when I skip them now either.

    I've found that I can drink one coffee, consequence free, so long as I have a yogurt to go with it.

  • Best large TV (70+ inches) for under $1000?
  • Genuinely surprised to see that rtings has not been mentioned yet. They're great at doing reviews for this sort of thing.

    Their budget option is only 750 for a 75" set.

  • The cycle
  • That's the kitty getting overwhelmed. Move your arm out the way for a bit to let him calm down.

    This doesn't work if your cat is just feeling playful or energetic.

  • I'm so sorry
  • damn. this looked like a fun video too.

  • I'm so sorry
  • Does anyone have the source image for this particular variant, or is it AI generated?

  • Data HDD with SSD catch drive
  • That's not how hard drives work, and doesn't take into account that OP might want to download more than one thing at a time.

    Hard drives are fastest when they are moving large single files. SSDs are way better than hard drives at lots of small random reads/writes.Setting qbittorrent up so that all the random writes inherent to downloading a torrent go to a small ssd, and then moving that file over to the big hard drive with a single long writer operation is how you make both devices perform to their best.

  • Data HDD with SSD catch drive
  • qbittorrent moves the completed files to the assigned literally as soon as it is done.

  • Data HDD with SSD catch drive
  • Yeah, I use the incomplete folder location as a cache drive for my downloads as well. works quite nicely. It also keeps the incomplete ISOs out of jellyfin until they're actually ready to watch, so, bonus.

    If it's not going faster for you there's probably something else that's broke.

  • This New Texas Policy Is A ‘Gut Punch’ To Trans People
  • Yeah, this was a rough email to get right as the court order was being submitted.

  • Toxic friend
  • the south has risen again,

    You need to get off the internet for a bit. That's not how people, or "the south", works.

  • It's official, I hate dogs
  • That just changes the spot you the clean the shit from.

  • What do you guys do about usernames / passwords for your local services?
  • Not access, knowledge. Giving a specifically unique device identifier every time you visit a page is different from the website guessing if you visited recently based on your screen size and cookies.

    You have to set up ipv6 to change regularly to avoid that.

  • What do you guys do about usernames / passwords for your local services?
  • You have to take extra steps to ensure that the benefits of NAT aren't lost when you switch to ipv6. Everyone knowing exactly which device you're using because a single ipv6 IP per-device is the default.

    Ipv6 is nice, but also you need to know what you're doing to get all the benefits without any of the downsides.

  • It made me want to read it.


    I'm most excited for the gay frog seminar, but the speed walking workshop seems pretty important too.


    30 days of blatant debauchery y'all!


    Gender neutral language starter pack




    A truly successful evening


    I'm lucky enough to get away with being 'no subtext' most of the time.




    Pretty sure Jane Austen didn't mean it this way


    It's really hard to avoid doing this.


    Extra Dramatic


    A place for everyone


    rule baby


    When mom trys to join in
