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online resource for Trek meme creators

This probably sounds ridiculous, but I gotta say it out loud anyway because it's been driving me bananas for the past few days. I want to create an information resource specifically for Star Trek meme creators. I haven't been able to get it out of my head, so I think I gotta just build it already.

What would this site even have on it, you ask? Off the top of my head, I'm thinking the contents would consist of: the list of official Trek fonts for all shows (already in progress), links to screencap sites, links to the few Trek meme generators that are out there, software recommendations by platform, maybe a few guides here and there. Basically, all the stuff that would make it possible or easier to make your own Trek memes. Most of us here already have our own workflow set up just the way we want it, but not everybody does, and I'm also thinking a resource like this could help lower the barrier to entry a little.

I write code and documentation for a living, so it's kinda in my wheelhouse. It would be a fun thing to do on the side, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a platform and host already in mind.

But I'm wondering if this would actually be used? And would anyone here be interested in contributing?


"Hoshi" means star, what other Star Trek character names have these interesting trek related meanings.

^Source: ^


The power vacuum left after the destruction of Romulus

With the dwindled population and organization of the Romulan Star Empire near the end of the 24th century, who will step up as the next big player? The Federation generally expands by diplomacy and comradery. The Klingons have had time since their civil war to get their shit together. The Orion Syndicate typically stays on the outskirts, but the opportunity is there. The Dominion had been a non-player since the treaty, but then who actually expects them to ignore the situation? The Borg as we know them in that time period are gone. (Insert new faction/random Delta Quadrant race) appears to mix things up. I'm not familiar with any Beta Canon or STO lore, so if any of this gets addressed, I'm curious to hear of it.


Loose threads: The Earth duplicate planet from TOS episode Miri

Season 1 episode 8 (IMDB), episode 9 (Paramount), or episode 11 (Memory Alpha). Anyway, we get a complete copy of Earth, the failed longevity experiment, bonk bonk, and Kirk wrenching a kid off a desktop. Beyond that, no explanation surrounding AN EXACT COPY OF EARTH! Zero, zip, zilch, nada.

Side query: What's considered the "official" episode breakdown?


How is the absence of drones in TOS accounted for?

The DOT-7 drones appear in the early seasons of DISCO in the mid 23rd century. I know, modern show serving as a prequel to TOS puts things out of whack. However, they are canon.