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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 36
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UK Climate Campaigners Get 'Utterly Disproportionate' Sentences
  • You can be critical to the society you live in, while still living in it. Doing otherwise would require suicide or get you jailee by said society.

    You can't be against the resources that you are positive to use. You should take the straws from the last guy and build yourself another strawman somewhere else.

    If you want modern medicine, you want oil. Doesn't mean you want private jets and cruise ships too.

    But you know best since you know everything.

  • UK Climate Campaigners Get 'Utterly Disproportionate' Sentences
  • Nylon rope ✅ Polyester harness ✅ Plastic hardhat ✅

    Oil stopped ❌

    Anyone participating who are pro vaccination are also pro oil as there are chemicals made from the petroleum industry used as agents in vaccines.

    You don't want to stop oil. You want to be more critical of how we use it. Oil is great. Plastic wrapping on everything and unnecessary travel for bullshit work assignments are bad.

  • Republicans wear ear bandages in 'solidarity' with Trump
  • Devils advocate for the heck of it. Gonna be submerged in bad rep for this.

    This is comparative to people wearing "I can't breathe" signs after Floyd or waving a pride flag to show solidarity. You just give them shit because you do t agree with them.

    Sure they are all fucking stupid for not seeing the obvious flaws in their idol. But giving them shit for a pretty rational way of showing support to their idol is not the right use of your energy.

    You are participating in the fragmentation of your nation by pouring your hate into simple stuff like this.

    For all I care go ahead. I'm European.

  • Greece to transfer 32 decommissioned F-16s to Ukraine
  • Have you seen russian first aid? (Nsfl)

    Russians are, lets say unique. Always has been. There are attitudes in the Russian population that are cultural conflicting with peaceful societies. Dont excuse this campaign by blaming it on one individual. He has support.

  • Blonde bad bitch with big shoulders rule
  • She has large shoulders in the same way Batman have ears. Its a suit.

    I believe the issue most people have are the strong woman thing. House of the dragon on HBO is awesome because they threat the women and black characters like actual humans. Rings of powers absolutely sucks because it doesn't treat women or black people as humans, but as a canvas to portray some opinion.

    There will always be shit heads sure. But the majority of people aren't. Neither do they write up anti woke essays on the internet.

  • Bill Gates-backed startup makes ‘butter’ out of water and carbon dioxide
  • Gates never cared about saving anyone. Only cares about making cash of them. Saving lifes is a biproduct, not the intent.

    If crushing babies with a ball-peen hammer made more he would.

    He invented a great story about himself though.

  • "Suffering builds character". anarcho-primitivists, probably
  • If everyone lived like developed countries we would need even less resources because the birth rate is so low we wouldn't suffer over population. Also look at how less developed countries dispose of garbage.

    Not denying how some developed countries send their trash to developing countries for disposal on the beaches. Fuck them. CEO's and politicians responsible need the rope.

  • New Report Argues Private Rail Is a Train Wreck, Public Ownership Needed
  • Railway doesn't have to be profitable under government funding. The railway is a way to establish profitable businesses surrounding the railway. The profit comes from taxes paid by everyone getting work because of the railway.

  • 'Unprecedented' and 'Very Dangerous,' Hurricane Beryl Explodes Into Category 4 Storm
  • Hurricanes are not getting more frequent or violent because of climate change though. They are likely to become more rare with increasing temperature in the northern hemisphere because of even temperatures in the weather systems.

    Lex Friedman ep 339 does a good job explaining the difference between more and severe weather and people settling down in huge numbers in already exposed areas.

    We had a huge rainfall in Norway last year submerging a lot of properties. People said this was unprecedented and because of climate change. Only issue is that we have historical data on earlier floods, and people had settled down below the markings of earlier floods more than 100 years ago. The issue is not climate change, but regulating properties on a patch of land you know with 100% certainty will get flooded again.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • I left Spotify for Tidal. But why would anyone feel obliged for free music from a commercial host? Just self host if you dont want to pay. Piracy is always morally right. It's preservation of cultural heritage.

