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BZBrainz B.Z. Brainz :rainbowinfinity:

AuDHD. :rainbowinfinity: NeuroQueer. Creative.

Posts 4
Comments 1

Tis the season when communal meals stop being texturally sound for me. Chief offenders being stuffing, mashed potatoes, and creative liberties taking with jello…

Tis the season when communal meals stop being texturally sound for me. Chief offenders being stuffing, mashed potatoes, and creative liberties taking with jello… \#autistic #actuallyautistic #autist #audhd #food @actuallyautistic @audhd


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@audhd @actuallyautistic My brain picked a motto this week as I applied for a temporary out-of-state job and considered formalizing the first draft of my next workbook. I don’t know where I heard it from, but I’ve been telling myself, “DO BIG BRAVE THINGS.” My rigid need for sameness is always at odds with a restless desire for adventure. #actuallyautistic #audhd #adhd #autism #autisticadult


( ( ( Sometimes a listener will respond to my disclosure of

@actuallyautistic @audhd @Adhdinos Sometimes a listener will respond to my disclosure of #AuDHD with hostility because we share traits. This is not about me and does not reflect on me—it’s about them being confronted with something about themselves and their negative beliefs about #neurodivergence. #ADHD #autism #autistic #actuallyautistic



@writers @audhd @actuallyautistic When you’re an independent author, you are your own marketing team! And my marketing team forgot to post my weekly Late-Idenified #AuDHD: A Starter Workbook post.

I asked my marketing team to make a plan for next week. When no satisfactory plan could be found due to #executivedysfunction a fortune cookie was consulted. “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.” #silly #indieauthor #adhd #autistic #autism #actuallyautistic

Parenting a Neurodivergent child
  • @TechyDad @neamhsplach I hear many stories of parents discovering their own #neurodivergence through trying to protect, help, and advocate for their children’s (or other family member’s) needs. You are not alone. @actuallyautistic @audhd @Adhdinos #actuallyautistic #autism