Happy 30th birthday, DOOM. I'm grateful to have been a part of this incredible team. Thank you for playing our games, and thank you for keeping DOOM alive, all these many years.
When I was 12 in 1994 I typed my friend's phone number into the dial up peer-to-peer option Doom offered and played a game online for the first time. This definitely stuck with me as one of those "this is going to change things" moments
In high school, we wasted time in the computer lab playing Doom. We didn't know what a "null modem cable" was, but a bunch of us had one and knew we needed one to play multiplayer Doom.
Since all the games of that era now have laughably out-of-date tech, the fact that Daikatana did at the time doesn't stand out so much. Played through it again a couple of years ago; it's more janky-but-interesting than the disaster that you'd believe from its reputation - has some good bits in amongst the mostly-okay.
The Gameboy Color version of Daikatana, which is a top-down JRPG instead? That is genuinely a good fun game. Think JR has it for free download on his home page? Easy to get, anyway.