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Christ Redeemed Sins and Saves Souls

Posts 4
Comments 3
What was your best and worst experience on Reddit?
  • My best experience was help with learning python. The community was great then and a lot of helpful people.

    My worst experience was opening up about my sexual abuse that happened to me from the ages of 4 to 14 by my grandfather and brother who is 9 years older than me. Because of the subs rules I had to leave a lot of stuff out. People didn't believe me and started attacking me and calling me a lair when I was just looking for some support after cutting my family off. I had another post but it was on a FB group called tell someone. There I could post all the details. I had to dm all the people attacking me and calling me a liar that FB post. They felt horrible afterwards which wasn't my attention, but thet saw the truth then. It was really discouraging at a time when I didn't have a lot of support from family or friends.

  • Stupid question, How to upload pictures on ?
  • One issue I found with posting a picture was the size was to big, but I didn't get that as an error. I compressed the image size from 20mb to 3mb and then it posted the picture fine.

  • Cats CROSSS

    Window blinds don't survive in this house.

    Minecraft CROSSS

    I built the Prydwen from Fallout 4 back on my old 1.17 realm.

    Where's everybody from?
  • Florida man here.

  • What did the Spartacus say when the lion ate his wife?

    What did the Spartacus say when the lion ate his wife?

    Nothing he was gladiator
