Most popular songs from Subspace Rhapsody
Most popular songs from Subspace Rhapsody /the-top-10-songs-from-subspace-rhapsody/

The most popular songs from Subspace Rhapsody, adding together Spotify and YouTube stats:
- Status Report
- We are One
- I'm the X
- I'm Ready
- How Would That Feel
- Keep Us Connected
- Private Conversation
- Connect To Your Truth
- Keeping Secrets
- Main Title (Subspace Rhapsody Version)
- Subspace End Credit Medley
Status Report ❤️
7 0 ReplyInteresting to know! Of course, I have to give my ranking as well!
My personal top 5 list:
- How Would That Feel
- I'm the X
- Keeping Secrets
- We Are One
- I'm Ready
A lot of the rest are good too, I just don't find myself listening to them as much!
5 0 ReplyMine are similar
- Status Report
- We Are One
- I’m Ready
- Private Conversation
- Keep Us Connected
- I’m The X
- Connect To Your Truth
- How Would That Feel
- Keeping Secrets
Medley and Credits are both wonderful, but to me, including them would not be in the spirit of the rankings.
2 0 Reply- I'm ready
- Keep Us Connected
- Private Conversation
2 0 ReplyJumping on the personal top 5 bandwagon:
- Keep Us Connected
- We are One
- How Would That Feel
- Status Report
- The TOS end credit theme (Not on the soundtrack, but it’s played right after We Are One, when everyone celebrates the McGuffin being fixed.)
2 0 ReplyI hang out at my local game store once a week. I've timed the following playlist to fit the commute!
- Status Report
- How Would That Feel
- I’m Ready
- I’m the X
- We are One
- Subspace End Credit Medley
2 0 ReplyIn no particular order:
- i'm the X
- status report
- keep us connected
- I'm ready
- status report
1 0 Reply
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