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Agamemnon Agamemnon

Just another redditfugee. Maybe I'll infodump a little more about me later... depends on how things develop here. !

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More ND-awareness creatures

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Toby Allen made one for a lot of Neuro-types and -conditions. (beware, some are a lot less cute than these two)

I like his Autism Monster more than the TBH-Creature. More cute and fluffy - more complex style. Too bad that means it is much less meme-able.

And the ADHD-Monster is okay, too.

What do you think?

xkcd #2823: Fossil
  • If 8 trilobites hang out together, would they make a trilobyte?

  • Alexithymia is very common among people with autism
  • Shows that those psych-whatever-ists knew drat about the (ancient) greek language, because 'word' would be 'logos' and 'alexi' is actually a greek surname of ancient decent, that would mean 'defender'. The ancient greeks would never have named the condition that way! My impression is that various Freudians and Anti-Freudians converged on the term in the early-mid-20th century as a means to make themselves sound smarter than any of them really were.

    Source: As someone named Alexander, I just finally felt vaguely offended enough by the term to start digging a little deeper:

    And also, nothing about the condition as described by modern sources ever made any sense to me - which after reading the article I linked, wasn't even a surprise to me anymore. Sorry, rant over.

    TL,DR: It's another piece of etymologic fallout from a historic shitslinging match between researchers and practitioners, but one that didn't get resolved conclusively. Because brains ...

  • NASA moon orbiter spots crash site of Russia's failed Luna-25 lander (photos)
  • I am sure Wikipedia has a list...–Early_21st_century_uncrewed_crash_landings

    Aaand right. I think I remember a couple spent rocket stages and debris hitting it that isn't listed, but there shouldn't be much more that would classify as a 'vehicle'.

  • [restoration request] Anderlitschka Wire Factory

    Imgur Album link

    A picture of the plant my great great grandfather had built up. Located in Moravia, Czechia. This is how it looked before it got bombed in WWII. The original was an oilpainting - and also lost.

    I wanted to rescue this picure for quite a while now, because it is a rare document of personal significance, but I lack the skills and now also the time to actually do it.

    The picture is a scan (I just threw the maximum resolution at it and corrected contrast a little) of a magazine reproduction (only blackwhite) of a postcard showing the original painting. It accumulated a lot of losses of quality in the process of being a copy of a copy of a copy, so I included an annotated version with the imgur album.

    I consider color to be a lost cause here, but if you want to try your hand at colorizing, go for it. What I would really like fixed is the halftone pattern, the paper damage and the letters that rubbed off from another magazine. (The company logo must stay)

    Originally I wanted to do it myself, so I didn't plan a budget (and was advised against putting a number here), but I will award xx.-€ for the best result posted before Dec. 23rd 2023.

    Good luck.

    Yes, a Pigeon is Faster for Data Transfer than Gigabit Fiber Internet
  • Haha, in some parts of germany you can do that yourself. on foot. with a zipdisk.

  • It’s the song that never ends
  • Yep, that's a mood.

  • [Helpful Resource] How Abuse Mars the Lives of Autistic People
  • seeing it capitalized in the post title didn't help. 😆

  • [Helpful Resource] How Abuse Mars the Lives of Autistic People
  • Yeah... I had to read that 5 times before I brained it correctly.

  • Moderator team grows by 100% all at once.

    Welcome I'm back on my BS 🤪

    Since we all have to sleep and work from time to time, having an additional set of eyes on our spaces is a good idea. Thus BS and I have exchanged mod status for here and c/Autism.

    Uuuuh, no idea what else to say... Go on and DHD the Au some more, I guess. ♾️ 😄

    Welcome our new mod, Agamemnon
  • Hi. Thanks for the welcoming.

    I'll be mostly hanging back, though. Only acting on reports and illegal content attacks. It's an emergency lifeline that is good to have set up before an emergency happens.

  • How do y’all deal with dating?
  • Even though I am aware of sounding incredibly cliché and cringe: The more you try to force it, the less success you'll have. Forget personality types. Forget 'effort'. People seem to instinctlively know when you're not having a good time or when you're outside your comfort zone. So have a good time first, and look for a mate second.

    (Also, I am aromantic, so my sack of advice is probably worth only the sack)

  • What quote from a movie is instabtly recognisable?
  • "Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherfucker!"