    I choose to pay for Tidal because of convenience. I refuse to pay for more than 2 streaming services. It's fairly easy for any adult to make choices like that.

    This is an imagined problem and a fairly new one to.

    Left handed people having to use tools and appliances designed for right handed people is an actual bigger issue.

  • Valheim - Patch 0.218.17 (Public Test) - Steam News

    ⚠️ Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable! Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience. ACCESS: Right-click Valheim ...

    Valheim - Patch 0.218.17 (Public Test) - Steam News

    A welcome change in my opinion. Having played through the biome both solo and duo im happy to see spawn rates reduced a bit. The initial landing is fine as a challenge, but after that it gets very tedious and boring after a while.

    There's only so many skeletons you want to parry before you're fed up with the play loop. Hopefully this will make engaging the biome a bit more interesting and better paced.


    Rudolf Höss sure changed his passion when called for.

    Saw The Zone of interest yesterday.


    For all Island spawn enjoyers. 15 seeds with small isolated starter islands.

    The list provides seeds, links and a short description of the starter island and it's surroundings. No special order. I just enjoy looking for Island spawns.

    1: ys3gYb8k56 Small island in swimming distance to the closest boss.

    2: 3wuuiCXwTC Two medium sized islands isolated from the first boss.

    3: JFezuBPp0G Very isolated starter island. Medium size. Map has fairly large islands elsewhere.

    4: UXL0hU9qKf medium size started island. Pretty hard spawn regarding progress to bosses.

    5: S8gqZJnHfK Tiny starter island with swimming distance to closest land. Good north to south axis acorss the map nearby.

    6: esrAdQkm5q Medium sized starter island. Requires a fair bit of sailing to progress.

    7: PfA9wj3f2v Mediun size started island. Large islands nearby. First three bosses require little movement.

    8: 0L4FgEDG4J Tiny starter island with swimming distance to several medium islands. Not optimal for fast boss progression. Good for long exploration sessions.

    9: i3CGcgqFv2 Small starter island. Possible to progress without sailing. Fairly hard progression to bosses.

    10: 5rOsEmaRy5 Small starter island with the first three bosses not requiring any sailing.

    11: EKmNbxiuhK Medium sized starter island requiring sailing to reach the first boss. Possible to reach large portions of the map with little sailing.

    12: AnGFH3FwQG Mediun sized starter island only separeted by a river from the nearest land.

    13: WtanWD7Eiw Medium sized starter island with swimming distance to the first boss. Bad place if you want your permanent base close to the spawn.

    14: I6SSa7afVu Small starter island with hard progression to all bosses after the first one.

    15: Z3xHPebym3 Medium sized starter island with possibilities for early iron.

    15 island spawns for all island enjoyers. I've searched through 100s of seeds and saved some of the more interesting ones regarding islands.

    1 Langtidsplanen: Styrker Forsvaret med 600 milliarder

    Regjeringen legger frem langtidsplanen for Forsvaret. Dette er de viktigste hovedpunktene.

    Langtidsplanen: Styrker Forsvaret med 600 milliarder

    Kraftig løft for Forsvaret vårt. Nye fartøyer, luftvern, styrking av landforsvaret. Dette blir et kraftig løft i alle domener.

    1 50 prosent flere vernepliktige skal kalles inn de neste årene

    TERNINGMOEN (Forsvarets forum): Det blir en drastisk økning av vernepliktige til førstegangstjeneste.

    50 prosent flere vernepliktige skal kalles inn de neste årene

    Det første tiltaket er offentliggjort i den nye forsvarssatsningen.


    Olsenbanden er muligens det beste media produsert i Norge noen sinne. Overbevis meg om noe annet.

    Fantastiske stunt. Gode praktiske effekter. Memorable sett og scener. Ikke for å glemme det fengende tema-sangen.

    Filmene respekterer tiden til seerne og de tar ikke seg selv for seriøst.

    Det gjelder selvfølgelig kun filmene fra 1969-1984. Alt etter er en ettertanke.

