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BroBot9000 BroBot9000
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Spirituality: The Enemy of Veganism
  • Except we need to hold even spirituality to some measurable degree of sanity.

    What if someone truly believes that they need to kill someone or a group of people because of their beliefs, that’s not permissible. It’s not rational or logical to let religious beliefs be a free card to do whatever shit they want.

    Religion is a fucking cult.

  • Why don't you...
  • Honestly I would argue that the quality of film and television stories has plummeted in the last 15 years to the point of them being a shallow husk that has been gutted by marketing and greed in the film industry.

    Most films nowadays are glorified celebrity commercials with more product placements and wanky pop references than story beats.

    Being directly in control of the main character puts you in a position to be more immersed in the world and more invested in the characters and story.

    Not that the game industry is perfect but it has more going on than just the grids games. That’s the gaming industry’s greed. Live service games are a plague and the artificial padding is designed to sell you their micropayment currency. It’s a scam.

    There are tons and tons of highly diverse games for many different skill levels nowadays that will introduce modern gaming concepts slowly and build up a players skill level. Not like the nes and arcade days of them wanting your quarters and making impossible to beat games.

    If you need some recommendations on games with an impactful story or that give you an experience impossible with movies I can highly recommend these:

    Journey, Outer Wilds, Spec Ops the line, Toem, Unravel, Kena bridge of Spirits, Night in the woods, Hifi rush, Donut County, Firewatch, The unfinished swan, Jusant, Gone Home, Venba, Dordogne, Hollow Knight, Knights and Bikes, Gorgoa, FAR: lone sails, a short hike, shadow of the colossus, bioshock, Spiritfarer

  • Spirituality: The Enemy of Veganism
  • “Spiritual awakening” you mean joined a cult. Smh

  • Why don't you...
  • Always struck me as hypocritical that watching movies was always put on a pedestal as if sitting around for 2 hours mindlessly consuming the latest Tom Cruise flick is any more productive than playing a video game. At least there is brain activity involved with gaming.

  • When Movie Stars Become Brands [59:25]
  • Really great video!

    If you want to watch something similar I highly recommend:

  • How and Why to Connect Threads to the Fediverse—including Mastodon
  • Yeah fuck that noise.

    Go tell Threads users to join mastodon instead! 😂

  • Racial justice, free speech groups join fight against potential TikTok ban
  • It’s called a subscription feed that’s chronological and not letting whatever algorithm is analyzing you to sell off your data dictate what you watch.

  • Racial justice, free speech groups join fight against potential TikTok ban
  • I don’t enjoy scrolling a stupid algorithm that’s designed to rot away attention spans, all while harvesting as much data about you as possible to sell off.

    I enjoy curating my content and getting a feed of nothing but my subscriptions in chronological order. That’s apparently too fucking difficult or not “engaging” enough to make people addicted to scrolling.

  • This intensifies for me when I'm stuck on a boss for a while
  • That’s forced honour. You also can’t have 6 people who take turns with the others watching and cheering on like in Dark Souls 3.

  • LEGO Star Wars 75398 C-3PO 25th anniversary set revealed
  • Yay microplastics and consumerism!

    Hope they make a 12 foot baby yoda next.

  • Racial justice, free speech groups join fight against potential TikTok ban
  • Arguably not. Especially if you like watching things for longer than a minute and without the most cringy dancing imaginable.

    It’s also a known adhd black hole and misinformation haven.

  • Mac 'n Caprese
  • Someone watched you suck at cooking.

  • This intensifies for me when I'm stuck on a boss for a while
  • Had one sweaty player invade me that tried and I fucking kid you not 7 different one shot methods instead of just fighting me normally.

    Remember how in Dark souls 3 there were pvp fight clubs where everyone would bow and properly fight instead of spamming aoe magic and running away for miles trying to find an enemy to hide behind.

  • Hi-Fi Rush - Vandeley Island
  • Highly recommend checking the game out but don’t buy it. 🏴‍☠️

    Fuck Bethesda for closing the studio.

  • Finished vacation stitch
  • Love it!

    Katamari is so underrated! What a fun fever dream of a game.

  • is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital?
  • Fuck those kinds of people.

    You don’t owe them anything that you aren’t comfortable doing OP.

  • Shinchan aging like a fine rule

    This is supposed to be the "republican" character and his dialogue has aged like fine wine. Some things aren't even as crazy as the current party


    Linux distribution for gaming and media centre.

    Heya! I’m looking to install Linux for the first time on parts from my old pc builds to use as a media centre and multiplayer gaming system in my living room. Something with as clean as possible interface with room for customization would be cool. Oh and support for my old nvidia gpu.

    I’m also looking for general tips and advice for beginners if anyone has some to share.


    No endurance rule

    Just a friendly reminder that a mediocre product lasted longer than their hateful beliefs.


    Where on the globe would you best be able to sail a very large ship without being detected?

    I’m working on a indie video game that’s set on a large ship and I’m looking to have it be a very hidden and elusive boat. (Speaking vaguely to avoid spoilers)

    Where could it possibly be sailing through to avoid detection? Like no radars, land signals, etc..

    There are slight sci fi elements that could explain it avoiding detection but want to make the location as believable as possible.

    I’m not very familiar with oceans and the technology behind detecting vessels. Would love to be pointed in the right direction if anyone is knowledgeable.

    Edit: Oh damn, this got a much bigger response than I expected. Thanks so much for all the awesome suggestions!

    Edit2: Wow you guys have fantastic ideas! Just to clarify this is a real game project and not a joke or a cover for gold smugglers 😂

    I am leaving hits and teases in my replies. Partially to have fun and build the world a little but also maybe get a bit of a community game going with a bread trail to follow. 😉🤫


    Xcellent Xecution

    Had a friend send me a link on signal to the now supposedly named X and couldn’t help but chuckle at the absolute incompetence and banality that this rebranding has been.

    “Ya, sure Musky. It’s totally not twitter anymore🙄”

    What an absolute twat.


    Potato cannibals Wip (OC)

    Working on blocking out my first large portfolio scene in blender! 
I had this idea to do a series of images of various vegetables cannibalising themselves. Sort of a social commentary on things nowadays. 
 In this one potatoes are gorging themselves on French fries, only to be dragged off once large enough to themselves become fries! #deep 😂 
 What do you think of it? 
Will probably work on the potatoes or the deep fryer next.


    Is this old enough for ya?

    Anyone remember these?

    I had a fun time bugging my sister named Charlie when these first came out. Can still do a pretty decent impression of them saying Charlie.

    Maybe I should give her a call… 🤣


    (OC) Handsome Beanward welcomes you to Lemmy

    Made in Blender 3d and lots of love for this new site. Really digging the vibe over here in Lemmy.