  • For those of use that found out we were autistic as adults, how did you find out? What caused you to consider that you were autistic? What confirmed it?
  • Long story that played out over months... Went to the doctors with depressive episode. Got diagnosed burnout. But from what??? So... I dug into researching psychology. Turns out, I inherited the family 'tism and could trace anecdotal evidence back 4 generations. Nobody ever bothered to investigate before. Presented my findings to my therapist and her reaction after listening to it all was (paraphrasing) "You didn't KNOW?".

    So, yeah... No 'officially on paper' official diagnosis yet. I don't plan on getting one, because it turns out, the main cause of my problems isn't Autism, it's ADHD on top (that one got official a few months later), but now I am doing better with that under control and unlearning all the masking I did.

  • Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice
  • Neither namedropping nor virtue signalling nor spreading misinformation is okay.

  • Lemmyshitpost community closed until further notice
  • Speculating:

    Restricting posting from accounts that don't meet some adjustable criteria. Like account age, comment count, prior moderation action, average comment length (upvote quota maybe not, because not all instances use it)

    Automatic hash comparison of uploaded images with database of registered illegal content.

  • ADHDog
  • From what I understand, effectiveness is not guaranteed for any of the currently available meds. I won't disclose which one at this time, as I don't think it would be helpful to do so. I can only relay from my assessor, who explained to me that if a med is working, you will definitely notice the difference.

    If you experience a problem with medication (like: it seems to you to not be working) you'll have to take it to your doctor irregardless. Maybe you can make your case and get a different dose or a different substance. Maybe you need to get a second opinion from another doctor. Maybe you need to switch doctors altogether. That last option can be a hard decision to make, but that is one that online people can actually help - if you provide some context information. If you don't want to do that and just read up on other people's experiences, I suggest you go over to c/ADHD, because they are around a little longer and you'll have a bigger chance of finding answers there.

    Best of luck. 👋

  • ADHDog
  • Oh, you're right. This one only has a signature. I don't know for sure, but I'll edit it in.

  • ADHDog
  • 😟

  • ADHDog
  • Valid, too, of course.

    I am speaking from the perspective of a late-diagnosed adult. With kids and teenagers it is difficult to gauge the cause of mental health problems as well as the effectiveness of treatment. You better find a doctor that knows what they're doing... Sorry yours didn't - not all of them do, unfortunately.

  • Wrong kind of dungeon
  • Sorry, no idea who made this. I would also like to know, but all matches led me back to this post.

  • ADHDog

    This one speaks to me on multiple levels.

    It's a reason I dropped my scepticism of medication and went to get a diagnosis and subsequent prescription. I am glad I did - and that it worked first try. (It's not guaranteed anything would, depending on unknown factors and probably autism also influences the effectiveness)

    I can confirm: At first, it really feels that way. But now, half a year later, it balanced out a little and I am only medium fast. Still - much improvement compared to before.

    (Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, do not mistake for such)

    edit: Artist, I believe, is Toivo Kaartinen, creator of Foxes in love

  • We can end the comments right here.

  • EU Commission allocates $1.3 billion to tackle mental health 'silent epidemic'

    The European Commission said on Wednesday it would allocate 1.23 billion euros ($1.3 billion) to mental health initiatives across the 27-member European Union and make mental health a pillar of health policy.

    EU Commission allocates $1.3 billion to tackle mental health 'silent epidemic'

    As an experiment: Just some good news...

    Notice: Metacomment following.

    I wasn't planning to make this Sublemmy be just about memes of the more-or-less relatable kind. Relevant news, external links, helpful videos, or just text posts about personal experiences (list incomplete) are all allowed, too. It's just that it turned out this way, because I am more comfortable with initiating conversation with memes...

    Maybe I should have made that more clear... Maybe I should write up an official modpost and ask for feedback... For now, I encourage you to share your opinion informally - I would like to know where you (the awesome readers and commenters) want me to go next.


    Medieval attitude

    "No, I don't really want to discuss the sword right now."


    All or nothing

    I can relate... If it is worth doing, it must be done 100% right, first try, zero margin for error, no rehearsals, no practise round.

    Like rocket science!

    (Except I know that's not how rocket science is done, either, but somehow that thought refuses to sink in)



    Still looking for a good word describing that strange mental state you'll find yourself in when you know how to mask almost perfectly, but just learned that you can't keep that up any longer, because that was the thing that almost crushed you.


    Grey shirt award

    I'm not sure if I would be honored or offended.