    Riktignok er de inspirert av en dansk filmserie, men den norske adopsjonen er av god kvalitet som holder seg godt.

    Overbevis meg om noe annet.

    Australia Crampon

    I'm trying to find clips from a comedian.

    Years ago I saw some funny clips of an Australian, or maybe New Zealand comedian. He had one episode were he spoke to people trying to shoot a golf ball into a hole on a small platform.

    In another sketch he was going undercover spying on some super market to figure out some obscure conspiracy.

    I'm not able to find the guy again. Searching on YouTube has become hopeless. Anyone got a clue?

    6 Byrådslederen i Oslo åpner for hanukka-belysning

    Byrådsleder Eirik Lae Solberg (H) i Oslo vil gjerne se på hvordan en jødisk høytid kan markeres i hovedstaden.

    Byrådslederen i Oslo åpner for hanukka-belysning

    Her er en liten kalender til byrådet i Oslo for alle de religiøse høytidene de nå kan markere siden de først er i gang.


    Unpredictble killing 250 Jads in the infinite Jad challenge.

    For the uninitiated. Unpredictble stacked five jads and killed the sixth one by itself with some insane strats.


    Freia har som eiendel av Mondelez fortsatt tilstedeværelse i Russland.

    Mondelez driver fortsatt næringsvirksomhet i Russland. Siden fullskala-invasjonen av Ukraina har selskapet kun evaluert situasjonen.

    Minner om at Freia i forlengelse av Mondelez har økonomiske interesser i invasjonen av Ukraina.

    Det er fortsatt mulig å velge norsk sjokolade på butikken. Spesielt nå som påsken kommer og folkets favoritt tursjokolade selges latterlig billig.

    0 Regjeringen har fått kjernekraft-invitasjon av EU – Frp krever at de sier ja

    EU har invitert Norge til en dugnad for å utvikle nye atomkraftverk. – Bør gripes med begge hender, mener Frp.

    Regjeringen har fått kjernekraft-invitasjon av EU – Frp krever at de sier ja

    Statssekretær Elisabeth Sæther (Ap) hinter til at dette ikke er aktuelt fordi vi ikke har kunnskap om emnet. Siden vi ikke har kunnskap kan vi ikke få kunnskap heller.


    why is "commander in chief" structured like that?

    Why not Chief in command or Commander of chiefs or similar?

    The sentence basically means Commander in biggest or Commander in most important. It's a strange structure.


    The west should not protect merchant ships from Houthi drone attacks in the Red Sea.

    US and other Nato countries should not bother with protecting merchant ships attacked in the Red sea. The shipping companies have to rely on the navies of their flag states for protection. The 10 largest flag states for shipping are:

    Panama, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malta, Bahamas, China, Greece, Japan

    Hong Kong is now China. But there is still an independent shipping tax haven there. The shipping companies avoiding taxes in western countries does not deserve protection from the same countries.

    They can get a return of the tax money by letting the mentionee countries send their navies. Greece is a NATO country, so NATO can participate to some degree with support to the flag state navies.

    *Guess this was a popular opinion.


    creator of sex

    3 Nå er det klart: Blir Norges nye ambassadør i USA og forlater Stortinget

    Tidligere utenriksminister Anniken Huitfeldt (Ap) vil om kort tid utnevnes til Norges nye ambassadør til Washington D.C.

    Nå er det klart: Blir Norges nye ambassadør i USA og forlater Stortinget

    Sak bak betalingsmur. Eller bare ikke bak betalingsmur med

    >Publisert: 18.02.2024 17:52 | Oppdatert: 18.02.2024 19:17

    >Dette vil skje i Kongen i statsråd 1. mars, får Aftenposten opplyst fra kilder med kjennskap til prosessen.

    >Huitfeldt vil da fratre som stortingsrepresentant og innplasseres inntil videre i sikkerhetspolitisk avdeling i UD, får Aftenposten opplyst.

    >Dagens ambassadør til USA, Anniken Krutnes, skal etter planen gå av i august. Ventet på godkjennelse

    >Allerede i januar ble det kjent at regjeringen ønsker Anniken Huitfeldt som ambassadør i USA. Å være Norges ambassadør i Washington D.C. regnes som den kanskje aller mest prestisjetunge ambassadørposten i utenrikstjenesten.

    >UD ventet da kun på diplomatisk godkjennelse, en såkalt agrement, fra amerikanerne, meldte flere medier.

    >Nå har amerikanere svart, og agrementet er på plass. Omstridt valg

    >Huitfeldt er i dag stortingsrepresentant for Akershus og må dermed få fritak for dette vervet. Grunnloven fastslår at ansatte i utenrikstjenesten ikke kan stille til valg.

    >Det er svært uvanlig at stortingsrepresentanter fritas fra tillitsvervet som folkevalgt på Stortinget for å bli ambassadør. Det har skjedd fire ganger tidligere.

    >Regjeringens valg av Huitfeldt som ny ambassadør er allerede omstridt. Utnevnelsen er møtt med kritikk fra blant andre Frp-leder Sylvi Listhaug og stortingsrepresentant Bård Ludvig Thorheim fra Høyre.

    >Dagens Næringsliv omtalte rett før jul at utenriksminister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) og deretter statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre har hatt en prat med stortingspresident Masud Gharahkhani (Ap). Ifølge avisen advarte Gharahkhani advarte mot å utnevne Huitfeldt. Begrunnelsen var ikke at hun måtte fritas fra vervet på Stortinget.

    >Gharahkhani viste i stedet til alle sakene om habilitet i fjor.

    >Huitfeldt var blant dem. Hun måtte gå av som utenriksminister i oktober i fjor. Huitfeldts ektemann handlet som kjent aksjer mens hun var statsråd. Det førte til at Huitfeldt trolig var inhabil i flere saker hun behandlet.

    >En del av Støres begrunnelse for vrakingen var tilliten til politikerne.


    Pirat-TV øker kraftig – Norge på vei mot toppen Pirat-TV øker kraftig - Norge på vei mot toppen

    Nesten 900.000 nordmenn innrømmer å ha lastet ned piratkopier. Ifølge eksperten er dette flere enn da The Pirate Bay hadde sin storhetstid.

    Pirat-TV øker kraftig - Norge på vei mot toppen

    Lemmy er et ganske hett sted for personer som ønsker å konservere media fra destruksjon av rettighetsholdere.

    Tydelig at statsmedia ikke evner å underholde befolkningen med sitt beskjedne budsjett.

    3 Vil skrote regnbuegater: – Helt dust

    Vil skrote regnbuegater: – Helt dust

    Vil skrote regnbuegater: – Helt dust

    En ganske interessant artikkel der ideologi og rasjonalitet kræsjer front mot front.

    Svarene fra Pride-forkjempere leses som om det er "Astroturfing" ment til å sette hele bevegelsen i dårlig lys. Argumentet om at pridegatene skal bestå til det skjer en dødsulykke er rimelig hysterisk egentlig.

    Folk skal få elske den de elsker. Men utforming av infrastruktur må være universell og forutsigbar. Jeg ser ikke for meg at andre organisasjoner skal få dekorere så fritt som Pride organisasjoner gjør.

    Ready or Not Crampon

    I'm having a good time with the game.

    Despite all the frustration people are having with v1.0 I must say I actually enjoy it. I play with a couple of friends and we make steady progress.

    Lurking on Reddit makes it seem the game is some impossible mess. I'm pretty sure it's mostly a skill issue. Sometimes the AI is a bit crazy, but it's much easier to defend a place than attack it. It makes sense the AI has the upper hand in many situations.

    I see some tweaking can be done to make them more willing to surrender though.

    Overall I enjoy the difficulty the game has. Getting dunked when not approaching a challenge the right way is fine.


    What she did made her sad. But it left her no other choice.


    The playground was poorly maintained.
